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The team members are _______ and helping each other out.

A going on ;

B getting along ;

C setting up

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  • SUCCESSFUL TEAM WORK AND TEAM BUILDING Team building skills are critical for your effectiveness as a manager or entrepreneur. And even if you are not in a management or leadership role yet, better understanding of team work can make you a more effective employee and give you an extra edge in your corporate office. Team building success is when your team can accomplish something much bigger and work more effectively than a group of the same individuals working on their own. There are two critical factors in building a high performance team. The first factor in team effectiveness is the diversity of skills and personalities. It means people use their strengths in full, but can compensate for each other's weaknesses. Or, different personality types balance and complement each other. The other critical element of team work success is that all the team efforts are directed towards the same clear goals, the team goals. This relies heavily on good communication in the team and harmony in member relationships. In real life, team work success rarely happens by itself if there are no focused team building efforts or activities. There is simply too much room for problems. For example, different personalities may build up conflicts. Or even worse, some people with similar personalities may start fighting for authority and dominance in certain areas of expertise. Even if the team goals are clear and accepted by everyone, there may be no team commitment to the group goals, or no consensus on the means of achieving those goals. There may be a lack of trust and openness which may block the critical communication and lead to loss of coordination in the individual efforts. This is why every team needs a good leader who is able to deal with all team work issues.

    1. Team building skills are not so critical if you are only an employee.()

    2. To form. a high performance team, you need many important factors.()

    3. A good team should have a diversity of personalities.()

    4. Team work success is quite common in practice.()

    5. To solve all the problems, you need a capable leader.()

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  • 测评为考评提供起点与背景;考评为测评提供实证与补充。()


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  • It is said about 4% of all businesses in the United States are franchisee-worked. ()




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