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根据以下材料,回答The American Revolution was not arevolution in the sense of a radical or total change. It was not a sudden andviolent overturning of the political and social framework, such as lateroccurred in France and Russia, when both were already independent nations.Significant changes were ushered in, but they were not breathtaking. Whathappened was accelerated evolution rather than outright revolution. During theconflict itself people went on working and praying, marrying and playing. Mostof them were not seriously disturbed by the actual fighting, and many of themore isolated communities scarcely knew that a war was on.America′s War of Independence heralded thebirth of three modem nations. One was Canada, which received its first largeinflux of English-speaking population from the thousands of loyalists who fledthere from the United States. Another was Australia, which became a penalcolony now that America was no longer available for prisoners and debtors. Thethird new comer--the United States--based itself squarely on republican principles.Yet even the political overturn was not asrevolutionary as one might suppose. In some states, notable Connecticut andRhode Island, the war largely ratified a colonial self-rule alreadyexisting.British officials, everywhere ousted, were replaced by a home-growngoverning class, which promptly sought a local substitute for king andParliament. In the first paragraph, whatdoes the author suggest about the French and Russian Revolution?
A.They were explosive and abrupt.B.They were ineffective.C.They involved only those people livingin urban_areas.D.They led to the release of all politicalprisoners.

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  • 根据以下材料,回答The American Revolution was not arevolution in the sense of a radical or total change. It was not a sudden andviolent overturning of the political and social framework, such as lateroccurred in France and Russia, when both were already independent nations.Significant changes were ushered in, but they were not breathtaking. Whathappened was accelerated evolution rather than outright revolution. During theconflict itself people went on working and praying, marrying and playing. Mostof them were not seriously disturbed by the actual fighting, and many of themore isolated communities scarcely knew that a war was on.America′s War of Independence heralded thebirth of three modem nations. One was Canada, which received its first largeinflux of English-speaking population from the thousands of loyalists who fledthere from the United States. Another was Australia, which became a penalcolony now that America was no longer available for prisoners and debtors. Thethird new comer--the United States--based itself squarely on republican principles.Yet even the political overturn was not asrevolutionary as one might suppose. In some states, notable Connecticut andRhode Island, the war largely ratified a colonial self-rule alreadyexisting.British officials, everywhere ousted, were replaced by a home-growngoverning class, which promptly sought a local substitute for king andParliament.What does the author mean by "people went on working andpraying, marrying and playing" in Paragraph 1?
    A.People had enough leisure time then.B.More people got married than divorced.C.Life went on as usual.D.The war created new jobs.
  • 根据以下材料,回答There are two types of people in thisworld: those who regularly wash their office coffee cup. And those who only takeit off their desk to cover up the coffee mark at the bottom with a fresh pour, drivingaway their shame with the reasoning that the heat must kill the bacteria orspine thing.Depending on which type of person you are,this will be either mildly annoying or more-than-mildly exciting. As HeidiMitchell wrote in a recent Wall Street Journal column, it′ s fine to never washyour cup, as long as you′ re not sharing it with anybody else.There are two warnings to that statement,infectious-disease expert Jeffrey Strake, a professor at Baylor College ofMedicine, told Mitchell; One, it only applies if you′re not sharing the cupwith anybody else. And two, if you leave cream or sugar in your cup over theweekend, that can certainly cause mold(霉) to grow--in which case, wash it out.Otherwise, though, there′s not really muchto worry about. "If I went and cultured the average unwashed coffee cup,of course I would find bacteria." Starke said. "But remember the vastmajority came from the person who used the cup." Even if you drink from itwhile sick, it′s pretty hard to re-infect yourself with the same cup; mostviruses don′t live long outside the body, which means that just letting yourcup live in its own dirt may be a safer bet than the alternative; cleaning it withthe disgusting sponge (海绵) in theoffice kitchen "The sponge in the break room probably has the highestbacteria count of anything in the office." Starke said if the idea of notwashing horrifies you, just stick the sponge in the microwave before using.Otherwise, though, reel free to continue your lazy ways without guilt.What does the underlined part"your lazy ways" refer to?
    A.Leaving your coffee cup unwashed.B.Sticking the sponge in the microwaveC.Using Paper cups only in the officeD.Cleaning your coffee cup with sponge.
  • 根据以下材料,回答There are two types of people in thisworld: those who regularly wash their office coffee cup. And those who only takeit off their desk to cover up the coffee mark at the bottom with a fresh pour, drivingaway their shame with the reasoning that the heat must kill the bacteria orspine thing.Depending on which type of person you are,this will be either mildly annoying or more-than-mildly exciting. As HeidiMitchell wrote in a recent Wall Street Journal column, it′ s fine to never washyour cup, as long as you′ re not sharing it with anybody else.There are two warnings to that statement,infectious-disease expert Jeffrey Strake, a professor at Baylor College ofMedicine, told Mitchell; One, it only applies if you′re not sharing the cupwith anybody else. And two, if you leave cream or sugar in your cup over theweekend, that can certainly cause mold(霉) to grow--in which case, wash it out.Otherwise, though, there′s not really muchto worry about. "If I went and cultured the average unwashed coffee cup,of course I would find bacteria." Starke said. "But remember the vastmajority came from the person who used the cup." Even if you drink from itwhile sick, it′s pretty hard to re-infect yourself with the same cup; mostviruses don′t live long outside the body, which means that just letting yourcup live in its own dirt may be a safer bet than the alternative; cleaning it withthe disgusting sponge (海绵) in theoffice kitchen "The sponge in the break room probably has the highestbacteria count of anything in the office." Starke said if the idea of notwashing horrifies you, just stick the sponge in the microwave before using.Otherwise, though, reel free to continue your lazy ways without guilt.What do we know from Stark′s words?
    A.The coffee cup in the office must be putin the microwave to clean.B.It's easy to get infected if you oftenuse the same unwashed cup.C.The coffee cup shouldn't be shared inthe office.D.It' s good way to grow bacteria in anunwashed cup.
  • 根据以下材料,回答There are two types of people in thisworld: those who regularly wash their office coffee cup. And those who only takeit off their desk to cover up the coffee mark at the bottom with a fresh pour, drivingaway their shame with the reasoning that the heat must kill the bacteria orspine thing.Depending on which type of person you are,this will be either mildly annoying or more-than-mildly exciting. As HeidiMitchell wrote in a recent Wall Street Journal column, it′ s fine to never washyour cup, as long as you′ re not sharing it with anybody else.There are two warnings to that statement,infectious-disease expert Jeffrey Strake, a professor at Baylor College ofMedicine, told Mitchell; One, it only applies if you′re not sharing the cupwith anybody else. And two, if you leave cream or sugar in your cup over theweekend, that can certainly cause mold(霉) to grow--in which case, wash it out.Otherwise, though, there′s not really muchto worry about. "If I went and cultured the average unwashed coffee cup,of course I would find bacteria." Starke said. "But remember the vastmajority came from the person who used the cup." Even if you drink from itwhile sick, it′s pretty hard to re-infect yourself with the same cup; mostviruses don′t live long outside the body, which means that just letting yourcup live in its own dirt may be a safer bet than the alternative; cleaning it withthe disgusting sponge (海绵) in theoffice kitchen "The sponge in the break room probably has the highestbacteria count of anything in the office." Starke said if the idea of notwashing horrifies you, just stick the sponge in the microwave before using.Otherwise, though, reel free to continue your lazy ways without guilt.What does the passage intend totell us?
    A.It is harmful to drink coffee withsugar.B.It' s okay not to wash your coffee cupregularly.C.The hot water contributes to the bacteriagrowing.D.Drinking from unwashed coffee cupscauses diseases easily.
  • 根据以下材料,回答The American Revolution was not arevolution in the sense of a radical or total change. It was not a sudden andviolent overturning of the political and social framework, such as lateroccurred in France and Russia, when both were already independent nations.Significant changes were ushered in, but they were not breathtaking. Whathappened was accelerated evolution rather than outright revolution. During theconflict itself people went on working and praying, marrying and playing. Mostof them were not seriously disturbed by the actual fighting, and many of themore isolated communities scarcely knew that a war was on.America′s War of Independence heralded thebirth of three modem nations. One was Canada, which received its first largeinflux of English-speaking population from the thousands of loyalists who fledthere from the United States. Another was Australia, which became a penalcolony now that America was no longer available for prisoners and debtors. Thethird new comer--the United States--based itself squarely on republican principles.Yet even the political overturn was not asrevolutionary as one might suppose. In some states, notable Connecticut andRhode Island, the war largely ratified a colonial self-rule alreadyexisting.British officials, everywhere ousted, were replaced by a home-growngoverning class, which promptly sought a local substitute for king andParliament.Which of the following would be thebest title for the passage?
    A.The United States: An Isolated CommunityB.Surprising Events During the AmericanRevolutionC.Canada and the American War ofIndependenceD.The American Revolution: Evolution NotRevolution
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