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I held ______ from telling him what I thought of him.

A.at B.back C.on D.in

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  • When we had (
    A.calculated) the cost (B.on) the project, it was clear it would not be(C. economic) to go (D.ahead) with it.
  • 当加载过程从零开始,逐步递增一直加到试验某一预定目标或结构破坏为止,也就是在一个不长的时间段内完成试验加载的全过程的试验,称为_____________试验。
  • On reaching home I discovered that I ______ my keys at the office.

    A.left B.have left C.was left D.had left
  • Wearing a seat belt in a vehicle ____.

    A.reduces road accidents by more than half B.saves lives while driving at a speed up to 30 miles per hour C.reduces the death rate in traffic accidents D.saves more than 15,000 lives each year
  • 试论现代社会教育的发展趋势。

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