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Homes could start been connected to the Internet through electrical outlets. (47) In this way, consumers and business may find easier to make cheaper telephone calls under new rules that the Federal Communications Commission began preparing on Thursday. (48) Taking together, the new rules could profoundly affect the architecture of the Internet and the services it provides. (49) They also have enormous implications for consumers, the telephone and energy industries, equipment manufacturers. Michael K. Powell, the F.C.C. chairman, and his two Republican colleagues on the five-member commission said that (50) a 4-to-1 vote on Thursday to allow a small company providing computer-to-computer phone connections to operate in different rules from ordinary phone companies, would ultimately transform. the telecommunications industry and the Internet. (51) "This is a reflecting of the commission's commitment to bring tomorrow's technology to consumers today." said Mr. Powell. He added that (52) the rules governing the new phone services sought to make them as wide available as email (53) and possibly much less expensive than traditional phones, and given their lower regulatory costs. At the same time, (54) once while the rules allowing delivery of the Internet through power lines are completed, (55) companies could provide consumers with the ability to plug their modems directly into wall sockets, just like they do with a toaster, or a desk lamp.


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  • 表面上,男人对妇女的能力所做的评论听起来似乎是令人开心的。人们每天都在重复讲述妇女驾驶员的陈腐笑话。这种表面上的开心,显然不能掩饰男人对女人的真正蔑视。无论男人对女人怎样嗤之以鼻,他们自我宣传的优越感并没有为统计资料所证明。

  • The Banking Act of 1933, known as the Glass-Steagall Act (葛斯法案), separated commercial banking and investment banking, where the latter refers specifically to issuing, underwriting, selling, or distributing stock or bond offerings of corporations.

    Commercial banks had become deeply involved in the sale and distribution of new stock and bond offerings in the 1920s, not always with happy results.

    There were suspicions that banks on occasion dumped new offerings into trust funds that they managed because they couldn't sell them to anyone else.To avoid such conflicts of interest, the Banking Act of 1933 divorced commercial from investment banking. Banks involved in both areas were forced to choose one or the other.

    Commercial banks were allowed to distribute new offerings of federal government securities and "full faith and credit" general obligations of state and local governments. 59. But Glass-Steagall provided that banks could not get involved in new offerings of corporate stocks or bonds or municipal revenue bonds.

    Revenue bonds differ from general municipal obligations in that they are not backed by the full taxing power of the state or local government; bondholders have a claim only on the revenues of a specific project being financed, such as a toll road or a state university dormitory. 60. The Act was also interpreted as meaning that commercial banks could not offer mutual funds, including money market mutual funds. Commercial banks believe they are being discriminated against by the provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act.


  • 实验室工作的惟一任务就是使学生养成初步的实验能力。要达到这一目的,最好的办法就是让学生在解决简单的实验问题中获得一些经验。

  • In this part, you are asked to write a composition entitled "My View on an Admission Interview for Ph. D Candidates" in no less than 200 words. Your composition should be based on the following outline given in Chinese. Put your composition on ANSWR SHEET 2.




  • 为什么要实行男女同校的教育呢?想一下下面的这个问题你就会明白了:假如有人叫你在全部由同性组成的社会里生活十二年的时间,你会有什么样的反应呢?至少可以这样说:你不会太乐意,除非你有点不正常。

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