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I realize the library is having budget problems, but many students rely on it for a place to study in the evening. It would be pity if the library hours were cut.

A.is having budget problems B.rely on it for a place to study C.would be pity D.hours were cut. E.没有问题

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  • These days people get their news from many different(1) . Some people still read an old-style printed daily newspaper, while(2) read newspapers on(3). Many people no (4)read a newspaper at all, instead relying(5) the internet for short news articles, or visiting favorite websites that circulate pieces from other websites. Another group of people get most of their news from TV or radio broadcasts. Many Western intellectuals regard the decline of the greatdaily newspapers as a negative (6)that will lead to a (7)understanding of world affairs. They are alarmed by the growing number of people who largely (8) the outside world, focusing on their own society or small personal sphere.句意:现在人们可以通过多种出处获取新闻。一些人仍然阅读老式的纸质日报,而另一 些人则在网上看报纸。许多人不再在网上看报纸,相反只是依赖网络去关注短消息, 或浏览自己喜欢的网站。还有一群人是通过电视或收音机获取大部分消息。许多西方 知识分子把伟大的日报的衰落视为一种负面的现象,它将导致人们对世界事务了解的 匮乏。他们惊讶地发现,越来越多的人只会把注意力放在自我世界之中,关心自己的 事,而忽视外面的世界。

  • Yesterday evening I fell asleep while I was (1)television. The program was actually not bad, but I just (2)keep my eyes open.

  • My parents have been(1) me to (2)married for the last two years, but I still haven’t made up my (3).句意: 在过去的两年里,我的父母一直让我结婚,但是我仍旧没有做好决定。

  • When I was in primary school, (1)teacher was female (this included(2)the ones who coached our football), but starting in my seventh year of school I had occasional(3)instructors too.

  • A: I have a ballet ticket for this evening.B:(1) do we! Why (2)we all go together?A: That’s a good(3) . That way we can share a (4)and save a bit of money.B: When(5) we meet?A: Let’s say at 6:30 in(6) of Building 5.B: Fine. I’ll see you there at 6:30.

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