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The newcomers found it impossible to ( )themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent homes in the new country.

A.suit B.adapt C.regulate D.coordinate

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  • Lateral thinking, first described by Edward dc Bono in 1967, is just a few years older than Edward’s son. You might imagine that Caspar was raised to be an adventurous thinker, but de Bono’ s name was so famous, Casper’s parents worried that any time he would say something bright at school, his teachers might snap, “Where do you get that idea from?”“We had to be careful and not overdo it,” Edward admits. Now Casper is at Oxford — which once looked unlikely because he is also slightly dyslexic. In fact, when lie was applying to Oxford, none of his school teachers thought he had a chance. “So then we did several thinking sessions,” his father says, “using my techniques and, when he went up for the exam, he did extremely well.” Soon after, Edward de Bono decided to write his latest book, “Teach Your Children How to Think”,in which he transforms the thinking skills he developed for brain-storming businessmen into informal exercises for parents and children to share.Thinking is traditionally regarded as something executed in a logical sequence, and everybody knows that children aren’t very logical. So isn’t it an uphill battle, trying to teach them to think? ‘‘You know,” Edward de Bono says, “if you examine people’s thinking, it is quite unusual to find faults of logic. But the faults of perception are huge! Often we think ineffectively because we take too limited a view.” “Teach Your Child How to Think” offers lessons in perception improvement, of clearly seeing the implications of something you are saying and of exploring the alternatives.1.What is TRUE about Casper?2.Casper succeeded in applying to Oxford because( ).3.It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that Edward( ).4.According to Paragraph 3, which of the following statements expresses Edward de Bono’s view?5.Lateral thinking refers to the following EXCEPT( ).

    A.He is Edward's son. B.He is an adventurous thinker. C.He first described lateral thinking. D.He is often scolded by his teacher.
    A.he was careful and often overworked B.all of his school teachers thought he had a chance C.he used in the exam the techniques provided by his father D.he read the book "Teach Your Child How to Think” before the exam
    A.was likely to improve children’s logic with his book B.gave a description of lateral thinking several years after his son was born. C.was prompted to study lateral thinking because his son was slightly dyslexic D.once taught businessmen how to think before he wrote for parents and children
    A.Everybody knows that children aren’t very logical. B.It is an uphill battle trying to teach children to think. C.We often think ineffectively because we take too limited a view. D.Thinking is traditionally regarded as something executed in a logical sequence.
    A.improving one’s logic in thinking B.improving one’s perception in thinking C.seeing the implications of what you are saying D.exploring the alternatives for what you are saying
  • Consumer Protections is a term applied to the efforts of government, public - interest organizations, individual, and businesses to establish, protect, and enforce the rights of people who buy products such as food and automobiles or services such as health care and insurance. From the earliest days of the U.S., federal and state governments have enforced laws that benefited consumers, (1) those setting (2) weights and measures. Private organizations have worked to solve consumers’ problems and represent their (3). Concerns for consumer rights (4) peaked in three periods: the Progressive era of the 1890s and early 1900s, the depression years of the 1930s, and the 1960s and 1970s.In the late 19th century, increasing industrialization and completion of a national (5) of railroads created an opportunity for new markets; businesses started to advertise and sell their products (6). As food companies and meat packers began to centralize their operations and use refrigerated railroad cars to (7)their products, the medical profession, the press, and various private (8)became increasingly (9) about the unsanitary conditions under (10)food was processed and (11) the dangers of preservatives and dyes (12) in these processed foods. Attempts to (13) a federal pure food and drug law failed several times. In 1906, (14), public reaction to the American author Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle, an (15) of the filthy conditions in meat - packing plants, (16) Congress to require meat (17)and to pass pure food and drug legislation.But World War II diverted national attention (18)consumer problems, and major activity did not begin again (19)the 1960s. The growth in organized consumer activism in the 1960s and 1970s (20) passage of vital consumer laws.

    A.for example B.for instance C.such as D.as such
    A.uniform B.same C.equal D.identical
    A.advantages B.complaints C.pursuits D.interests
    A.have B.has C.is D.are
    A.network B.framework C.system D.structure
    A.national B.worldwide C.nationwide D.international
    A.carry B.ship C.transfer D.dispatch
    A.schools B.committees C.clubs D.groups
    A.concerned B.suspicious C.nervous D.enthusiastic
    A.which B.what C.that D.where
    A.for B.to C.with D.about
    A.applied B.taken C.used D.created
    A.assure B.secure C.insure D.protect
    A.therefore B.hence C.however D.while
    A.evidence B.affirmation C.indication D.exposure
    A.spurred B.encouraged C.made D.inspired
    A.research B.disposal C.inspection D.investigation
    A.away B.from C.toward D.to
    A.until B.after C.since D.than
    A.devoted to B.fell through C.pulled out D.resulted in
  • With more than 150 miles of virtually no waterfalls or rapids, the Hudson River extends inland from( ), the Atlantic Ocean.

    A.the source of B.where its source C.its source D.from which its source is
  • The International Olympic Committee rejects the accusations that Beijing’s budget-cutting move might ( )its preparation for the games.

    A.degrade B.deliberate C.deploy D.defend
  • Jonathan is ( )in his research field; no other contemporary researchers can command the same respect.

    A.headstrong B.preeminent C.flamboyant D.anachronistic
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