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Passage I

Far away in the deep blue ocean, there lived a little blue whale named Fino. Even though he was called 'little, he was not little by any means. Baby Fino was much bigger than all of his friends. His favourite pastime was playing"hide and seek"with his friends in and around the rocky sea But there was one thing which disappointed him all the time. That was, whenever they played hide and seek, Fino ended up on the losing end. No matter how hard he tried to hide his friends would find him in time. Since Fino was so big, it was very easy for his friends to find him, because he stuck out from behind whenever he was trying to hide, And when his turn came, Fino could never find his tiny friends. They were so tiny that they could hide anywhere. Sometimes they hid behind Finos own tail! But. Fino could never see them, until they came out and showed themselves. Therefore, Fino had to spend the whole day searching for them. This happened almost all the time, When Fino got tired of searching, he gave up the game and went to his mother whimpering “Uh…uh…uh…l can' t do this all the time,I can' t stand it anymore...” Fino complained. Why, my darling, what's wrong? " his mother asked Mama, whenever I hide. they find me right away. But whenever they hide, I can't find them even if I search all day long. Why, Mama? Why am I so big? Why can't I be tiny, like my friends? "Fino asked, sadly But, darling, you are a whale, You are different from all the fish in the sea. We are the biggest animals on earth. And don’t forget, you'll be even bigger when you grow up. said his mother "Even bigger? Oh no, I don't want to be any bigger. I'm tired of being big "Fino said "No Fino, you must be proud of it. said his mother.

The word"whimpering"in the fourth paragraph most probably means

A.shouting B.whispering C.whistling D.crying

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