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User have reported that sudden sounds, such as horns or sirens, have caused them severe anxiety ( ) rapid steering or braking reactions, even when the source of the sound was not in the immediate vicinity of their vehicles.

A.couple with B.coupled with C.coupling with D.having coupled with

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  • The interconnection in the global financial system means that if one nation ( ) on its sovereign debt or enters into recession that places some of the external private debt at risk as well, the banking system of creditor nations face losses.

    A.accounts B.defaults C.bailouts D.switches
  • It ( )how unleashing domestic demand in surplus countries can support strong global growth as deficit countries increase savings and repair balance sheets damaged by the crisis.

    A.sets on B.sets in C.sets over D.sets out
  • For its first London tour, Moscow’s Sovrenmennik theater company ( ) off with the play it was first allowed to stage after censorship was eased in the country.

    A.turned B.kicked C.made D.switched
  • The majority of contemporary social anthropologists regard the distinction between “primitive” man and man in general as ( ), yet to the newcomer it must seem that their methods of research and the themes to which they devote most of their attention take this distinction for granted.

    A.congruous and compatible B.inscrutable and agnostic C.anachronistic and untenable D.appreciable and palpable
  • Under the term “services” ( ) together miscellaneous activities with little in common except other than agriculture, extractive industries, utilities and manufacturing.

    A.lump B.to lump C.is lumped D.are lumped
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