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s="" political="" role="" has="" many="" important="" dimensions.="" the="" very="" nature="" of="" an="" "islamic="" state"="" provides="" arena="" for="" debate="" and="" activism,="" this="" is="" joined="" with="" issues="" defining="" significance="" sharia="" societies="" in="" twenty-first="" century.="" islam’s="" politics="" always="" mainstream="" muslim="" activity,="" but="" it="" also="" increasingly="" shaped="" by="" violence="" extremists,="" whose="" appeal="" appears="" to="" be="" growing.="" these="" dimensions="" islam's="" need="" better="" understood.="" whole="" structure="" society="" being="" transformed="" modern="" era.="" involving="" definition="" social="" order="" are="" part="" crossroads="" situation="" communities="" asia="" at="" beginning="" concern="" about="" changing="" is,="" ways,="" a="" continuation="" long-standing="" islamic="" perspectives.="" real="" center="" concepts="" how="" human="" life="" should="" organized="" not="" "the="" state"—it="" community,="" or="" ummah.="" concentration="" on="" issue="" "modem"="" concern,="" reflecting="" general="" tendency="" modernity="" state-centered="" rather="" than="" community-centered.="" however,="" often-repeated="" statement="" that="" "islam="" solely="" 'a="" religion,'="" total="" way="" life"="" reflects="" society,="" including="" order,="" goes="" beyond="" state. The views of Muslims, both mainstream and extremist, regarding the relationship between Islam and the nature and structure of their community are of great significance. Debates defining the developing nature of the whole social order are a major part of the dynamics that determine what the nature of Muslim societies in Asia will be in the twenty-first century. In the broadest terms, this involves defining the role of Islam in civil society, the nature of the public sphere for human activity, and the complex issues of interactions between religion and politics, morality and social order, that arise in defining "secular" relationships in contemporary globalization and the global religious resurgence. 1.According to Paragraph 1, which of the following best expresses an inclusive perspective? 2.The highlighted "It" in Line 5 refers to ( ). 3.According to Paragraph 2, many important dimensions of Islam's political role include all of the following EXCEPT ( ). 4.The word “ummah” in the passage is closest in meaning to ( ).5.Why does the author think the views of both mainstream and extremist Muslims regarding the relationship between Islam and the nature of their community are very important?'>

The analysis of the relationship between Islam and violence in Asia must be done within as inclusive a perspective as possible. As the example of the evolution of Jihad illustrates, simply viewing developments within the framework of separate countries is no longer a viable framework for analysis. Remaining confined to the geographic boundaries of individual states opens the way for a misleading exceptionalism. It also misses the impact of globalization and the direct involvement of globalization in historical developments. The emergence of Jihad cannot be understood without seeing it in the context of the globalization of activist organizations. Similarly, such developments must be viewed within the framework of global religious resurgence. This is not a phenomenon that is restricted to Muslim organizations in Asia. The issue of the relationship between religion and violence involves examination of Hindu, Jewish, Christian, and other traditions, as well as Islam. The role of violence in religion is an important part, of the challenges facing Asian Islam at the crossroads of history in the beginning of the twenty-first century.Islam's political role has many important dimensions. The very nature of an "Islamic State" provides an important arena for political debate and activism, and this is joined with the issues of defining the significance of Sharia for societies in the twenty-first century. Islam’s politi

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  • Max Weber proposed a complex approach to inequality which expressly takes account of non-economic dimensions of ranking and inequality. Against Marx, Weber maintains that the operation of power in societies is yet more fundamental than their economic basis. Power(1)the capacity of individuals or groups to realize their will even (2) the opposition of others. This yields three categories fundamental to the analysis of inequality: class, status and party. Inequality may be located in economically defined(3)but could also be founded in status groups and political parties. In this elaboration he sought to refine the measurement of inequality and to show the potential singularity of his criteria (4) their connectedness. For example, power is often linked to class-based wealth but it can be separated in situations (5) power is linked to knowledge. Status refers to style of life. It also refers to social esteem, the respect and admiration (6) a person according to his or her social position and this can be local (7)structural and take account of interpersonal subjectivities. Marx’s stress on structural relationships and on the duplicitous nature of culture tends to be replaced by a view of classes as ranked hierarchies of fixed groupings(8)individuals may be mobile. While the categories are fixed and classes are bounded, individuals may, (9), change their class position. (10), Weber’s discussion emphasizes how both class and status distinction can affect people’s life chances, that is, the chances that an individual has to share in the economic and cultural goods of a society. Material and cultural goods are often (11)distributed and class and status rankings will ensure that people will have(12)access to these goods. These features of Weber’s thought are important to (13)when considering non-class based systems of(14 ). The opening up of the relationship between inequality, meaning and manifestation allows for the consideration of systems of inequality other than class. There are ranked societies where there is unequal access to positions of status and prestige and these are not necessarily linked to (15). An example is found in those traditional African societies where the chiefs did not live at a (16 )standard of living than their subjects and where economies were redistributive, (17), the chief received tribute which he then(18) his followers as a mark of his status and largesse. The position of many European noble families is a contemporary example of ranked society: access to (19) a title is limited, usually to family members, and many of these titled families are (20) wealthy and have no power by virtue of their nobility in their societies.

    A.has defined to B.is defined to C.is defined as D.defines as
    A.from the face of B.in the face of C.on the face of D.to the face of
    A.societies B.categories C.dimensions D.classes
    A.as well as B.besides C.except D.except for
    A.that B.which C.why D.where
    A.accorded B.accords C.is accorded to D.to accord
    A.rather to B.rather than C.no other than D.other than
    A.where B.through which C.in which D.to which
    A.more or less B.any the less C.none the less D.no less
    A.However B.Nevertheless C.Furthermore D.But
    A.symmetrically B.asymmetrically C.fairly D.unfairly
    A.differential B.similar C.the same D.unequal
    A.bear them to mind B.bear them in mind C.bear to mind D.bear in mind
    A.hierarchy B.ranking C.singularity D.inequality
    A.economic wealth B.cultural goods C.status distinctions D.class rankings
    A.high B.higher C.low D.lower
    A.for example B.such as C.that is D.what’s more
    A.gave to B.gave it to C.gave back to D.gave it back
    A.claim B.ask C.inherit D.assume
    A.more B.much more C.less D.no longer
  • ( )an increase in anti-Semitic rhetoric and religious discrimination in Latin America, the Pan American Development Foundation and the U.S. Department of State launched a “Believe in Tolerance” project in spring 2014.

    A.According to B.Contrary to C.In response to D.In addition to
  • t="" so="" bad.="" festinger="" argued="" that="" these="" cases="" of="" attitude="" following="" behavior="" illustrate="" the="" effects="" cognitive="" dissonance.="" dissonance="" refers="" to="" any="" incompatibility="" an="" individual="" might="" perceive="" between="" two="" or="" more="" attitudes="" and="" attitudes.="" form="" inconsistency="" is="" uncomfortable="" individuals="" will="" attempt="" reduce="" and,="" hence,="" discomfort.="" they="" seek="" a="" stable="" state,="" in="" which="" there="" minimum="" dissonance.Research has generally concluded that people seek consistency among their attitudes and between their attitudes and their behavior. They do this by altering either the attitudes or the behavior or by developing a rationalization for the discrepancy. Tobacco executives provide an example. How you might wonder do these people cope with the ongoing barrage of data linking cigarette smoking and negative health outcomes? They can deny that any clear causation between smoking and cancer, for instance, has been established. They can brainwash themselves by continually articulating the benefits of tobacco. They can acknowledge the negative consequences of smoking, but rationalize that people are going to smoke and that tobacco companies merely promote freedom of choice. They can accept the research evidence and begin actively working to make less dangerous cigarettes or at least reduce their availability to more vulnerable groups, such as teenagers. Or they can quit their job because the dissonance is too great. No individual, of course, can completely avoid dissonance. You know that cheating on your income tax is wrong, but you “fudge” the numbers a bit every year and hope you’re not audited. Or you tell your children to floss their teeth every day, but you don’t. So how do people cope? Festinger would propose that the desire to reduce dissonance depends on the importance of the elements creating it and the degree of influence the individual believes he has over the elements; individuals will be more motivated to reduce dissonance when the attitudes or behavior are important or when they believe that the dissonance is due to something they can control. A third factor is the rewards of dissonance; high rewards accompanying high dissonance tend to reduce the tension inherent in the dissonance because they allow us to easily rationalize it.1.The purpose of mentioning the TV programs people watch in the first paragraph is to show ( ).2.Which of the following cases can illustrate “dissonance”?3.People seek consistency among their attitudes and between their attitudes and their behavior by doing many things EXCEPT by ( ).4.The author wants to tell us ( )by giving the example of tobacco executives.5.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the last paragraph?'>

    Early research on attitudes assumed that they were casually related to behavior; that is, the attitudes people hold determine what they do. Common sense, too, suggests a relationship. Isn’t it logical that people watch television programs they like, or that employees try to avoid assignments they find distasteful? However, in the late 1960s, this assumed effect of attitudes on behavior was challenged by a review of the research. One researcher—Leon Festinger—argued that attitudes follow behavior. Did you ever notice how people change what they say. so it doesn’t contradict what they do? Perhaps a friend of yours has consistently argued that the quality of US cars isn’t up to that of imports and that he’d never own anything but a Japanese or German car. But his dad gives him a late-model Ford Mustang, and suddenly US cars aren't so bad. Festinger argued that these cases of attitude following behavior illustrate the effects of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance refers to any incompatibility an individual might perceive between two or more attitudes or between behavior and attitudes. Festinger argued that any form of inconsistency is uncomfortable and that individuals will attempt to reduce the dissonance and, hence, t

  • If a union decided to repudiate a strike, it had to write to all its members taking part in the strike to tell them that the union would give no support, and ( ) they risked dismissal without compensation ( )the strike continued.

    A.that... when B.what...if C.why... when D.that... if
  • Under the term “services” ( ) together miscellaneous activities with little in common except other than agriculture, extractive industries, utilities and manufacturing.

    A.lump B.to lump C.is lumped D.are lumped
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