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Higher cognitive abilities may come with a pitfall-a susceptibility to judging people based on stereotypes.A new study from New York University l that highly intelligent people are quicker to learn stereotypes and base decisions off them.It may come down 2 someone's ability to detect and encode patterns.It's not all bad news 3,as these high-intelligence people are likely to quickly update and 4 their ideas on stereotypes when introduced to new information.For the study,1,257 individuals were shown a(n)5 0f computerized male faces that were paired with a description of past behavior,either positive or negative However,the researchers manipulated avatar faces 6 people with noses that were purposely wider were associated with negative traits,7.those with more narrow noses were associated with positive traits.8this,individuals were asked to complete a task in 9 they had to trust an individual online who was represented by an avatar face 10 those the volunteers were shown in the trait association task.Individuals who 11 higher on pattern detection,12 0f higher intelligence,were also more likely to associate wider noses with negative traits,and were 13 likely to trust wide-nosed avatars in the final task.Pattern detection is an essential part of human intelligence,and is one of the main features that helped our brains evolve 14 what they are today,but the skill has its limits."Finding that higher pattern detection ability 15 people at greater risk to detect and apply stereotypes,but also to reverse them,implicates this ability as a cognitive mechanism 16 stereotyping,"added co-author Jonathan Freeman in a statement.While stereotypes can be useful and a way to avoid danger,17 associating police officers with safety or gunmen with danger,there are pitfalls t0 18 people based on a generally held idea.Stereotypes cause you to judge people 19.knowing anything about them-we wouldn't want others to do that to us,20 why not afford them the same Courtesy 14选?

A、 fromB、 intoC、 underD、 over

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  • Text 4 Consuming high-quality plant foods such as whole grains,fruits,vegetables,nuts and legumes may substantially lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes,researchers including one of Indian-origin have claimed."This study highlights that even moderate dietary changes in the direction of a healthful plant-based diet can play a significant role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes,"said Ambika Satija from Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health in the US."These findings provide further evidence to support current dietary recommendations for chronic disease prevention,"she said.While previous studies have found links between vegetarian diets and improved health outcomes,including reduced risk of type 2 diabetes,this new study is the first to make distinctions between healthy plant-based diets and less healthy ones that include things like sweetened foods and beverages,which may be detrimental for health.The study also considered the effect of including some animal foods in the diet.Researchers followed more than 200,000 male and female health professionals in the US for more than 20 years who had regularly filled out questionnaires on their diet,lifestyle,medical history,and ncw disease diagnoses as part of three large long-term studies.They evaluated participants'diets using a plant-based diet index in which they assigned plant-derived foods higher scores and animal-derived foods lower scores.The study found that high adherence to a plant-based diet that was low in animal foods was associated with a 20 percent reduced risk of type 2 diabetes compared with low adherence to such a diet,researchers said.Eating a healthy version of a plant-based diet was linked with a 34 per cent lower diabetes risk,while a less healthy version-including foods such as refrned grains,potatoes,and sugar-sweetened beverages-was linked with a 16 per cent increased risk,they said.Even modestly lowering animal food consumption-for example,from 5-6 servings per day to about 4 servings per day-was linked with lower diabetes incidence,the study found."A shift to a dietary pattern higher in healthful plant-based foods,such as vegetables,fruits,whole grains,legumes,nuts,and seeds,and lower in animal-based foods,especially red and processed meats,can confer substantial health benefits in reducing risk of type 2 diabetes,"said Frank Hu from Harvard Chan School.Researchers suggest that healthful plant-based diets could be lowering type 2 diabetes risk because such diets are high in fiber,antioxidants,unsaturated fatty acids,and micronutrients such as magnesium,and are low in saturated fat.Healthy plant foods may also be contributing to a healthy gut microbiome,they saidThe study by Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health reveals that_____

    A、 people having type 2 diabetes should not eat grains but vegetablesB、 type 2 diabetes is difficult to be prevented and curedC、 vegetarians will not get chronic diseases like type 2 diabetesD、 taking more vegetables will reduce the risk oftype 2 diabetes
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  • I couldn't stop crying.Months oflate evenings and demanding travel had l my professional exterior.I tried to 2 my quarterly numbers while my colleagues squirmed(局促不安)in their seats,offered me a box oftissues,or just 3.My boss 4 ended the meeting.My colleagues quickly 5 the room.l was left 6 in the conference room,crumpled tissues in hand.For women,crying in a professional 7 is often seen as the kiss of death:"Stop crying!Someone will see you.""Quick,run to the ladies'room!"These are just two 8 0f similar wamings I've heard throughout my career.But it's not just me.Female friends and colleagues have told me they too have been told to 9 the waterworks.It's a familiar 10 for women who cry at work:Escape to bathroom.Grab toilet paper.Wipe eyes.Blow nose.Take deep breath and sashay back into the conference rooms,banquet halls,auditoriums and hallways.Act as ifwe really did just have to use the 11.If,however,we can't make a pre-tears escape,we're likely to 12 0ur tails between our legs:"I'm so sorry.""Don't worry,that will never happen again.""You're right,that was so unprofessional."Most of the women I spoke with about this 13 explain that to cry in front of colleagues,especially male peers or bosses,14 as one ofthe most humiliating professional experiences.But times and corporate culture are both changing.Could crying have a less negative feeling ifleaders 15 it as natural?16 gender,leaders need to be trained on how t0 17 crying as another form of emotional expression.The 18 from the top needs to be that no one will lose credibility or be seen as less competent if they cry.Rather,they will be viewed as being 19 while helping to create an even more 20 workplace culture.18选?

    A、 commandB、 messageC、 proposalD、 principle
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