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Being a good parent is what every parent would like to be. But defining what it means to be a good parent is undoubtedly very(1) , particularly since children respond differently to the same style of parenting. A calm, rule-following child might respond better to a different sort of parenting than, (2) , a younger one sibling.

(3) , there’s another sort of parent that’s easier to (4) : a patient parent. Children of every age benefit from patient parenting. Still, (5) , every parent would like to be patient, this is no easy(6) . Sometimes, parents get exhausted and are unable to maintain a(7) style with their kids. I understand this.You’re only human, and sometimes your kids can(8) you just a little too far. And then the(9) happens: You lose your patience and either scream at your kids or say something that was too(10) and does nobody any good. You wish that you could (11) the clock and start over. We’ve all been there. (12) , even though it’s common, it’s vital to keep in mind that in a single moment of fatigue, you can say something to your child that you may(13) for a long time. This may not only do damage to your relationship with your child but also(14) your child’s self-esteem.If you consistently lose your(15) with your kids, then you are inadvertently modeling a lack of emotional control for your kids. We are all becoming increasingly aware of the(16) of modeling patience for the younger generation. This is a skill that will help them all throughout life. In fact, the ability to maintain emotional control when(17) by stress is one of the most significant of all life’s skills.

Certainly, it’s (18) to maintain patience at all times with your kids. A more practical goal is to try,, to the best of your ability, to be as tolerant and composed as you can when faced with(19) situations involving your children. I can promise you this: As a result of working toward this goal, you and your children will benefit and(20) from stressful moments feeling better physically and emotionally.

A.pleasant B.tricky C.tedious D.instructive问题2: A.at once B.in addition C.for example D.by accident问题3: A.Fortunately B.Occasionally C.Accordingly D.Eventually问题4: A.amuse B.train C.assist D.describe问题5: A.once B.because C.unless D.while问题6: A.choice B.answer C.task D.access问题7: A.formal B.tolerant C.rigid D.critical问题8: A.move B.send C.drag D.push问题9: A.inevitable B.illogical C.mysterious D.suspicious问题10: A.boring B.harsh C.naive D.vague问题11: A.turn back B.take apart C.set aside D.cover up问题12: A.Overall B.Instead C.otherwise D.However问题13: A.believe B.regret C.miss D.like问题14: A.justify B.raise C.affect D.reflect问题15: A.bond B.time C.race D.cool16.问题16: A.nature B.secret C.context D.importance17.问题17: A.confronted B.defeated C.cheated D.confused18.问题18: A.strange B.terrible C.hard D.wrong19.问题19: A.exciting B.trying C.Surprising D.changing20.问题20: A.withdraw B.hide C.emerge D.escape

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