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案例:  阅读下面的学生习作,完成下题。    守住文化最后的净土  ①众所周知,一个民族用以区分其他民族的最显著的特点不是武器,不是权势,而是语言,是我们从开口说话到死亡一直都不能割舍的母语。  ②以前很不理解,明明都是说英语,为什么还偏偏要分出一个英式英语,一个美式英语呢?大都是同一种语言,干嘛还要创造一些彼此不能互相理解的词来增加沟通的难度呢?  ③直到我渐渐长大,便开始懂了,甚至还有些同情那些美国语句。可能你会问,不论在哪一个方面都是居世界先列的超级大国的美国有什么值得同情的呢?但我认为,美国虽然有钱,却也贫瘠得很。说得夸张一点,就是除了钱,穷得什么都没有了。他们没有文化,没有语言,虽然强大,却没有自己的历史。说到这里,我想你应该理解美国人非要创造出一个美式英语的道理了吧!  ④对,那就是因为他们没有母语。对于当年那一批来到美国的英国人来说,他们早已不是英国人了。在远离了那个地方后,再也不能以英国人自居,自然也不能再说那里的语言了。所以他们选择了美式英语。独立,不仅仅是一场战争,一个宣言。独立,更是一种符号,一种语言。所以,在我看来,美国真正的独立是从美式英语开始的。  ⑤在我的认识中,文化一直就是一种混乱不清的理念,我们口口声声说要守住中国的根,守住中华怏怏大国几千年的文化,可是该怎么守?  ⑥我还记得早几年,爸爸的一个好朋友偕妻女回大陆,他很早就去了香港,并在那里成家立业。他的女儿与我年纪相仿,却始终不曾开口说话。某一次,我听见她和她爸爸的对话,纯正的英语让我很是羡慕。事后,我跟爸爸说了自己的看法,爸爸却说了句我当时听不懂的话,他说"她已经不是中国人了"。  ⑦直到过了很久的今天,我才明白爸爸那句话的含义,一个连国语都不会说的人,注定是一个回不了家的游子,俳徊走四方,却找不到根的感觉,很是可怜的。  ⑧母语是民族文化的载体,是民族自下而上发展之根,是文化最后的净土。我们可以抑制肯德基,可以忘掉怎么拿筷子,但要记住,不要忘记母语,不要忘记--我是中国人。  ⑨守住母语,守住文化最后的净土,守住华夏之根。  问题:1.请从第⑤⑦段中找出两个错别字,从第⑧段中找出一处病句,并分别进行改正。2.假如你是这位学生的语文老师,请认真阅读以上学生的习作并为其写一段有理有据的点评。

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  • 请阅读  Passage 1, 完成第 21~25小题oPassage 1Europe is not a gender-equality heaven.  In particular, the corporate workplace willnever be completely family-friendly until women are part of senior managementdecisions, and Europe ' s top corporate-governance positions remain overwhelminglymale.  Indeed, women hold only 14 percentof positions on European corporate boards. The Europe Union is now consideringlegislation to compel corporate boards to maintain a certain proportion ofwomen-up to 60 percent.  This proposedmandate was born of frustration.  Last year,Europe Commission Vice President Viviane Reding issued a call to voluntaryaction.  Reding invited corporations tosign up for gender balance goal of 40 percent female board membership.  But her appeal was considered a failure: only24 companies took it up. Do we need quotas to ensure that women cancontinue to climb the corporate ladder fairly as they balance work and family?"Personally, I don't likequotas," Reding said recently.  "But I like what the quotas do. "Quotas get action: they "open the way to equality and they break throughthe glass ceiling," according to Reding, a result seen in France and othercountries with legally binding provisions on placing women in top businesspositions. I understand Reding's reluctance-and herfrustration.  I don't like quotas either;they run counter to my belief in meritocracy, governance by the capable.  But, when one considers the obstacles toachieving the meritocratic ideal, it does look as if a fairer world must betemporarily ordered. After all, four decades of evidence has nowshown that corporations in Europe as well as the US are evading themeritocratic hiring and promotion of women to top positions-no matter how much   "soft pressure" is put upon them.  When women do break through to the summit ofcorporate power-as, for example, Sheryl Sandberg recently did at Facebook-theyattract massive attention precisely because they remain the exception to therule. Ifappropriate pubic policies were in place to help all women-whether CEOs ortheir children's caregivers-and all families, Sandberg would be no morenewsworthy than any other highly capable person living in a more just society.The European Union's intended legislation is

    A、a reflection of gender balance

    B、a reluctant choice

    C、a response to Reding's call

    D、a voluntary action

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