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More than 200 Bradford secondary school pupils were sent home from school this week. Their crime is Uniform breaches(违反).They weren’t tying their ties around their heads. They were wearing sports shoes or the wrong cut of trousers. But is it OK to deprive someone of a day of education just because they don’t look smart enough?

The rationale for uniform is to create a level playing field. So rich kids don’t lord it over poorer ones with their flashy jumpers and fashionable and expensive sports shoes and no one is teased for not following the latest trends. But the other side of conformity is dullness. What about budding fashionistas(超级时尚迷)or simply those who want to express their individuality? A dull uniform suppresses our right to express ourselves through clothes. Kids will be kids, and frankly it takes more than stipulating the right shade of blue shirt to remove utterly bullying from schools. If teens want to bully others they will find their motive and means.Schools also say that uniforms help to set high academic standards. But some of the highest-achieving countries have no uniform. Finland’s schools top international league tables and don’t have school uniform; while the UK has the uniforms without the stunning results.Wearing uniform doesn’t even “suit” you for the workplace. It maybe OK if you’re headed for the boardroom but if you’re looking for a fashionable job in the tech sector, then think again. The uniform there is more beard and skinny jeans than blazer(运动休闲西装)and tie. In fact, in many offices these days, you’d be more likely to get a laugh than a call back.At my school there’s a strict uniform policy in lower school and a dress code in the sixth form. I envy a friend at another school who sat her exams in cosy clothes and comfy boots. There’s nothing more distracting in a three-hour history exam than a suffocating top button. Who knows? I might have got an A plus in maths if I’d been in my overalls.And uniform is a distraction. Teachers spend time and energy policing uniform when they could presumably be teaching us. They hand out detentions, quibble over hair dye and sometimes, creepily, ask girls to kneel on the floor to check the length of their skirts. In any case, there are better ways to introduce unity into schools. In the real world, communities are built on shared interests, not wearing identical kit. Take football fans. As it gets cold, they may choose to put on the team scarf but it’s the chants and shared hatred of the opposition that unite them. It’s actually doing a lunchtime or after-school activity that provides bonds, rather than what you’re wearing to do so.Uniforms may work for police officers, soldiers and neo-Nazis, but they have no place in schools. The Bradford kids should wear what they want, their schools should let them—and then everyone could get on with some actual learning.1.Which of the following is NOT the purpose of enforcing uniform policy?2.The author asserts that uniform is a distraction at school because( ).3.What might be the best title for the passage?4.What is the author’s attitude towards school uniform?

A.To create a level playing field. B.To set high academic standards. C.To eradicate bullying from schools. D.To deny pupils’ right to express themselves.问题2: A.teachers should focus on teaching rather than on forcing uniform B.Finland’s schools top international league tables without uniform C.uniform prevents the building of shared interests D.overalls are more suffocating than uniform问题3: A.School Uniform: For Better or For Worse? B.Uniform: A Symbol of Unity For Sports Fans? C.The Widespread of School Uniform in Bradford D.The Role of Uniform in Every Walks of Life问题4: A.Neutral. B.Critical. C.Optimistic. D.Enthusiastic.

相关标签: 运动休闲  

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  • 材料1:
  • More than 200 Bradford secondary school pupils were sent home from school this week. Their crime is Uniform breaches(违反).They weren’t tying their ties around their heads. They were wearing sports shoes or the wrong cut of trousers. But is it OK to deprive someone of a day of education just because they don’t look smart enough?

    The rationale for uniform is to create a level playing field. So rich kids don’t lord it over poorer ones with their flashy jumpers and fashionable and expensive sports shoes and no one is teased for not following the latest trends. But the other side of conformity is dullness. What about budding fashionistas(超级时尚迷)or simply those who want to express their individuality? A dull uniform suppresses our right to express ourselves through clothes. Kids will be kids, and frankly it takes more than stipulating the right shade of blue shirt to remove utterly bullying from schools. If teens want to bully others they will find their motive and means.Schools also say that uniforms help to set high academic standards. But some of the highest-achieving countries have no uniform. Finland’s schools top international league tables and don’t have school uniform; while the UK has the uniforms without the stunning results.Wearing uniform doesn’t even “suit” you for the workplace. It maybe OK if you’re headed for the boardroom but if you’re looking for a fashionable job in the tech sector, then think again. The uniform there is more beard and skinny jeans than blazer(运动休闲西装)and tie. In fact, in many offices these days, you’d be more likely to get a laugh than a call back.At my school there’s a strict uniform policy in lower school and a dress code in the sixth form. I envy a friend at another school who sat her exams in cosy clothes and comfy boots. There’s nothing more distracting in a three-hour history exam than a suffocating top button. Who knows? I might have got an A plus in maths if I’d been in my overalls.And uniform is a distraction. Teachers spend time and energy policing uniform when they could presumably be teaching us. They hand out detentions, quibble over hair dye and sometimes, creepily, ask girls to kneel on the floor to check the length of their skirts. In any case, there are better ways to introduce unity into schools. In the real world, communities are built on shared interests, not wearing identical kit. Take football fans. As it gets cold, they may choose to put on the team scarf but it’s the chants and shared hatred of the opposition that unite them. It’s actually doing a lunchtime or after-school activity that provides bonds, rather than what you’re wearing to do so.Uniforms may work for police officers, soldiers and neo-Nazis, but they have no place in schools. The Bradford kids should wear what they want, their schools should let them—and then everyone could get on with some actual learning.1.Which of the following is NOT the purpose of enforcing uniform policy?2.The author asserts that uniform is a distraction at school because( ).3.What might be the best title for the passage?4.What is the author’s attitude towards school uniform?

    A.To create a level playing field. B.To set high academic standards. C.To eradicate bullying from schools. D.To deny pupils’ right to express themselves.问题2: A.teachers should focus on teaching rather than on forcing uniform B.Finland’s schools top international league tables without uniform C.uniform prevents the building of shared interests D.overalls are more suffocating than uniform问题3: A.School Uniform: For Better or For Worse? B.Uniform: A Symbol of Unity For Sports Fans? C.The Widespread of School Uniform in Bradford D.The Role of Uniform in Every Walks of Life问题4: A.Neutral. B.Critical. C.Optimistic. D.Enthusiastic.
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