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  • 【案例材料】近年来,校园安全事故频繁发生,学生伤害老师事件已经引起社会广泛热议。2013年9月14日,江西抚州临川区某重点中学某老师被异地求学的高三学生雷某杀害。案发前日,雷某课间玩手机时被该班主任强行收走,并要求雷某通知其家长来校。第二天,雷某进入该老师办公室将其割喉致死。案发后,犯罪嫌疑人雷某潜逃至上海浦东后向警方自首。雷某告诉民警,他跟该老师没有任何个人恩怨,就是适应不了该老师的教学方式和管理方式。另据报道.2016年4月15日晚.安徽蒙城县某初中发生5名男学生群殴英语老师事件。现场视频显示,当晚,蒙城县某中学英语马老师给九(1)班寄宿学生上辅导课时,因收发试卷不当与学生戴某发生冲突.进而引发该班学生马某和其他4名同学对该老师拳打脚踢进行群殴。期间,无一学生上前劝阻,且有不少学生围观起哄。4月21日,涉事的5名学生向马老师当面承认错误并赔礼道歉,马老师也进行了自我检讨并向学生道歉,双方互相达成谅解。【问题】请根据以上背景材料,回答以下问题:1.请依据埃里克森人格发展理论,分析案例中学生群殴、杀害教师的原因。2.请依据班级管理理论,针对蒙城事件,提出避免类似事件发生的对策。3.请依据教育学理论,分析影响良好师生关系建立的主要因素。

  • Researchers disagree on whether the “use it or lose it” philosophy holds for cognitive (认知的) aging, but there is some evidence that keeping mentally active can slow age-related declines.At Pennsylvania State University, Sherry Willis and her husband, K. Warner Schaie, have studied 5,000 people, some since 1956. People lucky enough to avoid chronic diseases may also fare (过活) better in intellectual function, they find, perhaps because chronic diseases can restrict lifestyle and reduce mental fare better, perhaps because money can buy intellectually stimulating things like travel.Education helps, too, researchers say, perhaps because it instille (灌输) the conviction that you can always learn something new. The Schaie Willis team also has some other observations. Being in a stable marriage with a stimulating spouse, they say, helps maintain intellectual vigor.Flexibility counts, too. People who stay mentally vibrant are often those who do not insist that “they must do things today as they did before,” Schaie says. In neuropsychological (神经心理学的) terms, the ability to see problems in new ways often yields higher scores on tests of mental function. And people satisfied with life also stay more mentally fit, he says.If you find your mental skills sagging, consider working on specific deficits. When Willis gave 5-hour tutorials (辅导课) on inductive reasoning or spatial (空间的) skills to about 200 people whose skills had declined in the previous 14 years, 40 percent regained lost abilities. That advantage held up seven years later when they were re-tested.Other ways to stay sharp, Schaie says, are doing jigsaw puzzles to hone (磨练) visual-spatial skills, working crossword puzzles for verbal skills, playing bridge for memory and simply matching wits at home with players on TV game shows.Finally, remember this. Even though you may lose some mental skills with normal aging, you also gain in one key area: wisdom. The growth of wisdom — loosely defined as the maturation of intellectual abilities that comes with life experiences — continues throughout the 40s, 50s and even 60s.16. In this passage, the author mainly discusses .17. The word “it” in the saying “use it or lose it” (Paragraph 1) refers to .18. According to researchers, which of the following factors affects cognitive aging?19. From this passage we may safely infer that might help prevent mental declines.20. According to the author, all of the following can truly be said about wisdom EXCEPT that .

    A.the role of mental stimulation in preventing mental aging B.gradual loss of mental skills with normal aging C.the relationship between mental function and spatial skills D.effective ways to keep intellectual vigor
    A.brain power B.cognitive development C.mental stimulation D.intellectual function
    A.Education B.Chronic illness C.Standards of living D.All of the above
    A.physical exercises B.social interconnections C.rigid daily routines D.a healthy diet
    A.wisdom may be thought of as a special form of abilities and knowledge completely developed with life experience B.wisdom may still grow even when the process of mental aging has started C.wisdom is superior in importance to mental skills such as inductive reasoning and spatial skills D.wisdom makes up an important part of brain power
  • 自学辅导课一般用于小学()。





  • 以下不属于心理辅导课活动形式的特点的是()





  • 假设你是李华。你在美国的朋友David给你发来一封电子邮件,询问你在暑假期间除了做家庭作业以我,还进行了什么有趣、有意义的活动。请你给他回一封电子邮件,向他介绍你在放假期间的主要活动。内容要点如下:
    2)可能用到的词:辅导课:training course 义工:voluntary work 老年人:the elderly
    敬老院:nursing home
    Dear David,
    Thanks for your e-mail. Now I’d like to tell you something about my summer vacation.

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