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  • Passage Four
    Thediscovery of a dwarfed(矮个子)"humanbeing"who lived in Flores,Indonesia,up to 18,000 years ago is changingthe way we think about the human family.This"Flores Human"was threefoot tall and her brain was smaller than that of the average chimp(黑猩猩),yet she and her relatives apparently lived fully human lives.They seem to have made tools,worked together to find food and cook it,andperhaps even burried their dead with ceremony.
    It was a major surprise to find tools associated with the newhuman family member.The tools are like those formerly seen only with Europeanfossils(化石)from our own species;Homo sapiens(智人);and the oldest of them were made 9,400 years ago.Homo sapiens isthought to have arrived in the island about 4,000 years ago,much too late tobe responsible for the tools.If this tiny human made the tools,then theinside structure(结构)of its brain must have been morelike our own than a chimp′s,despite being just a third the size of ours.
    This"new human"was suspected to be a dwarfed branch ofHomo erectus(直立人,).When creatures are separated in regionswith rare resources but few enemies,being big is a disadvantage,and evolutiontends to shrink them,a process known as island dwarfing.Could naturalselection make a human smaller while keeping--even improving--mental ability?Quite possibly,believes Christopher Wills of the University of California.
    Has the"Flores Human"even shown the ability oflanguage?"I find it difficult to imagine that people could make tools,use fire,and kill large animals without fairly advanced communication,"Wills says.Did"Flores Human"possess the basic components of humanculture--such as the burying of the dead with ceremony?Emiliano Bruner of theItalian Institute points out that Indonesia′s hot,wet environment is bad forfossilization.It is reasonable to assume,he says,that the 18,000-year-oldbones of the most complete Flores woman were well-preserved because she wasburied with special care.
    This passage mainly talks about__
    A.the tools made by"FloresHuman"
    B.the language used by"FloresHuman"
    C.the evolution of"FloresHuman"
    D.the major surprising findings about"Flores Human"
  • Passage Four
    Thediscovery of a dwarfed(矮个子)"humanbeing"who lived in Flores,Indonesia,up to 18,000 years ago is changingthe way we think about the human family.This"Flores Human"was threefoot tall and her brain was smaller than that of the average chimp(黑猩猩),yet she and her relatives apparently lived fully human lives.They seem to have made tools,worked together to find food and cook it,andperhaps even burried their dead with ceremony.
    It was a major surprise to find tools associated with the newhuman family member.The tools are like those formerly seen only with Europeanfossils(化石)from our own species;Homo sapiens(智人);and the oldest of them were made 9,400 years ago.Homo sapiens isthought to have arrived in the island about 4,000 years ago,much too late tobe responsible for the tools.If this tiny human made the tools,then theinside structure(结构)of its brain must have been morelike our own than a chimp′s,despite being just a third the size of ours.
    This"new human"was suspected to be a dwarfed branch ofHomo erectus(直立人,).When creatures are separated in regionswith rare resources but few enemies,being big is a disadvantage,and evolutiontends to shrink them,a process known as island dwarfing.Could naturalselection make a human smaller while keeping--even improving--mental ability?Quite possibly,believes Christopher Wills of the University of California.
    Has the"Flores Human"even shown the ability oflanguage?"I find it difficult to imagine that people could make tools,use fire,and kill large animals without fairly advanced communication,"Wills says.Did"Flores Human"possess the basic components of humanculture--such as the burying of the dead with ceremony?Emiliano Bruner of theItalian Institute points out that Indonesia′s hot,wet environment is bad forfossilization.It is reasonable to assume,he says,that the 18,000-year-oldbones of the most complete Flores woman were well-preserved because she wasburied with special care.
    According to the passage,"Flores Human"__
    A.lived a partly human life
    B.was a branch of Homo sapiens
    C.used tools before Homo sapiens arrived
    D.had a brain as large as a commonchimp's
  • 阅读。


      四个盲人很想知道大象是什么样子,可他们看不见,只好用手摸。胖盲人先摸到了大象的牙齿。他就说:“我知道了,大象就像一个又大、又粗、又光滑的大萝卜。”高个子盲人摸到的是大象的耳朵。“不对,不对,大象明明是一把大蒲扇嘛!”他大叫起来。“你们净瞎说,大象只是根大柱子。”原来矮个子盲人摸到了大象的腿。而那位年老的盲人呢,却嘟囔:“唉,大象哪有那么大,它只不过是一根草绳。”四个盲人争吵不休,都说自己摸到的才是大象真正的样子。而实际上呢?他们一个也没说对。1.短文共有()句话。2.四个人摸到的分别是大象的___\_、____\_、____\_、________。3.填空。一()萝卜  一()蒲扇  一()柱子  一()草绳4.选择正确的答案在后面打“√”。(1)这个故事告诉我们大象的样子像萝卜。()(2)这个故事告诉我们大象的样子像蒲扇。()(3)这个故事告诉我们大象的样子像柱子。()(4)这个故事告诉我们大象的样子像草绳。()(5)他们一个也没说对。()

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