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A( ) translation is not always the closest to original meaning.

A.liberal B.literate C.literal D.literacy

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  • s="" contribution="" to="" a="" company.'>

    Salary increases are useful to retain and employees, and( )are also a method of recognizing the employee's contribution to a company.

    A.motivate B.modulate C.multiply D.mobilize
  • Microwaves are a type of electromagnetic radiation; they are a very mild form of electrical or magnetic wave that moves through space. Unlike X-rays and gamma rays, which are very powerful rays of radiation, microwaves are rather weak and are much more like the waves of radiation used in radio broadcasting.In microwave ovens, the use of microwaves with which most people are familiar, the waves are produced by an electronic tube called a magnetron. Microwaves produce beat in any food placed inside the oven by causing the water in the food to vibrate rapidly and thus heat up. Food that have more water in them take less time to cook and probably have more of their nutrients left intact when cooked in a microwave oven.Microwaves do not pass through metals so the microwaves are retained within the oven. Microwaves pass immediately through glass, paper, and plastic with no effect on these materials or on the microwaves; nothing inside the microwave oven is heated except the food itself, so the cooking process is much more efficient than in conventional ovens. Sometimes a part or container is heated because it is touching the hot food, though; some users of microwave ovens have been burned by hot food, by hot pans, or steam escaping from the food. No documented case of radiation burns from a microwave oven has ever been reported.Actually, we know very little about how microwave radiation might affect human beings. Obviously, if microwaves can cook a roast by exciting the water molecules in the meats they could do the same thing to human flesh. Human being could be burned by prolonged exposure to high levels of microwaves. But scientists are more concerned about the effects of low level microwave exposures, such as might result from a leaking microwave oven.No research has yet been performed on people who have been exposed to low level microwave radiation. Some experiments have been performed on animals, but the results are very difficult to interpret. As the eyes are particularly sensitive, rabbits exposed to low level microwaves were checked for the growth of cataracts, and none were found. On the other hand, some animals seem able to sense microwave radiation and try to escape from it immediately. In others, microwave radiation causes the body to react as if defending itself against decease. These responses lead some scientists to think that microwave radiation is harmful,though in some yet undiscovered way.1. The purpose of this passage is to discuss( ).2. Microwaves are( ).3. We can conclude from this passage that( ).4. The author’s tone is( ).5. As used in the 3rd paragraph of this passage, the word “documented" means( ).

    A.the beneficial use of microwaves B.the harmful effects of microwaves C.the modern methods of cooking D.the use and possible harmful effects of microwaves
    A.absolutely safe at low levels B.very efficient for cooking C.cancer-causing in people with weak eyes D.completely understood by Scientists
    A.the heat created in microwave ovens is very difficult to control B.food tastes better when cooked in a microwave oven C.food cooked in microwave ovens is probably more nutritious than food cooked in more conventional ways D.most research on the effects of microwaves on human beings has been restricted to the study of low level microwave radiation
    A.objective B.sarcastic C.negative D.skeptical
    A.numbered B.recorded C.legal D.believable
  • Directions: From June 1, 2008, China will ban shops from offering free plastic bag and has called on consumers to use baskets and cloth sacks instead to reduce environmental pollution. What do you think about this policy? Please write a composition of approximately 200 words on the following topic:Should We Ban Free Plastic Bags From Shops?In the first part, you should stale clearly your viewpoint on this issue. In the second part, you should support your viewpoint wilh appropriate details. In I he last part, you should bring what you have written Io a natural conclusion.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow these instructions may result in the loss of marks.Write your composition on the ANSWER SHEET.

  • middle="" path’,which="" is="" to="" do="" selective="" television="" viewing="" and="" not="" over="" indulging="" in="" the="" habit="" should="" be="" best="" solution="" reconcile="" both="" merits="" demerits="" of="" owning="" a="" television.'>

    Directions: Summarize in your own words, the advantages and disadvantages of owning a television. Your account should not be more than 120 words.With the invention of televisions, many forms of entertainments have been replaced. Lively programs like television serials and world news, have removed from us the need to read books or papers, to listen to radios or even to watch movies. In fact, during the 1970s, when televisions were first introduced, cinema theatres suffered great losses as many people chose to stay in the comforts of their homes to watch their favorite programs.Indeed, the television brings the world into our house. Hence, by staying at home and pressing some buttons world happenings immediately presented before us. Children nowadays develop faster in language, owing to the early exposure to television programs. At such tender age, it would be difficult for them to read books or papers. Thus, television programs are a .good source of learning for them. Furthermore, pronunciations by tile newscasters, actors or actresses are usually standardized, hence young children watching these programs will lean the right pronunciations too. Owning a television is also extremely beneficial to working parents who usually too busy or tired to take their kids out for entertainments. Surrounded by the comforts of their home, the family can have a chance to get together and watch their favorite television programs.Of course, we should not be too carried away by the advantages of the television and overlook its negative points. Watching television programs takes away our need to read. Why bother to read the papers when we can hear them from the television news reports? Why read books when exciting movies are screened? The lack of reading is unhealthy especially to younger children as they will grow up only with the ability to speak but not write. I have a neighbor whose six-year-old child can say complete sentences like “I like cats,” but when told to write out the sentence, is unable to do so. Not only arc the writing skills of children affected, their thinking capacities arc also handicapped. Television programs remove the need to think. The stories, ideas and facts are woven in the way television planners wanted. Exposure to such opinions and the lack of thinking opportunities will hinder the children’s analyzing ability.Despite the disadvantages of watching television programs, personally, I think that choosing the 'middle path’,which is to do selective television viewing and not over indulging in the habit should be the best solution to reconcile both the merits and demerits of owning a television.

  • A good companion is better than a fortune, for a fortune cannot purchase those elements of character which make companionship a blessing. The best companion is one who is wiser and better than ourselves, for we are inspired by his wisdom and virtue to nobler deeds. Greater wisdom and goodness than we possess lifts us higher mentally and morally.“A man is known by the companion he keeps.” It is always true. Companionship of a high order is powerful to develop character. Character makes character in the associations of life faster than anything else. Purity begets purity, like begets like; and this fact makes the choice of companion in early life more important even than that of teachers and guardians.It is true that we cannot always choose all of our companions, some are thrust upon us by business or the social relations of life, we do not choose them, we do not enjoy them; and yet. We have to associate with them more or less. The experience is not altogether without compensation, if there be principle enough in us to bear the strain. Still, in the main, choice of companions can be made, and must be made. It is not best or necessary for a young person to associate with “Tom, Dick, and Harry” without forethought or purpose. Some fixed rules about the company he or she keeps must be observed. The subject should be uttermost in the thoughts, and canvassed(审视)often.

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