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听力原文: The economic costs of noise to society are several. Airports are currently operating at less capacity because of noise regulations which restrict their hours of operation.For instance, at Washington's National Airport jet traffic is not allowed from 11 pm to 7 am. Other airports restrict the use of certain runways.One estimate is that noise restrictions reduce possible airport use by 20 percent.The profitable cargo trade is especially affected by night restrictions

In the case of airports,jet engines may be modified to reduce their noise level.One estimate is that $5.7 billion would be required to equip all existing jet engines with noise control devices.However, even taking this step will not reduce noise levels at a11 points to acceptable values.some combination of methods is probably necessary.

If all aircraft were made quieter by existing methods, there would be a number of economic benefits.An increase in airport capacity would occur. Property values near airports might rise.Transportation costs to and from airports could be reduced since the airports now could be located closer to population centers.

Much research still needs to be done on the economic aspects of noise reduction and noise effects, Although some of the effects of noise pollution are known,more must be discovered about its effects on health, productivity,property values and the quality of life.Furthermore,the cost of noise pollution to the economy as a whole needs to be investigated.The public must be alerted to the dangers and economic costs of noise pollution so that people may make intelligent choices and exert appropriate pressures.


A.It is extremely dangerous to fly in the dark.

B.Noise regulations restrict the hours of airport operation.

C.Some of its runways are not in good condition.

D.Cargo planes produce more disturbing noises at night.

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  • According to the passage, anthropologists believe that human beings ________.

    A.have some traits in common

    B.are born with diverse cultures

    C.are born without a fixed nature

    D.change their characters as they grow up

  • She was very interested in the work of certain charities, and made a regular _______ to them.





  • What‘s the author‘s purpose of writing this passage? 查看材料

    A. To emphasize that gravity is essential for us.

    B. To explain what gravity is.

    C. To advocate environmental protection.

    D. To illustrate how gravity works.

  • As an excellent shooter, Peter practised aiming at both ________ targets and moving targets.

    A) standing

    B) stationary

    C) still

    D) stable

  • The ordinary family in colonial North America was primarily concerned with sheer physical survival and beyond that, is own economic prosperity. Thus, children were valued in terms of their productivity, and they assumed the role of producer quite early. Until they fulfilled this role, their position in the structure of the family was one of subordination and their psychological needs and capacities received little consideration. As the society became more complex, the status of children in the family and in the society became more important. In the complex, technological society that the United States has become, each member must fulfill a number of personal and occupational roles and be in constant contact with a great many other members. Consequently, viewing children as potentially acceptable and necessarily multifaceted members of society means that they are regarded more as people in their own right than as utilitarian organisms. This acceptance of children as equal participants in the contemporary family is reflected in the variety of statutes protecting the rights of children and in the social and public welfare programs devoted exclusively to their well-being. This new view of children and the increasing contact between the members of society has also resulted in a surge of interest in child-rearing techniques. People today spend a considerable portion of their time conferring on the proper way to bring up children. It is now possible to influence the details of the socialization of another person's child by spreading the gospel of current and fashionable theories and methods of child rearing. The socialization of the contemporary child in the United States is a two-way transaction between parent and child rather than a one-way, parent-to-child training program. As a consequence, socializing children and living with them over a long period time is for parents a mixture of pleasure, satisfaction, and problems.

    Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

    A.The Place of Children in United States Society

    B.The Children of Colonial North American

    C.The Development of Cultural Values

    D.The Child as a Utilitarian Organism

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