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The word conservation has a thrifty (节俭)meaning. To conserve is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment. Our forefathers had no idea that human population would increase faster than the supplies of raw materials; most of them, even until very recently, had the foolish idea that the treasures were “limitless” and “inexhaustible”. Most of the citizens of earlier generations knew little or nothing about the complicated and delicate system that runs all through nature, and which means that, as in a living body, an unhealthy condition of one part will sooner or later be harmful to all the others.Fifty years ago nature study was not part of the school work; scientific forestry was a new idea; timber was still cheap because it could be brought in any quantity from distant woodlands, soil destruction and river floods were not national problems; nobody had yet studied long-terms climatic cycles in relation to proper land use; even the word “conservation” had nothing of the meaning that it has for us today.For the sake of ourselves and those who will come after us, we must now set about repairing the mistakes of our forefathers. Conservation should, therefore, be made a part of everyone’s daily life. To know about the water table (水位)in the ground is just as important to us as a knowledge of the basic arithmetic formulas. We need to know why all watersheds (上游源头森林地带集水区)need to the protection of plant life and why the running current of streams and rivers must be made to yield their full benefit to the soil before they finally escape to the sea. We need to be taught the duty of planting trees as well as of cutting them. We need to know the importance of big, mature trees, because living space for most of man’s fellow creatures on this planet is figured out only in square measure of surface but also in cubit volume above the earth. In brief, it should be our goal to restore as much of the original beauty of nature as we can.1.The author’s attitude towards the current situation in the exploitation of natural resources is( ) .2.According to the author, the greatest mistake of our forefathers was that( ) .3.It can be inferred from the third paragraph that earlier generations didn’t realize( ) .4.To avoid correcting the mistake of our forefathers, the author suggests that ( ).5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.positive B.neutral C.suspicious D.critical
A.they had no idea about scientific forestry B.they had little or no sense of environmental protection C.they were not aware of the significance of nature study D.they had no idea of how to make good use of raw materials
A.the interdependence of water, soil, and living things B.the importance of the proper use of land C.the harmfulness of soil destruction and river floods D.the value of the beauty of nature
A.we plant more trees B.natural science be taught to everybody C.environmental education be directed toward everyone D.we return to nature
A.Our Forefathers’ Big Mistake B.Improve the Living Conditions C.Protection of Our Resources D.Lead a Simple Life

相关标签: 集水区  

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  • (四十四)  【给定资料】  1.巴黎有着世界上最大的城市下水道系统。这个处在城市地面以下50米的世界,从1850年开始修建,前后花了一个多世纪才完工。  1851年,工程师欧仁尼·贝尔格兰为巴黎下水道系统的发展、清除和维修建立了一套完整的技术。他发明了清除下水道垃圾和沉沙的机械,利用流水的冲刷效应将垃圾集中到定点以便清除;在小下水道中,他还设计了蓄水池,以增强冲刷力,避免下水道堵塞。到了1878年,巴黎已经拥有长达600公里的下水道网。  一战以后,城市人口增长对城市的“消化能力”提出更高要求。于是,巴黎的工程师们又开始新一轮扩容改造工程:修建4条直径为4米、总长为34公里的排水渠,以便通过净化站对废水进行处理,处理过的水一部分排到郊外或流入塞纳河;另一部分则通过非饮用水管道循环使用,洗刷城市街面。二战结束后,巴黎市政府又进一步扩建了这一系统,使每家每户的厕所都直接与其相连。到1999年,巴黎完成了对城市废水和雨水的100%完全处理。  经过不断完善,今天的巴黎下水道总长2347公里,约2.6万个下水道盖、6000多个地下蓄水池。清淤系统配备了电脑控制,还有专门针对雨季塞纳河水的“涨水站”以及安全阀,以及用于下大雨时保证排水效果的路边下水道等。每天,超过1.5万立方米的城市污水都通过这条古老的下水道排出市区。有意思的是,巴黎下水道还是一处观光旅游点,1867年巴黎承办世博会期间就开始向游客开放,陆续有外国元首来这座地下迷宫取经。位于塞纳河阿尔玛桥畔的巴黎下水道博物馆,如今每年客流量超过10万人。  巴黎有1300多名专业工人来维护下水道,包括清扫坑道、修理管道,寻找、抢救掉进或迷失在下水道中的人,用水淹的方式灭鼠,监管净化站等,还有一项重要的工作就是寻找各类遗失物品,包括犯罪凶器和人们不小心掉落在排水道里的贵重物品。据说,每年工作人员都会接到大约3000个这类求助电话,而寻找到失物的几率高达80%。  这样的市政工程,虽然初期投资巨大,后期使用过程中却节省了大量的人力和物力。百年工程,惠及今日。在多雨季节,巴黎人畅行无阻,地铁通道上不会挂“瀑布”,车子也不会变成“潜水艇”。  2.1964年4月,日本成立了“下水道协会”,主旨是对下水道系统作全面评估,统一下水道建设以及排污标准,将老化的管道更新换代。1970年,日本召开“公害国会”,会上政府大幅修改了《下水道法》,明确规定了下水道建设目的,并决定每年投入大量国家预算用作污水收集和处理的建设及运营。日本首都东京的地下排水标准是“五至十年一遇”,最大的下水道直径在12米左右。  东京的雨水有两种渠道可以疏通:靠近河渠地域的雨水一般会通过各种建筑的排水管,以及路边的排水口直接流入雨水蓄积排放管道,最终通过大支流排入大海;其余地域的雨水,会随着每栋建筑的排水系统进入公共排雨管,再随下水道系统的净水排放管道流入公共水域。东京下水道的每一个检查井都有一个8位数编号,知道编号就能便于维修人员迅速定位。  为了保证排水道的畅通,东京下水道局规定,一些不溶于水的洗手间垃圾不允许直接排到下水道,而要先通过垃圾分类系统进行处理。此外,烹饪产生的油污也不允许直接导入下水道中,因为油污除了会造成邻近的下水道口恶臭外,还会腐蚀排水管道。下水道局甚至配备了专门介绍健康料理的网页和教室,向市民介绍少油、健康的食谱。  3.美国在城市防涝方面采取立法与工程举措并重的手段。  美国早已有强制性防城市内涝的法律,其多个州均立法规定,城市新开发区域必须实行强制的“就地滞洪蓄水”,并制定了详尽的城市内涝防范、治理措施以及问责手段。如科罗拉多州、佛罗里达州和宾夕法尼亚州分别制定了《雨水利用条例》。这些条例规定新开发区的暴雨洪水洪峰流量不能超过开发前的水平,所有新开发区必须实行强制的“就地滞洪蓄水”。以芝加哥为代表,美国鼓励兴建地下隧道蓄水系统,以解决城市防洪和雨水利用问题。其他很多城市还建立了屋顶蓄水和由入渗池、井、草地、透水地面组成的地表回灌系统。  荷兰鹿特丹市位于海平面以下,经常面临海水倒灌的威胁,同时城区洼地众多,排涝压力颇大。为有效应对这种情况,鹿特丹开创了其独有的“水广场”防涝及雨水利用系统。水广场顺地势而建,由形状、大小和高度各不相同的水池组成,水池间有渠相连。平时是市民娱乐休闲的广场;暴雨来临,就变成一个防涝系统。由于雨水流向地势更低洼的水广场,街道上就不会有积水。所有水池布成一张循环网络,雨量大时,从大水池中分流到沟渠,雨量小时,水又回流入大水池。雨水不仅可在水池间循环流动,还能被抽取储存为淡水资源。  荷兰气候环境保护署专家阿瑙德·莫伦纳称,为有效疏解剧增的地表水,鹿特丹结合都市空间开发大量空旷广场、人行道与停车场空间,这些地方平时为公用设施,大雨到来时就变成储水空间。这就是其独特的“水广场”概念的由来。除上述国家以外,英国、丹麦、新加坡以及印度等国家在城市防涝方面也都以注重雨水的有效收集和利用而成为可资借鉴的目标。  4.前几年广东、广西等国内城市出现强降雨导致主城区被淹后,很多人提及了另一个城市青岛,尽管也是雨水频袭,却几乎没有内涝。而它的地下排水系统,是100多年前德国人占领青岛时修建的,共铺设雨水管道29.97公里,污水管道41.07公里,雨污合流管道9.28公里,总长度约为80公里。  青岛的德建排水管道从横断面来看,高约80厘米,上半部分呈半圆形,直径较大,简单地以水泥抹面,能在水量比较大的时候确保过水面积。下半部分呈“V”字形,约1/2高度的部分贴了白色瓷瓦,确保了污水在流量比较小的情况下依然能够保持比较高的流速,光滑的瓷瓦能确保污物垃圾不会被毛刺挂住,减少了堵塞冒溢的可能。上大下小的蛋形结构,还可以让管道拥有尽可能大的承压能力。  德国人从1899年开始在青岛铺设的地下管网,至1905年青岛市欧人居住区排水管道铺设已具规模,并最早实现雨污分流。排水管道中的雨水斗带有反水阀,这样一来雨水冲刷的脏物只能进入雨水斗,而不会进入管道,因此不会造成管道堵塞——管道堵塞越少,排水井冒溢就越少——脏物也便于清理。德式管网不仅设计细致,管材质量也好。雨、污水井盖不仅有符号表明,还有大小之分。直到今天,黑色的管道井盖依然铮亮,没一点锈迹。  而地处章、贡两江交汇之处的赣州在辖区内降水近百毫米时,市区也没有出现明显内涝。这是因为赣州有一套先进而科学的城市排水系统。而这一套先进的城市排水系统却是建造于几百年之前的北宋人刘彝之手。赣州的这套排水系统沿用古名叫“福寿沟”,全长12.6公里,直到今天,福寿沟仍承载着赣州近10万旧城区居民的排污功能。  福寿沟呈砖拱结构,沟顶分布着铜钱状的排水孔。据测量,现存排水孔最大处宽1米、深1.6米;最小处宽、深各0.6米,与志书上记载基本一致。福寿沟利用城市地形的高差,采用自然流向的办法,使城市的雨水、污水自然排入江中。逢雨季,江水上涨超过出水口,也会出现江水倒灌入城的情况。于是,刘彝又根据水力学原理,在出水口处,“造水窗十二,视水消长而后闭之,水患顿息”。同时,还将福寿沟与城内的水塘相连,起到发挥调蓄的作用。水塘增加了城市暴雨时的雨水调节容量,以此减少街道淹没的面积和时间。  专家评价,以现在集水区域人口的雨水和污水处理量,即使再增加三四倍流量都可以应付,也不会发生内涝,“古人的前瞻性真令人赞叹”。  5.曾有学者呼吁政府和公众应重视排水管网事业,“现在总有人说巴黎模式好,说德国人在青岛修的排水系统好,那是因为人家城市设计建设的理念就是百年大计”,“如果说当时我们的经济条件有限,那么我们现在经济发达,技术也不落后,我们有必要给百年以后的城市留点什么”。应对城市内涝,除了运用工程的一只手,还要把生态的一只手加上去。中山大学地理科学与规划学院教授、广州市规划院前总规划师袁奇峰说:“现在的异常天气越来越多,所以城市的应对方案应该更加高明。”所谓生态的手,是目前国际城市的普遍做法,即在城市中融入生态基础设施,用来应对突变和突发的情况,弹性非常好,原理类似于管理水库。  以往,农田、绿地有滞水和蓄水的功能,雨水落地后通过土壤的吸收、蒸发或通过地下水进入河流。但随着城市硬质化程度的不断加深,大量绿地、湿地、水塘消失了,雨水难以自行排除,90%的雨水要靠排水管网排走。  而生态基础设施在一定程度上重建了雨水自排的过程。袁奇峰举例,比如在蓄水池的旁边配上一个备用的排水站,没有必要把管子修得很粗,必要的时候还可以解决问题,投资比管网改造要少得多。或者是在设计城市景观的时候,加入这些生态基础设施的考虑,增加公园等绿地的滞水蓄水功能。  “我们目前最需要做的是一整套生态基础设施的研究及建设,为城市配备一套防灾减灾的防护体系。”袁奇峰说,相比对排水管网的大修大调,这才是高明的做法。  鉴于此前教训,广州已经在生态基础设施方面有所行动。近日,华南理工大学一位给排水专家透露,广州将很快出台《广州雨水规划(2008~2020年)》,将“增加绿地,减少雨水径流”写入规划,未来在人行道、广场等地区要采用透水砖,屋面人工湿地使雨水回用,例如选择滞洪区、低洼地做蓄水景观。同时,广州的排水系统防洪排涝标准也有待完善,并争取提到五年一遇的标准。  【问题】  根据“给定资料1~5”提到的外国以及我国部分城市先进的排水经验,请结合我国实际情况,提出适合我国国情的排水治理的具体措施。  要求:措施得当,具有针对性;分条作答,300字左右。

  • The word conservation has a thrifty (节俭)meaning. To conserve is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment. Our forefathers had no idea that human population would increase faster than the supplies of raw materials; most of them, even until very recently, had the foolish idea that the treasures were “limitless” and “inexhaustible”. Most of the citizens of earlier generations knew little or nothing about the complicated and delicate system that runs all through nature, and which means that, as in a living body, an unhealthy condition of one part will sooner or later be harmful to all the others.Fifty years ago nature study was not part of the school work; scientific forestry was a new idea; timber was still cheap because it could be brought in any quantity from distant woodlands, soil destruction and river floods were not national problems; nobody had yet studied long-terms climatic cycles in relation to proper land use; even the word “conservation” had nothing of the meaning that it has for us today.For the sake of ourselves and those who will come after us, we must now set about repairing the mistakes of our forefathers. Conservation should, therefore, be made a part of everyone’s daily life. To know about the water table (水位)in the ground is just as important to us as a knowledge of the basic arithmetic formulas. We need to know why all watersheds (上游源头森林地带集水区)need to the protection of plant life and why the running current of streams and rivers must be made to yield their full benefit to the soil before they finally escape to the sea. We need to be taught the duty of planting trees as well as of cutting them. We need to know the importance of big, mature trees, because living space for most of man’s fellow creatures on this planet is figured out only in square measure of surface but also in cubit volume above the earth. In brief, it should be our goal to restore as much of the original beauty of nature as we can.1.The author’s attitude towards the current situation in the exploitation of natural resources is( ) .2.According to the author, the greatest mistake of our forefathers was that( ) .3.It can be inferred from the third paragraph that earlier generations didn’t realize( ) .4.To avoid correcting the mistake of our forefathers, the author suggests that ( ).5.What’s the best title for the passage?

    A.positive B.neutral C.suspicious D.critical
    A.they had no idea about scientific forestry B.they had little or no sense of environmental protection C.they were not aware of the significance of nature study D.they had no idea of how to make good use of raw materials
    A.the interdependence of water, soil, and living things B.the importance of the proper use of land C.the harmfulness of soil destruction and river floods D.the value of the beauty of nature
    A.we plant more trees B.natural science be taught to everybody C.environmental education be directed toward everyone D.we return to nature
    A.Our Forefathers’ Big Mistake B.Improve the Living Conditions C.Protection of Our Resources D.Lead a Simple Life
  • Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.The word conservation has a thrifty (节俭) meaning. To conserve is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment. Our forefathers had no idea that human population would increase faster than the supplies of raw materials; most of them, even until very recently, had the foolish idea that the treasures were “limitless” and “inexhaustible”. Most of the citizens of earlier generations knew little or nothing about the complicated and delicate system that runs all through nature, and which means that, as in a living body, an unhealthy condition of one part will sooner or later be harmful to all the others.

    Fifty years ago nature study was not part of the school work; scientific forestry was a new idea; timber was still cheap because it could be brought in any quantity from distant woodlands; soil destruction and river floods were not national problems; nobody had yet studied long-terms climatic cycles in relation to proper land use; even the word “conservation” had nothing of the meaning that it has for us today.

    For the sake of ourselves and those who will come after us, we must now set about repairing the mistakes of our forefathers. Conservation should, therefore, be made a part of everyone’s daily life. To know about the water table (水位) in the ground is just as important to us as a knowledge of the basic arithmetic formulas. We need to know why all watersheds (上游源头森林地带集水区) need the protection of plant life and why the running current of streams and rivers must be made to yield their full benefit to the soil before they finally escape to the sea. We need to be taught the duty of planting trees as well as of cutting them. We need to know the importance of big, mature trees, because living space for most of man’s fellow creatures on this planet is figured not only in square measure of surface but also in cubic volume above the earth. In brief, it should be our goal to restore as much of the original beauty of nature as we can.

    第26题:The author’s attitude towards the current situation in the exploitation of natural resources is ________.

    A) positive

    B) neutral

    C) suspicious

    D) critical

  • b河长度比a河短,但水量远大于a河,下列有关其原因的解释错误的是()





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