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Don’t bother to arrange a meal, because we have just had lunch and able to eat anything( )

A.neither he nor I are B.neither he nor I is C.neither I nor he is D.neither he nor I am

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  • Once it was possible to define male and female roles easily by the division of labor. Men worked outside the home and earned the income to support their families, while women cooked the meals and took care of the home and the children. These roles were firmly fixed for most people, and there was not much opportunity for women to exchange their roles. But by the middle of this century, men’s and women’s roles were becoming less firmly fixed.In the 1950s, economic and social success was the goal of the typical American. But in the 1960s a new force developed called the counterculture. The people involved in this movement did not value the middle-class American goals. The counterculture presented men and women with new role choices. Taking more interest in childcare, men began to share child-raising tasks with their wives. In fact, some young men and women moved to communal homes or farms where the economic and childcare responsibilities were shared equally by both sexes. In addition, many Americans did not value the traditional male role of soldier. Some young men refused to be drafted as soldiers to fight in the war in Vietnam.In terms of numbers, the counterculture was not a very large group of people. But its influence spread to many parts of American society. Working men of all classes began to change their economic and social patterns. Industrial workers and business executives alike cut down on “overtime” work so that they could spend more leisure time with their families. Some doctors, lawyers, and teachers turned away from high paying situations to practice their professions in poorer neighborhoods.In the 1970s, the feminist movement, or women’s liberation, produced additional economic and social changes. Women of all ages and at all levels of society were entering the work force in greater numbers. Most of them still took traditional women’s jobs as public school teaching, nursing, and secretarial work. But some women began to enter traditionally male occupations: police work, banking, dentistry, and construction work. Women were asking for equal work, and equal opportunities for promotion.Today the experts generally agree that important changes are taking place in the roles of men and women. Naturally, there are difficulties in adjusting to these transformations.1.Which of the following best express the main idea of Paragraph 1?2.Which sentence best expresses the main idea of Paragraph 2?3.In the passage the author proposes that the counterculture ( ).4.It could be inferred from the passage that ( ).5.The best title for the passage may be( ).

    A.Women usually worked outside the home for wages. B.Men and women’s roles were easily exchanged in the past. C.Men’s roles at home were more firmly fixed than women’s. D.Men and women’s roles were usually quite separated in the past.
    A.The first sentence. B.The second and the third sentences. C.The fourth sentence. D.The last sentence.
    A.destroyed the United States B.transformed some American values C.was not important in the United States D.brought people more leisure time with their families
    A.men and women will never share the same goals B.some men will be willing to exchange their traditional male roles C.most men will be happy to share some of the household responsibilities with their wives D.more American households are headed by women than ever before
    A.Results of Feminist Movements ' B.New influence in American Life C.Counterculture and Its consequence D.Traditional Division of Male and Female Roles
  • My new sweater ( )when I washed it for the first time.

    A.fainted B.paled C.bleached D.faded
  • By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles, we can ( )the surroundings.

    A.explore B.expose C.exploit D.expand
  • Soldiers act in ( )to the orders of their officers.

    A.obligation B.objection C.offence D.obedience
  • What we know of prenatal development makes all this attempt made by a mother to mold the character of her unborn child by studying poetry, art or mathematics during pregnancy seem utterly impossible. How could such extremely complex influences pass from the mother to the child? There is no connection between their nervous systems. Even the blood vessels of mother and child do not join directly. An emotional shock to the mother will affect her child, because it changes the activity of her glands and so the chemistry of her blood. Any chemical change in the mother’s blood will affect the child for better or worse. But we cannot see how a looking for mathematics or poetic genius can be dissolved in blood and produce a similar liking or genius in the child.In our discussion of instincts we saw that there was reason to believe that whatever we inherit must be of some very simple sort rather than any complicated or very definite kind of behavior. It is certain that no one inherits a knowledge of mathematics. It may be, however, that children inherit more or less of a rather general ability that we may call intelligence. If very intelligent children become deeply interested in mathematics, they will probably make a success of that study.As for musical ability, it may be that what is inherited is an especially sensitive ear, a peculiar structure of the hands or the vocal organs, connections between nerves and muscles that make it comparatively easy to learn the movements a musician must execute, and particularly vigorous emotions. If these factors are all organized around music, the child may become a musician. The same factors, in other circumstance might be organized about some other center of interest. The rich emotional equipment might find expression in poetry. The capable fingers might develop skill in surgery. It is not the knowledge of music that is inherited, then nor even the love of it, but a certain bodily structure that makes it comparatively easy to acquire musical knowledge and skill. Whether that ability shall be directed toward music or some other undertaking may be decided entirely by forces in the environment in which a child grows up.1.Which of the following statements is not true?2.A mother will affect her unborn baby on the condition that ( ).3.According to the passage, a child may inherit ( ).4.If a child inherits something from his mother, such as an especially sensitive ear, a peculiarstructure of the hands or of the vocal organs, he will ( ).5.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

    A.Some mothers try to influence their unborn children by studying art and other subjects during their pregnancy. B.It is utterly impossible for us to learn anything about prenatal development. C.The blood vessels of mother and child do not join directly. D.There are no connection between mother's nervous systems and her unborn child's.
    A.she is emotionally shocked B.she has a good knowledge of inheritance C.she takes part in all kind of activities D.she sticks to studying
    A.everything from his mother B.a knowledge of mathematics C.a rather general ability that we call intelligence D.her mother's musical ability
    A.surely become musician B.mostly become a poet C.possibly become a teacher D.become a musician on the condition that all these factors are organized around music
    A.Role of Inheritance B.An Unborn Child C.Function of instincts D.Inherited Talents
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