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Some people think that, as scientists contribute more to the development of our society than other people, science students should get more financial support from the government than other students get. Do you agree or disagree?You are to write an essay of about 200 words, commenting and expressing your views on the topic.

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  • Before a big exam, a sound night’s sleep will do you more good than poring over textbooks. That, at least, is the folk wisdom. And science, in the form of behavioral psychology, supports that wisdom. But such behavioral studies cannot distinguish between two competing theories of why sleep is good for memory. One says that sleep is when permanent memories form. The other says that they are actually formed during the day, but then “edited” at night, to flush away what is superfluous.To tell the difference, it is necessary to look into the brain of a sleeping person, and that is hard. But after a decade of painstaking work, a team led by Pierre Maquet at Liege University in Belgium has managed to do it. The particular stage of sleep in which the Belgian group is interested is rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, when brain and body are active, heart rate and blood pressure increase, the eyes move back and forth behind the eyelids as if watching a movie, and brainwave traces resemble those of wakefulness. It is during this period of sleep that people are most likely to relive events of the previous day in dreams.Dr. Maquet used an electronic device called PET to study the brains of people as they practiced a task during the day, and as they slept during the following night. The task required them to press a button as fast as possible, in response to a light coming on in one of six positions. As they learnt how to do this, their response times got faster. What they did not know was that the appearance of the lights sometimes followed a pattern—what is referred to as an “artificial grammar”. Yet the reductions in response time showed that they learnt faster when the pattern was present than when there was not.What is more, those with more to learn (i. e., the “grammar”, as well as the mechanical task of pushing the button) have more active brains. The “editing” theory would not predict that, since the number of irrelevant stimuli would be the same in each case. And to eliminate any doubts that the experimental subjects were learning as opposed to unlearning, their response times when they woke up were even quicker than when they went to sleep.The team, therefore, concluded that the nerve connections involved in memory are reinforced through reactivation during REM sleep, particularly if the brain detects an inherent structure in the material being learnt. So now, on the eve of that crucial test, maths students can sleep soundly in the knowledge that what they will remember the next day are the basic rules of algebra and not the incoherent talk from the radio next door.1.The phrase “poring over” in the first sentence of the passage may be best interpreted as( ) .2.The reason why sleep is good for the memory( ) .3.The experimenters found that their subjects( ).4.The Belgian group reached the conclusion that ( ).

    A.looking interestingly at B.learning without hesitation C.studying with close attention D.memorizing with a fast pace
    A.is to be clarified by behavioral psychology B.is rooted in its function of relaxing the brain C.lies in its contribution to the formation of lasting memories D.stems from its compiling memories and ridding things unwanted
    A.learned quickly how to respond to the light stimuli B.picked up the “artificial grammar” during their REM sleep C.pushed the button faster in the absence of the light pattern D.increased their response time as they learnt the u artificial grammar”
    A.the brain works more efficiently by knowing a set pattern of things B.the second theory failed to cover all the brain responses during sleep C.REM sleep reactivates connections between the nerves and the memory D.it’s beyond doubt that the subjects were learning in contrast to unlearning
  • England’s team, who are now superbly fit will be doing their best next week to ( )themselves for last year’s defeat.

    A.revive B.retort C.revenge D.remedy
  • Over the last fifteen years, running has become a popular ( )for 30 million participants of all ages.

    A.fantasy B.pastime C.symposium D.penalty
  • More than 200 Bradford secondary school pupils were sent home from school this week. Their crime is Uniform breaches(违反).They weren’t tying their ties around their heads. They were wearing sports shoes or the wrong cut of trousers. But is it OK to deprive someone of a day of education just because they don’t look smart enough?

    The rationale for uniform is to create a level playing field. So rich kids don’t lord it over poorer ones with their flashy jumpers and fashionable and expensive sports shoes and no one is teased for not following the latest trends. But the other side of conformity is dullness. What about budding fashionistas(超级时尚迷)or simply those who want to express their individuality? A dull uniform suppresses our right to express ourselves through clothes. Kids will be kids, and frankly it takes more than stipulating the right shade of blue shirt to remove utterly bullying from schools. If teens want to bully others they will find their motive and means.Schools also say that uniforms help to set high academic standards. But some of the highest-achieving countries have no uniform. Finland’s schools top international league tables and don’t have school uniform; while the UK has the uniforms without the stunning results.Wearing uniform doesn’t even “suit” you for the workplace. It maybe OK if you’re headed for the boardroom but if you’re looking for a fashionable job in the tech sector, then think again. The uniform there is more beard and skinny jeans than blazer(运动休闲西装)and tie. In fact, in many offices these days, you’d be more likely to get a laugh than a call back.At my school there’s a strict uniform policy in lower school and a dress code in the sixth form. I envy a friend at another school who sat her exams in cosy clothes and comfy boots. There’s nothing more distracting in a three-hour history exam than a suffocating top button. Who knows? I might have got an A plus in maths if I’d been in my overalls.And uniform is a distraction. Teachers spend time and energy policing uniform when they could presumably be teaching us. They hand out detentions, quibble over hair dye and sometimes, creepily, ask girls to kneel on the floor to check the length of their skirts. In any case, there are better ways to introduce unity into schools. In the real world, communities are built on shared interests, not wearing identical kit. Take football fans. As it gets cold, they may choose to put on the team scarf but it’s the chants and shared hatred of the opposition that unite them. It’s actually doing a lunchtime or after-school activity that provides bonds, rather than what you’re wearing to do so.Uniforms may work for police officers, soldiers and neo-Nazis, but they have no place in schools. The Bradford kids should wear what they want, their schools should let them—and then everyone could get on with some actual learning.1.Which of the following is NOT the purpose of enforcing uniform policy?2.The author asserts that uniform is a distraction at school because( ).3.What might be the best title for the passage?4.What is the author’s attitude towards school uniform?

    A.To create a level playing field. B.To set high academic standards. C.To eradicate bullying from schools. D.To deny pupils’ right to express themselves.问题2: A.teachers should focus on teaching rather than on forcing uniform B.Finland’s schools top international league tables without uniform C.uniform prevents the building of shared interests D.overalls are more suffocating than uniform问题3: A.School Uniform: For Better or For Worse? B.Uniform: A Symbol of Unity For Sports Fans? C.The Widespread of School Uniform in Bradford D.The Role of Uniform in Every Walks of Life问题4: A.Neutral. B.Critical. C.Optimistic. D.Enthusiastic.
  • They managed to ( ) the enemy’s secret telegram and thus were able to win the victory.

    A.decompose B.decode C.enlighten D.enclose
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