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I have heard both teachers and students______ well of him.
A.to speak B.spokenC.to have spoken D.speak

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  • 根据以下材料,回答题In a telephone survey of more than 2,000adults,21% said they believed the sun revolved (旋转) around the earth. An 51 7% did not know which revolvedaround 52. I have no doubt that 53 all of these people were 54 inschool that the earth revolves around the sun: 55 may even have written it 56 a test. But they never 57 their incorrect mental models ofplanetary(行星的) 58 because their everydayobservations didn′t support 59 their teachers told them: People seethe sun "moving" 60 the sky as morning turns to night, and theearth seems stationary(静止的) 61 that ishappening.Students can learn the right answers 62 heart in class, and yet never combinedthem 63 their working models of the world.The objectively correct answer the professor accepts and the 64 personal understanding of the world can 65 side by side, each unaffected bythe other.Outside of class, the students like to seethe 66 model because it has always worked well 67 that circumstance. Unless professorsaddress 68 errors in students′ personal models of the world, studentsare not 69 to replace them with 70 one.
    A.learned B.suggested C.taught D.advised
  • This programme will examine the writer′s booksin detail, ______ an introduction to her life.
    A.following B.having followedC.being followed D.to be followed
  • Until then, his family ______ from himfor six months.
    A.didn't hear B.hasn't been hearingC.hasn't heard D.hadn't heard
  • This experiment ought to ______ lastweek.
    A.be done B.have been doneC.have done D.do
  • We love peace, yet we are not the kindof people to yield ______ any military threat.
    A.up B.to C.in D.at
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