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All the rooms on the second floor have nicely ( )carpets, which are included in the price of the house.

A.adapted B.equipped C.suited D.fitted

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  • Although biological methods of pest control are now available to committed organic gardeners, there are few of us who never need to ( )the use of chemicals.

    A.resort to B.refer to C.size up D.pick up
  • Colleges in the newly formed United States, in recovering from the adverse of the American Revolution, inaugurated a broad curriculum( )social demands.

    A.in response to B.with a view to C.with respect to D.in return to
  • s="" nothing="" about="" this="" gene="" interacting="" with="" stress="" that="" accounts="" for="" the="" sex="" difference." The gene, know as 5-HTT, has been a focus of depression studies because it contains the code to produce a protein that leads the chemical messenger serotonin across the spaces between brain cells. Drugs like Prozac, Zoloft and Celexa, which are widely effective in treating depression, work by acting on the serotonin system. The short allele produces the same protein as the long one, but less of it. As a result, it manages serotonin less efficiently. The study suggests that among people who suffer a series of stressful events, the gene could predict who will suffer a broken leg, the researchers said. Still, they said it was too early to use 5-HTT as a diagnostic test. The study must be repeated, and other genes that play a role in vulnerability to depression must be identified. 1.( ) are more likely to suffer depression. 2.Which of the following statements is true? 3.Compared with men, women( ). 4.The passage is centered on( ).'>

    Scientists have identified a gene that may help explain why some people become depressed in response to the stresses of life and others skate by relatively unhurt. The gene, which comes in two forms, or alleles, can either protect people from depression or make them more vulnerable.In the study, people who experienced job loss, death in the family, abuse or other difficulties were much more likely to develop depression if they possessed tow copies of the short allele. Those with two copies of the long allele were able to withstand such events without becoming depressed. "No matter how many stressful events they had in a five-year period, they were no more likely to become depressed than people who had no stressful events at all," said Dr, Terrie E.MofFitt, a psychologist at the University of Wiscomsin. People who have inherited the short allele from one parent and the long one from the other, the researchers found, are moderately vulnerable to depression.A certain amount of depression arises independently of stressful events, Dr. Moffitt noted. Nearly twice as many women as men suffer from depression. Yet women were found no more likely than men to carry the short allele. Perhaps, Dr. Moffitt said, women’s vulnerability to depression is not connected to the way they respond to stressful events. "There's nothing about this gene interacting with stress that accounts for the sex difference."The gene, know as 5-HTT, has been a focus of depression studies because it contains the code to produce a protein that leads the chemical messenger serotonin across the spaces between brain cells. Drugs like Prozac, Zoloft and Celexa, which are widely effective in treating depression, work by acting on the serotonin system. The short allele produces the same protein as the long one, but less of it. As a result, it manages serotonin less efficiently. The study suggests that among people who suffer a series of stressful events, the gene could predict who will suffer a broken leg, the researchers said. Still, they said it was too early to use 5-HTT as a diagnostic test. The study must be repeated, and other genes that play a role in vulnerability to depression must be identified.1.( ) are more likely to suffer depression.2.Which of the following statements is true?3.Compared with men, women( ).4.The passage is centered on( ).

    A.People with two copies of the long alleleB.People with two copies of the short alleleC.People with one short allele and one long alleleD.People with abnormal alleles
    问题2:A.People who have developed depression have all experienced stressful eventsB.People will not develop depression if they have not experienced stressful events.C.People having difficulties are more likely to develop depression than those who haven't.D.People are more
  • s="" gun="" and="" that="" he="" had="" the="" shells="" of="" those="" bullets="" with="" him.'>

    Captain Jones ( )that he had fired five bullets from Hoffman's gun and that he had the shells of those bullets with him.

    A.purified B.testified C.magnified D.intensified
  • Often criticism may be more effectively made by ( )than by direct censure.

    A.deception B.innuendo C.malignity D.collusion
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