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The term “remote sensing” refers to the techniques of measurement and interpretationof phenomena from a distance. Prior to the mid-1960’s the interpretation of film images was the primary means for remote sensing of the Earth’s geologic features. With the development of the optomechanical scanner, scientists began to construct digital multispectral images using data beyond the sensitivity range of visible light photography. These images are constructed by mechanically aligning pictorial representations of such phenomena as the reflection of light waves outside the visible spectrum, the refraction of radio waves, and the daily changes in temperature in areas on the Earth’s surface. Digital multispectral imaging has now become the basic tool in geologic remote sensing from satellites.The advantage of digital over photographic imaging is evident: the resulting numerical data are precisely known, and digital data are not subject to the vagaries of difficult-to-control chemical processing. With digital processing, it is possible to combine a large number of spectral images. The acquisition of the first multispectral digital data set from the multispectral scanner (MSS) aboard the satellite Landsat in 1972 consequently attracted the attention of the entire geologic community. Landsat MSS data are now being applied to a variety of geologic problems that are difficult to solve by conventional methods alone. These include specific problems in mineral and energy resource exploration and the charting of glaciers and shallow seas.A more fundamental application of remote sensing is to augment conventional methods for geologic mapping of large areas. Regional maps present compositional, structural, and chronological information for reconstructing geologic evolution. Such reconstructions have important practical applications because the conditions under which rock units and other structural features are formed influence the occurrence of ore and petroleum deposits and affect the thickness and integrity of the geologic media in which the deposits are found.Geologic maps incorporate a large, varied body of specific field and laboratory measurements, but the maps must be interpretative because field measurements are always limited by rock exposure, accessibility and labor resources. With remote-sensing techniques it is possible to obtain much geologic information more efficiently than it can be obtained on the ground. These techniques also facilitate overall interpretation. Since detailed geologic mapping is generally conducted in small area, the continuity of regional features that have intermittent and variable expressions is often not recognized, but in the comprehensive views of Landsat images these continuities are apparent. However, some critical information cannot be obtained through remote sensing, and several characteristics of the Landsat MSS impose limitations on the acquisition of diagnostic data. Some of these limitations can be overcome by designing satellite systems specifically for geologic purposes; but to be most effective, remote-sensing data must still be combined with data from field surveys and laboratory tests, the techniques of the earlier twentieth century.1.By using the word “interpretative” in line32. The author is indicating which of the following?

2.With which of the following statements about geologic mapping would the author be most likely to agree?

3.According to the passage, measurements of which of the following can be provided by the optomechanical scanner but not by visible-light photography?

4. It can be inferred from the passage that a major disadvantage of photographic imaging in geologic mapping is that such photography .

5. It can be inferred from the passage that Landsat images differ from conventional geologic maps in that Landsat images .

6.The passage provides information about each of the following topics EXCEPT ( ).

7.The passage suggests which of the following about the “conventional methods” mentioned in line 24?

A.Some maps are based more on

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  • s="" through="" the="" early="" 1890's.="" meat-packers,="" author="" argues,="" had="" good="" wages,="" working="" conditions,="" and="" prospects="" for="" advancement="" within="" packinghouses,="" d not="" cooperate="" with="" labor="" agitators="" since="" relations="" were="" so="" harmonious.="" because="" history="" maintains="" that="" conditions="" above="" standard="" era,="" frequency="" of="" disputes,="" especially="" in="" mid-1880's,="" is="" accounted="" for.="" work="" ignores="" fact="" 1880's="" crucial="" years="" american="" history,="" packinghouse="" workers'="" effects="" part="" national="" movement="" reform.In fact, other historical sources for the late nineteenth century record deteriorating housing and high disease and infant mortality rates in the industrial community, due to low wages and unhealthy working conditions. Additional data from the University of Chicago suggest that the packinghouses were dangerous places to work. The government investigation commissioned by President Theodore Roosevelt which eventually led to the adoption of the 1906 Meat Inspection Act found the packinghouses unsanitary, while social workers observed that most of the workers were poorly paid and overworked.The history may be too optimistic because most of its data date from the 1880's at the latest, and the information provided from that decade is insufficiently analyzed. Conditions actually declined in the 1880's, and continued to decline after the 1880's, due to a reorganization of the packing process and a massive influx of unskilled workers. The deterioration in worker status, partly a result of the new availability of unskilled and hence cheap labor, is not discussed. Though a detailed account of work in the packing-houses is attempted, the author fails to distinguish between the wages and conditions for skilled workers and for those unskilled laborers who comprised the majority of the industry’s workers from the 1880's on. While conditions for the former were arguably tolerable due to the strategic importance of skilled workers in the complicated slaughtering, cutting, and packing process (though worker complaints about the rate and conditions of work were frequent), pay and conditions for the latter were wretched.The author’s misinterpretation of the origins of the feelings the meat-packers had for their industrial neighborhood may account for the history's faulty generalizations. The pride and contentment the author remarks upon were, arguably, fess the products of the industrial world of the packers-the giant yards and the intricate plants---than of the unity and vibrancy of the ethnic cultures that formed a viable communit3r on Chicago’s South Side. Indeed, the strength of this community succeeded in generating a social movement that effectively confronted the problems of the industry that provided its livelihood.

    1.The passage is primarily concerned with discussing( ) .

    2.The author of the passage mentions all of the following as describing negative conditions in the meat-packing industry EXCEPT( ) .

    3.The author of the passage mentions the "social movement" (underlined, generated by Chicago's South Side community primarily in order to( ).

    4.According to the passage, the working conditions of skilled workers in the meat-packing industry during the 1880's were influenced by( ).5.The author of the passage uses the second paragraph to ( )

    6.The tone of the author of the passage in discussing the meat-packer community on Chicago's South Side can best be described as one of ( ).7.The information in the passage suggests that the author of the history discussed in the passage made which of the following errors?


    A recent history of the Chicago meat-packing industry and its workers examines how the industry grew from its appearance in the 1830's through the early 1890's. Meat-packers, the author argues, had good wages, working conditions, and prospects for advancement within the packinghouses, and did not cooperate with labor agitators since labor relations wer

  • Geothermal energy is natural heat from the interior of the Earth that is converted to heat buildings and generate electricity. The idea of harnessing Earth’s internal heat is not new. As early as 1904, geothermal power was used in Italy. Today, Earth’s natural internal heat is being used to generate electricity in 21 countries, including Russia Japan, New Zealand, Iceland Mexico, Ethiopia, Guatemala El Salvador, the Philippines, and the United States. Total worldwide production is approaching 9,000 MW (equivalent to nine large modem coal burning or nuclear power plants)---double the amount in 1980. Some 40 million people today receive their electricity from geothermal energy at a cost competitive with that of other energy sources. In EL Salvador, geothermal energy is supplying 30% of the total electric energy used. However, at the global level, geothermal energy supplies less than 0.15% of the total energy supply. Geothermal energy may be considered a nonrenewable energy source when rates of extraction are greater than rates of natural replenishment. However geothermal energy has its origin in the natural heat production within Earth, and only a small fraction of the vast total resource base is being utilized today. Although most geothermal energy production involves the tapping of high heat sources, people are also using the low-temperature geothermal energy of groundwater in some applications.The average heat flow from the interior of the Earth is very low, about 0.06 W/m2. This amount is trivial compared with the 177 W/m2from solar heat at the surface in the United States. However, in some areas, heat flow is sufficiently high to be useful for producing energy. For the most part, areas of high heat flow are associated with plate tectonic boundaries. Oceanic ridge systems (divergent plate boundaries) and areas where mountains are being uplifted and volcanic island arcs are forming (convergent plate boundaries) are areas where this natural heat flow is anomalously high.The environmental impact of geothermal energy may not be as extensive as that of other sources of energy, but it can be considerable. When geothermal energy is developed at a particular site, environmental problems include on-site noise, emissions of gas, and disturbance of the land at drilling sites, disposal sites, roads and pipelines, and power plants. Development of geothermal energy does not require large-scale transportation of raw materials or refining of chemicals, as development of fossil fuels does. Furthermore, geothermal energy does not produce the atmospheric pollutants associated with burning fossil fuels or the radioactive waste associated with nuclear energy. However, geothermal development often does produce considerable thermal pollution from hot waste-waters, which may be saline or highly corrosive, producing disposal and treatment problems.

    1.In paragraph 1, the author introduces the concept of geothermal energy by ( ).2.In paragraph 2, the author states that geothermal energy is considered a nonrenewable resource because ( ). 3.What is the meaning of the underlined sentence in Para. 2 (’’ Although most geothermal energy---in some applications"?4.In paragraph 4, the author mentions the atmospheric pollution and waste products for fossil fuel and nuclear power( ).5.What is true about geothermal energy production worldwide?

    A.describing the alternatives for generating electric power B.arguing that this energy source has been tried unsuccessfully C.comparing the production with that of other energy sources D.explaining the history of this energy source worldwide问题2: A.the production of geothermal energy is a natural process B.geothermal energy comes from the Earth C.we could use more geothermal energy than is naturally replaced D.we are not using very much geothermal energy now问题3: A.High heat is the source of most of the geothermal energy but low heat groundwater is also used sometimes. B.Even though low temperatures are possible, high heat is the best resource for energy- production for groundwater. C.Both high
  • The “standard of living” of any country means the average person’s share of the goods and services which the country produces. A country’s standard of living, therefore, depends first and foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. “Wealth” in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy: “goods” such as food and clothing, and “services” such as transport and entertainment.A country’s capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors, most of which have an effect on one another. Wealth depends to a great extent upon a country’s natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply and so on. Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have a fertile soil and a favorable climate; other regions possess perhaps only one of these things, and some regions possess none of them. The U.S.A is one of the wealthiest regions of the world because she has vast natural resources within her borders, her soil is fertile, and her climate is varied. The Sahara Desert, on the other hand, is one of the least wealthy.Next to natural resources comes the ability to turn them to use. China is perhaps as well off as the U.S.
    A. in natural resources, but suffered for many years from civil and external wars, and for this and other reasons was unable to develop her resources. Sound and stable political conditions, and freedom from foreign invasion, enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily, and to produce more wealth than another country equally well served by nature but less well ordered. Another important factor is the technical efficiency of a country’s people. Old countries that have, through many centuries, trained up numerous skilled craftsmen and technicians are better placed to produce wealth than countries whose workers are largely unskilled. Wealth also produces wealth. As a country becomes wealthier, its people have a large margin for saving, and can put their savings into factories and machines which will help workers to turn out more goods in their working day.

  • A most ( )argument about who should go and fetch the bread from the kitchen wasgoing on when I came in.

    A.trivial B.delicate C.minor D.miniature
  • Many novels that attempt to mirror the world are really( ) of the reality that theyrepresent.

    A.reflections B.demonstrations C.illuminations D.reproductions
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