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The children made so much noise in the living room that their Mom couldn’t make herself___

A.being heard B.hearing C.heard D.hear

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  • More than half of the students graduating from prestigious universities come from____families.

    A.abundant B.alternative C.automatic D.affluent
  • 利用环境随机激振方法可以测量建筑物的_________。
  • Passage 1

    This is a really powerful story about how the Nazi Germany comes about. The book is a series of fictional letters( based on real news stories) between two very old friends in business together. At the start of the story, the German heads back to live in Germany, while the American Jew deals with their Art business in America It details the excitement the German feels as Hitler comes to power, and then the gradual decline in relationships between the two old friends. When the German friend becomes directly responsible for the death of his ex-Jewish lover(The daughter of his American friend ), by refusing to hide her, they fall out and things become nasty. It took me several reads to work out what was happening later in the book- and reading the afterword first would have helped me considerably It is a great way of introducing students to a different view of the world, as so many will start out by saying they would never follow the Nazi way- but then they will see it wasn’t a sudden decision, more a long drawn out bit by bit process I would recommend anyone to buy this book and share it or just for their own interest. It provides a teacher with a lot of back ground knowledge a bout life just before the war- helping them to explain why a war may have taken place and why the German population supported Hitler in the process.

    The phrase that best expresses the main idea of this passage is____

    A.“ A commentary“ B.“ Hitler'' s belief” C."How to know the Nazi Germany” D.“ a book review”
  • 调整企业资本结构并不能()

  • When she heard of the horrifying news,she went white as a___

    A.log B.wall C.feather D.sheet
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