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Many students find( ) jobs during their summer holidays.

A.contemptible B.temperate C.temporary D.contemporary

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  • After the concert, the clean-up crew found the ground ( )with papers, bottles and cans.

    A.scrubbed B.scattered C.jittered D.dispersed
  • Yet beyond that tragic picture, there is a revolution at work in world agriculture.

    A.reflective B.illusive C.intolerable D.grievous
  • It was clear that the storm( ) his arrival by two hours.

    A.retarded B.retrieved C.refrained D.retreated
  • 但是,对于所有的正在进行的激动人心的工作而言,科学远没有达到一个能塑造完美的人或者甚至一个完美的番茄的美好新世界的境地。在基因治疗普及之前,仍然需要做大量研究。如果许多疾病真的可以治疗的话,那将花上数十年的时间。就短期而言,基因筛选将是运用新技术的最可行的办法。医生们能在治疗各种DNA缺陷之前检测到它们。在某些情况下,这些信息可以延缓疾病的发作或是减轻它的病症。例如,一个有着遗传性易患心脏病体质的人可以进行低脂肪的饮食。如果科学家由于制造一种重要蛋白质的基因存在缺陷从而导致这种蛋白质失去的话,也许科学家就可以给这位病人提供人工蛋白质。然而,在其他的情况下,对于阻止由于基因突变而导致的不幸几乎无能为力。

  • More than one-third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, ( )in San Francisco.

    A.previously B.predominantly C.practically D.permanently
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