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  • 教学《中国建筑的特征》前,教师播放了一段《林黛玉进贾府》的影视作品视频,并对其中的建筑格局进行了简单补充描述,从而引导学生初步体会中国古代建筑平面布局的特点。下列对该教师教学行为的分析,不正确的一项是()。





  • 下列选项中不属于《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》中“统计与概率”领域学习内容的是(  )。





  • Passage1Do who choose to go on exotic,far-flung holidays deserve free health advice before they travel?And even if they pay,who ensures that they get good,up-to-date information?Who,for that matter,should collect that information in the first place?For a variety of reasons,travel medicine in Britain is a responsibility nobody wants.As a result,many travellers go abroad prepared to avoid serious disease.Why is travel medicine so unloved?Partly there's an identity problem. Because it takes an interest in anything that impinges on the health of travelers ,this emerging medical specialism invariably cuts across the traditional disciplines. It delves into everything from seasickness,jet lag and the hazards of camels to malaria and plague. But travel medicine has a more serious obstacle to overcome. Travel clinics are meant to tell people how to avoid ending up dead or in a hospital when they come home,but it is notoriously difficult to get anybody pay out money for keeping people healthy.Travel medicine has also been colonized by commercial interests; the vast majority of travel clinics in Britain are run by airlines or travel companies. And while travel concerns are happy to sell profitable injections, they may be less keen to spread bad news about travellers' diarrhea in Turkey, or to take time to spell out preventive measures travellers could take."The NHS finds it difficult to define travellers' health,"says Ron Behrens,"the only NHS consultant in travel and director of the travel clinic of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London."Should it come within the NHS or should it be paid for?"It's Gary area, and opinion is spilt. No one seems to have any responsibility for defining its role,"he says.To compound its low status in the medical hierarchy, travel medicine has to rely on statistics that are patchy at best. In most cases we just don't know how many Britons contract diseases when abroad. And even if a disease linked to travel there is rarely any information about where those afflicted went, what they are, how they behaved, or which vaccinations they had. This shortage of hard facts and figures makes it difficult to give detailed advice to people, information that might even save their lives.A recent leader in British Medical Journal argued."Travel medicine will emerge as credible disciplines only if the risks encountered by travellers and the relative benefits of public health interventions are well defined in terms of their relative occurrence, distribution and control."Exactly how much money is wasted by poor travel advice. The real figure is anybody's guess, but it could easily run into millions. Behrens gives one example. Britain spends more than £ 1 million each year just on cholera vaccines that often don't work and so give people a false sense of security."Information on the prevention and treatment of all forms of diarrhea would be a better priority," he says.What does the author mean by saying… but it is notoriously difficult to get anybody pay out money for keeping people healthy."(Para.2)?

    A、People don't pay attention to their health.

    B、Few people are willing to support travel medicine.

    C、Most travellers firmly believe that they will be safe.

    D、Health comes last compared with others.

  • 教学《失街亭》时,教师为了引导学生找到“破解马谡之‘急’的密码”,使用了下列两个教学补充材料,阅读并按要求答题。(材料一)马谡履历表 (1)出道,为刘备的败军煎茶熬汤,成功引荐自己。当时仅二十几岁。(2)公元223年,刘备白帝城留遗言告诫诸葛亮:马谡言过其实,不可大用。(3)公元223年,为诸葛亮献策,对孟获“但服其心足矣”,才有“七擒七纵”的历史佳话。得诸葛亮赏识,升为参军。(4)成功策划反间计,离间曹睿与司马懿君臣关系,愈得诸葛亮赏识。(5)公元229年,失街亭,被斩。时年39岁。(材料二)诸葛亮出征将领表前督部——魏延;前军都督——张翼;牙门将——王平;后军领兵使——李恢,副将——吕义;兼管运粮左军领兵使——马岱,副将——廖化;右军领兵使——马忠;行中军师——刘琰;中监军——邓芝;中参军——马谡;前、左、右、后将军——袁綝、吴懿、高翔、吴班;前、左、右、后护军——许允、丁咸、刘敏、官雝;行参军——胡济、阎晏、爨习;丞相令史——董厥;帐前左右护卫使——关兴、张苞。对上述材料的使用分析不恰当的是( )





  • 音乐课程教学的过程与方法主要包括体验、模仿、探究、()和综合五个方面。





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