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  • Energy use and air pollution have been synonymous in China for decades, especially in urban areas.【66】Fifteen or 20 years ago in China's northern cities, such as Shenyang, air pollution was characterized by decreased visibility caused by high levels of particulates and sulfur dioxide (SO2). Although conditions have improved in modern cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai, China still has three of the ten most polluted cities in the world and hundreds of cities that are not in compliance with the World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines.

    【67】More than 120 cities have populations of more than one million, and by the end of the twenty-first century, 10 to 20 cities will have populations of more than 10 million. Rapid urbanization will challenge governments at all levels, not only to provide basic services to growing urban populations, but also to modernize, to continue to develop economically, and to address environmental concerns, particularly air pollution, that result from rapid economic growth.

    Chinese planners now recognize that the choice of energy supply affects not only public health, but also land use, the environment, infrastructure, services, and economic growth.【68】Because China has an overabundance of coal and a scarcity of oil and gas, planners must continually balance the public good (i. e. , public health and quality of life) against the easy availability of polluting coal and the high cost of importing oil and natural gas. Fundamentally, the Chinese policy community must address ambient air quality concerns by integrating energy supply and use for all economic sectors--industrial, power generation, residential, commercial, and transportation.

    【69】The national averages for emissions of SO2 and particulate matter (PM) have decreased, mostly as a result of stepped up enforcement of existing standards by national, provincial, and municipal governments. However, because of the increase in vehicle pollution and the continued prevalence of fine-particle pollution, the government passed a second amendment in 2000 to the 1987 Law of Air Pollution Prevention and Control.【70】When the new law is fully implemented over the next decade, it will greatly strengthen environmental laws and standards.

    A. Thus, a secure, flexible, and varied energy-supply policy is critical to continued growth.

    B. The new legislation, which went into effect September 1, 2001, calls for the regulation of transportation, as well as residential and commercial energy use.

    C. In rural areas, air pollution is also common because a significant amount of industry that is highly dependent on coal is located in the countryside.

    D. China is undergoing urbanization and industrial development on an unprecedented scale.

    E. This may be because vehicles in Beijing tend to be new and have fairly efficient combustion systems.

    F. A good deal of progress has been made in China since the mid-1990s.


  • In this part, you are asked to write a composition entitled "My View on an Admission Interview for Ph. D Candidates" in no less than 200 words. Your composition should be based on the following outline given in Chinese. Put your composition on ANSWR SHEET 2.




  • The Banking Act of 1933, known as the Glass-Steagall Act (葛斯法案), separated commercial banking and investment banking, where the latter refers specifically to issuing, underwriting, selling, or distributing stock or bond offerings of corporations.

    Commercial banks had become deeply involved in the sale and distribution of new stock and bond offerings in the 1920s, not always with happy results.

    There were suspicions that banks on occasion dumped new offerings into trust funds that they managed because they couldn't sell them to anyone else.To avoid such conflicts of interest, the Banking Act of 1933 divorced commercial from investment banking. Banks involved in both areas were forced to choose one or the other.

    Commercial banks were allowed to distribute new offerings of federal government securities and "full faith and credit" general obligations of state and local governments. 59. But Glass-Steagall provided that banks could not get involved in new offerings of corporate stocks or bonds or municipal revenue bonds.

    Revenue bonds differ from general municipal obligations in that they are not backed by the full taxing power of the state or local government; bondholders have a claim only on the revenues of a specific project being financed, such as a toll road or a state university dormitory. 60. The Act was also interpreted as meaning that commercial banks could not offer mutual funds, including money market mutual funds. Commercial banks believe they are being discriminated against by the provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act.


  • 现代人是在陶醉于电视的状态中成长的。他们耽搁了吃饭,不做家务,牺牲了睡眠时间。电视是普天下的安静剂。母亲为了哄孩子们不哭闹,往往把他们往电视机前一放,而不管他们所看的电视节目的内容是什么——只要他们保持安静就行了。

  • In this part, you are required to write a composition entitled Which Is More Important, Degree or Ability in no less than 200 words. Your composition should be based on the following outline:




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