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The American dream is not( )during the periods of productivity and wealth generated by American capitalism.

A.plausible B.patriotic C.primitive D.partial

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  • The majority of contemporary social anthropologists regard the distinction between “primitive” man and man in general as ( ), yet to the newcomer it must seem that their methods of research and the themes to which they devote most of their attention take this distinction for granted.

    A.congruous and compatible B.inscrutable and agnostic C.anachronistic and untenable D.appreciable and palpable
  • He wants to follow in his father’s footsteps to be a teacher because he regards teaching as an honorable ( ).

    A.calling B.task C.employment D.duty
  • Among all societies legal marriage is usually accompanied by some kind of ceremony that express group( )of the union.

    A.opinion B.consistency C.insistence D.approval
  • It ( )how unleashing domestic demand in surplus countries can support strong global growth as deficit countries increase savings and repair balance sheets damaged by the crisis.

    A.sets on B.sets in C.sets over D.sets out
  • s="" political="" role="" has="" many="" important="" dimensions.="" the="" very="" nature="" of="" an="" "islamic="" state"="" provides="" arena="" for="" debate="" and="" activism,="" this="" is="" joined="" with="" issues="" defining="" significance="" sharia="" societies="" in="" twenty-first="" century.="" islam’s="" politics="" always="" mainstream="" muslim="" activity,="" but="" it="" also="" increasingly="" shaped="" by="" violence="" extremists,="" whose="" appeal="" appears="" to="" be="" growing.="" these="" dimensions="" islam's="" need="" better="" understood.="" whole="" structure="" society="" being="" transformed="" modern="" era.="" involving="" definition="" social="" order="" are="" part="" crossroads="" situation="" communities="" asia="" at="" beginning="" concern="" about="" changing="" is,="" ways,="" a="" continuation="" long-standing="" islamic="" perspectives.="" real="" center="" concepts="" how="" human="" life="" should="" organized="" not="" "the="" state"—it="" community,="" or="" ummah.="" concentration="" on="" issue="" "modem"="" concern,="" reflecting="" general="" tendency="" modernity="" state-centered="" rather="" than="" community-centered.="" however,="" often-repeated="" statement="" that="" "islam="" solely="" 'a="" religion,'="" total="" way="" life"="" reflects="" society,="" including="" order,="" goes="" beyond="" state. The views of Muslims, both mainstream and extremist, regarding the relationship between Islam and the nature and structure of their community are of great significance. Debates defining the developing nature of the whole social order are a major part of the dynamics that determine what the nature of Muslim societies in Asia will be in the twenty-first century. In the broadest terms, this involves defining the role of Islam in civil society, the nature of the public sphere for human activity, and the complex issues of interactions between religion and politics, morality and social order, that arise in defining "secular" relationships in contemporary globalization and the global religious resurgence. 1.According to Paragraph 1, which of the following best expresses an inclusive perspective? 2.The highlighted "It" in Line 5 refers to ( ). 3.According to Paragraph 2, many important dimensions of Islam's political role include all of the following EXCEPT ( ). 4.The word “ummah” in the passage is closest in meaning to ( ).5.Why does the author think the views of both mainstream and extremist Muslims regarding the relationship between Islam and the nature of their community are very important?'>

    The analysis of the relationship between Islam and violence in Asia must be done within as inclusive a perspective as possible. As the example of the evolution of Jihad illustrates, simply viewing developments within the framework of separate countries is no longer a viable framework for analysis. Remaining confined to the geographic boundaries of individual states opens the way for a misleading exceptionalism. It also misses the impact of globalization and the direct involvement of globalization in historical developments. The emergence of Jihad cannot be understood without seeing it in the context of the globalization of activist organizations. Similarly, such developments must be viewed within the framework of global religious resurgence. This is not a phenomenon that is restricted to Muslim organizations in Asia. The issue of the relationship between religion and violence involves examination of Hindu, Jewish, Christian, and other traditions, as well as Islam. The role of violence in religion is an important part, of the challenges facing Asian Islam at the crossroads of history in the beginning of the twenty-first century.Islam's political role has many important dimensions. The very nature of an "Islamic State" provides an important arena for political debate and activism, and this is joined with the issues of defining the significance of Sharia for societies in the twenty-first century. Islam’s politi

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