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A crater lake is at the tip of a ______.

A. mountain

B. ridge

C. island

D. volcano

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  • It was so cold that they kept the fire ______ all night.

    A. to burn

    B. burn

    C. burning

    D. burned

  • 湿哕音如发生在两肺底多见于()






  • Ⅲ. Cloze (30 points)

    Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are tour choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

    A new came as a surprise that an elderly woman died yesterday after (21) knocked down by a motorist who had made no (22) to brake (刹车) . A police officer asked the driver, a man of 69, to read the number-plate of a car parked (23) the opposite side of the road. The man said this was (24) , because it was foggy. In fact, it was a sunny day. After several attempts, even from a distance of two meters, the man (25) failed to read the number-plate (26) He said he had never needed (27) , though he had been (28) in a similar accident 29 .

    The question of fitness to (30) comes (31) every time some medical condition relates to an accident like this. Last week two motorists died (32) blackouts (瞬间昏厥) at the wheel, With these (33) in mind, it is not surprising that accident prevention organizations are trying to (34) the government to introduce stricter controls over (35) so that both drivers and people on the road will enjoy safety.

    21. A. being

    B. be

    C. had

    D. has

  • 睫状体()






  • Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

    A. Louis was famous for his discovery.

    B. Though his left arm and leg were disabled(残疾的), he worked even harder than before.

    C. In his childhood he made up his mind to become a doctor.

    D. His disabled left arm and leg had nothing to do with the mad dogs.

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