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根据1701年《王位继承法》,英国王位的继承者只能是( )。





相关标签: 新教徒   继承法   清教徒  

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  • 在中国,基督教新教徒对其所信奉之神译称为“上帝”,天主教则译作“天主”。



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  • 下列选项中,属于我国继承法基本原则的有(  )。
  • By the middle of the 18th century, many different kinds of Protestants (新教徒)lived to America. Although the Church of England was an established church in several colonies, Protestants lived side by side in relative harmony. Already they had begun to influence each other. The Great Awakening of the 1740s, a “revival” movement which sought to breathe new feeling and strength into religion cut across the lines of Protestant religious groups, or denominations.At the same time the works of John Locke were becoming known in America. John Locke reasoned that the right to govern comes from an agreement or “social contract” voluntarily entered into by free people. The Puritan experience in forming congregations made this idea seem natural to many Americans. Taking it out of the realm of social theory, they made it a reality and formed a nation.It was politics and not religion that most occupied Americans’ minds during the War of Independence and for years afterward. A few Americans were so influenced by the new science and new ideas of the Enlightenment in Europe that they became deists, believing that reason teaches that God exists but leaves man free to settle his own affairs.Many traditional Protestants and deists could agree, however, that, as the Declaration of Independence states,” all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights,” and that “the laws of Nature and Nature’s God” entitled them to form a new nation. Among the rights that the new nation guaranteed, as a political necessity in a religiously diverse society, was freedom of religion.The First Amendment (修正案)to the Constitution of the United States forbade new federal government to give special favors to any religion or to hinder the free practice, or otherwise of religion. The United States would have no state-supported religion in this way, those men who formulated the principal tenets of the newly established political system hoped to insure that diversity of religion belief should never become the source of social or political injustice or disaffection.The First Amendment insured that American government would not meddle in religious affairs or require any religious beliefs of its citizens. But did it mean that government would be religiously neutral, treating all religions alike?In some ways, the government supports all religions. Religious groups do not pay taxes to the United States Presidents and other political leaders often call on God to bless the American nation and people. Those whose religion forbids them to fight can perform other services instead of becoming soldiers. But government does not pay ministers salaries or require any belief-not even a belief in God - as a condition of holding public office. Oaths are administered, but those who, like Quakers, object to them, can make a solemn affirmation, or declaration, instead.The truth is that for some purposes government ignores religion and for other purposed it treats all religions alike at least as far as is practical. When disputes about the relationship between government and religion arise, American courts must settle them.1.What is the Great Awakening?2.What controlled Americans’ minds during the War of Independence?3.( ) entitled Americans to have the freedom of religion.4. In the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, it is stipulated that5.Which of the following is the proof that the government ignores religion in some ways?

    A.To cut across the lines of Protestant religious groups or denomination. B.A revival movement of seeking to breathe new feeling and strength into religion. C.To live side by side in relative harmony. D.To spread religious idea to other countries.
    A.Politics B.Religion C.Protestants D.Church
    A.The First Amendment B.The Constitution of the United States C.American Government D.The Declaration of Independence
    A.the government can entitle state-supported religion to enjoy some special rights B.the government cannot take any action to limit the practice of any religion C.the Unite
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