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Jim Fix had been a heavy smoker and weighed 214 pounds when he took up running in the 1960s. He soon _51 _ the benefits from running. His weight decreased by 60 pounds by the time his book The Complete Book of Running was published. His book _52_ millions of people. In his book and on television talk shows. He praised the benefits of physical exercise and how it _53_and increased the average people’s life expectancy. His readers and audience became more health-conscious. However, to their shock, Fix died at the age of 52 after his daily run. Many who opposed his beliefs said this was _54_ that running was harmful. However, his supporters _55_that the real cause of Fix’s death was a heart attack. He came from a family where men had poor health stories. His father _56 a heart attack at the age of 35 and died of one at 42. Given Fix’s unhealthy lifestyle until he took up running, many argued that running added many years to his life.“Running does have its shortcomings,” _57_heart specialist Paul Thomas, in a recent medical journal. “The _58_can be hard on your knees. Runners are more at risk during their training, _59_ if they run marathons. _60_, the news for runners isn’t all bad. Evidence suggests in spite of its shortcomings, moderate amount of running exercise can actually result in a longer, improved life.”

A.praised B.favored C.reaped D.applied
A.inspired B.disappointed C.awarded D.rewarded
A.compatibly B.disappointed C.awarded D.rewarded
A.endurance B.evidence C.supplement D.allowance
A.rewrote B.revised C.reversed D.revealed
A.obtained B.sustained C.suffered D.surpassed
A.acknowledges B.pledges C.communicates D.apologizes
A.consequence B.impact C.weight D.press
A.explicitly B.particularly C.commonly D.singularly
A.However B.Furthermore C.Moreover D.Also

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  • The United congress and state legislatures( )thousands of laws every years.

    A.draft B.enact C.amend D.cancel
  • Mr. Park’s remarks raised doubts about the ( )of his opponent’s argument.

    A.procession B.validity C.separation D.discrimination
  • Again, Tragedy is the imitation of an action; and an action implies personal agents, who necessarily possess certain distinctive qualities of both character and thought; for it is by these that we form our estimate of their actions and these two—thought and character—are the natural causes from which their actions spring, and on their actions all success or failure depends. Now the imitation of the action is the plot; by plot, I mean the arrangement of the incidents. By character I mean that because of which we ascribe certain qualities to the agents. Thought is required whenever they prove a statement or declare a general truth. Every tragedy, therefore, must have six parts, which parts determine its quality——namely, plot, character, diction, thought, spectacle, song...But the most important of all is the structure of the incidents. For tragedy is an imitation, not of men, but of action and life, of happiness and misery. And life consists of action, and its end is a mode of action, not a quality. Now character determines man’s qualities, but it is their actions that make them happy or wretched. The purpose of action in the tragedy, therefore, is not the representation of character; character comes in as contributing to the action. Hence the incidents and the plot are the end of the tragedy; and the end is the chief thing of all. So, without action there cannot be a tragedy; there may be one without character...Again, you may string together a set of speeches expressive of character, and well finished in point of diction and thought, not produce the essential tragic effect nearly so well as with a play which, however deficient in these respects, yet has a plot and artistically constructed incidents. Besides which, the most powerful elements of emotional interest in tragedy—reversal of the situation, and recognition scenes—are parts of the plot.1.In this Excerpt, the author stressed the importance of ( ).2.According to this passage, tragedy is an imitation of ( ).3.The author states that the elements of emotional interest in tragedy lie in ( ).4.According to the author, a tragedy without action is ( ).5.Implied but not stated:( ).

    A.plot B.character C.diction D.thought
    A.action and life B.happiness and misery C.the thought of the characters D.Both A and B
    A.reversal of situation B.recognition scenes C.apprehension of its conclusion D.both A and B
    A.dull B.impossible C.ineffective D.lacking in emotional impact
    A.One could write a tragedy without character B.Character contributes to the action C.Some tragic effect can be attained though character, diction, and thought D.The end of the tragedy is the chief thing of all
  • They were ( )in their scientific research, not knowing what happened just outside their lab.

    A.submerged B.drowned C.dipped D.immersed
  • Do you think he will relinquish his seat in the Senate?

    A.admonish B.give up C.cede D.accept
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