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According to the passage, the group with the highest AIDS rate is_________ .

A. the white Americans

B. African-American men

C. the American women

D. the black American women

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  • Debate is a valuable way to practise communicating. It can also bring long-lasting rewards,especially for people working with Western businesses. The main activity of debate is presenting one&39; s opinion and suppmting it with evidence,such as statistics or facts. It is a way of persuasive communication.

    Charles Lebeau helped create the "Discover Debate" method. He says debate is important to understanding how people communicate in Western business. Successful debaters learn how to give their opinkm,reasans and support. "What we are trying to do is to develop a kind of thinking or approach to discussion and how to interact (交流) with someone else&39; s opinion, rather than brush their opinion aside. "

    Debate skills are also important in selling a product, he says. In that situation, the judges are the customem. "So on Monday, for example, one company may come in and present their case to the customer and they" ll make as strong a ease as they can. On Tuesday, the next day, another company will come in and present their ease to the customer. Usually the party that can present the strongest case wins” Debate also strengthens critical thinking. In other words, it helps students learn to ask questionsand try to understand someone&39; s reasons and evidence.lift-.

    Lebeau points out that successful debaters learn to listen carefully to what other people are saying. Then, they look for the weak points in someone else&39; s opinion or argument. He says debate teaches a systematic way of questioning.

    Successful debaters also learn to think from someone else&39; s point of view. Mr. Lebeau says debate can help broaden the mind. "There&39; s an expression in English : don&39; t criticize another person before you have walked in their shoes. I think the wonderful thing about debate is, it puts us in another person&39; s shoes. "

    36. According to Paragraph 1 ,what is the purpose of debate?

    A.To bring long-lasting material rewards

    B.To present evidence such as statistics and facts

    C.To respond to questions in a systematic way

    D.To persuade people to accept your opinions

    Why is debate important.A.It helps people understand others better

    B.It allows people to present their opinions

    C.It develops one' s thinking and communicative competence

    D.It gives one the opportunity to brush others' opinion aside

    What does the underlined word "case" in Paragraph 3 refer to?A.Container




    What can debaters benefit from "walking in another person' s shoes" .A.Becoming more broad-minded

    B.Developing critical thinking

    C.Finding others' weak points

    D.Trying out others' methods


  • Directions According to the given information,you are required to write A Letter to a Friend in about 1OO words. The letter is required to be written on the Answer Sheet.


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  • 班主任的主要工作是维持班级的纪律。

  • What can ordinary city dwellers do if the current outdoor travel trend continues?

    A. They can do nothing but give up their outdoor travel.

    B. They would feel angry and protest against the ill-trend.

    C. The government and the industry may change their attitude.

    D. Fewer and fewer urban people will make their seasonal outdoor travel.

  • Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

    1. A water B porter C daughter D laughter

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