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Passage 2  The current emergency in Mexico City that has taken over our lives is nothing I couldever have imagined for me or my children. We were living in an environmental crisis, an air pollution emergency of unprecedented 1 . 2it really means is that just to breathehere is to 3 a dangerous game with your health.   4parents, what 5us most are reports that children are at higher 6because they breathe more times per minute. What more can we do to protect them and ourselves? Our pediatrician’s (儿科医师) medical 7was simple: 8the city 9 . We are foreigners and we are among the small minority that can afford to leave. We are herebecause of my husband’s work. We know that for us, this is a 10danger. 11 ,we can’t stand for much longer the fear we feel for our boys. We can’t stop them frombreathing.  But for millions, there is no choice. Their lives, their jobs, their futures 12on being here. Thousands of Mexicans arrive each day in this city, 13for economic opportunities Thousands more are born here each day. Entire families work in the streets and 14live there. It’s a familiar sight: 15parents hawk goods at stoplights, their children play in the grassy highway dividers, breathing exhaust fumes. I feel 16complaining about my personal situation; we won’t be here long enough for our children to form the 17 thaw skies are colored only gray.  The word “emergency” 18the unusual. But when daily life itself is an emergency, the concept loses its meaning. It is human nature to try to 19that which we can’t change, or to mislead ourselves 20believing we can adapt.1.
A. quality    B. severity   C. intensity   D. density2.
A. Which     B. Whatever   C. How      D. What3.
A. act      B. conduct    C. perform    D. play4.
A. As       B. Like     C. With      D. Unlike5.
A. terrorizes   B. fears     C. interrupts   D. suffers6.
A. rate      B. risk     C. amount     D. quantity7.
A. recommendation B. reference   C. diagnosis   D. comment8.
A. resign     B. abandon    C. forbid     D. prohibit9.
A. consistently  B. persistently C. permanently  D. unconditionally10.
A. transient   B. momentary   C. temporary   D. instant11.
A. Therefore   B. Moreover   C. Thus      D. However12.
A. decide    B. depend    C. revolve    D. concentrate13.
A. desperate   B. fanatic    C. insane     D. furious14.
A. fundamentally B. literally   C. practically  D. essentially15.
A. since     B. as      C. now that    D. if16.
A. guilty    B. reasonable  C. rational    D. conscientious17.
A. impression  B. suppression  C. depression   D. oppression18.
A. supplies   B. implies    C. designates   D. complies19.
A. feel like   B. dedicate to  C. adapt to    D. see to20.
A. to      B. for      C. onto      D. into

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  • Which of the following statements is true?

    A、OK Go is a small band while EMI is a big record company

    B、EMI is a small band while OK Go is a big record company

    C、Both OK Go and EMI are small bands working for a big company

    D、Both OK Go and EMI are big record companies who own small bands

  • According to the passage, residents in the state of Mississippi saved last year from tax breaks about.

    A、$10 million

    B、$47. 4 million

    C、no statistics available

    D、nearly a 3 percent increase

  • Passage 2  Is there something as truth? For good many centuries “the search for truth” has been 1 _ the noblest activity of the human mind, but the seekers after truth have come to such 2conclusions that it often seems that very little progress has been made. 3 , there are many people who feel that we are actually going backward 4our knowledge. They 5 , often contemptuously, that we have more “knowledge” than our ancestors, but they think we are farther from the truth than ever, or even that we have 6the truth that we once possessed.  If people look for anything long enough without finding it, the question naturally arises 7the thing is really there to find. You have seen a picture of an animal with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tall and maybe an eagle’s wings for good 8 . There is plenty of evidence that each part of this animal 9-but there is no 10   evidence that the parts ever occur in this combination. It is at least 11that the seekers after “truth” have made a similar mistake and invented a(n) 12combination.  It is 13to consider that the noun truth comes from the adjective true, and that the Latin world for truth, verities, also comes form an adjective, versus. In both languages the notion of true -accurate, 14to facts-seems to have developed before the notion of truth. We cannot definitely prove this, 15even older words meaning “truth” may have been forgotten, but it seems 16 . If you want to find out whether a man has told the truth, you 17his words with facts. If they 18 , you decide that his statement was true. You may then say either that his words were true or that he spoke the truth-but you cannot simply 19words to find out whether there is something called truth in them. Your second statement is merely a grammatical 20of the first.1.
    A. regarded    B. considered   C. pondered   D. referred2.
    A. illegal    B. identical   C. different   D. profound3.
    A. However    B. Nevertheless  C. In fact    D. In contrast4.
    A. to abandon   B. to derive   C. to enrich   D. to accumulate5.
    A. confess    B. realize    C. admit     D. reveal6.
    A. found     B. missed     C. lost     D. enriched7.
    A. while     B. that      C. when     D. whether8.
    A. measure    B. luck      C. reason    D. sense9.
    A. endures    B. exists     C. prevails   D. emerges10.
    A. appropriate  B. unique     C. reliable   D. dependent11.
    A. informative  B. thoughtful   C. considerable D. conceivable12.
    A. unbelievable B. imaginary   C. impressive  D. idealized13.
    A. enlightening B. delighting   C. refreshing  D. distressing14.
    A. conforming  B. complying   C. matching   D. resembling15.
    A. although   B. since     C. if      D. therefore16.
    A. reasonable  B. inevitable   C. incredible  D. distinguish17.
    A. Separate   B. discern    C. compare    D. distinguish18.
    A. suit     B. fit      C. vary     D. identify19.
    A. survey    B. audit     C. examine    D. investigate20.
    A. distinction  B. deformation  C. specification D. variation

  • According to the writer, the barrio boys had negative images of themselves because they.

    A、couldn’t play basketball well.

    B、felt that their language and culture were inferior.

    C、didn’t have the kinds of sneakers the Churchill boys had.

    D、didn’t speak as many languages as the Churchill boys.

  • Passage 1  What are the challenges facing multinationals that want to build their brands in China? --I think the first thing is ignorance. There’s a huge 1 of the complexity in China, which is more complex than Europe. There are different rules of law, which 2a significant factor. There are different 3 , Cantonese and Mandarin and lots of others in 4 , and dialects like Sichuan versions. You have problems of distribution. 5Chinese brands have been 6local because of the size of the market and the transportation system. What’s 7built up there is a sort of a pride in localness.  How can companies build their brands in China? -China is a place where 8have to be very patient and you've got to build 9time. You can’t go in 10invest short-term and then pull out 11then try to get back in 12 . It’s about being consistent, steady, building 13reputation, building confidence and then rewards will 14 . It’s a consistent ability to anticipate need. It’s insightfulness that helps brands to 15ahead.  How are local Chinese brands doing against the multinationals? -China’s been built 16local brands and there are a billion of them and they are 17spending sums of money locally that really dominate the 18 . But the future is Chinese brands moving outside of 19and marketing globally, because China’s got to move from a commodity economy to a 20sophisticated economy, which fundamentally means brands. There isn’t a major economy in the world that isn’t based upon producing great brands, because they provide far better margins and more sustainable growth.1.
    A. understanding  B. ignorance    C. recognition   D. exaggeration2.
    A. are       B. becomes     C. is        D. prove3.
    A. languages    B. dialects     C. vernaculars   D. jargons4.
    A. this      B. between     C. among      D. that5.
    A. Some      B. Few       C. Most       D. Part6.
    A. traditionally  B. basically    C. fundamentally  D. differently7.
    A. ever      B. being      C. never      D. been8.
    A. we       B. they       C. you       D. all9.
    A. in       B. on        C. during      D. over10.
    A. but      B. or        C. and       D. then11.
    A. to       B. and       C. through     D. ever12.
    A. afterwards   B. again      C. backwards    D. never13.
    A. the      B. /        C. some       D. a14.
    A. return     B. make       C. come       D. go15.
    A. stay      B. go        C. move       D. push16.
    A. in       B. on        C. through     D. into17.
    A. themselves   B. seldom      C. all       D. often18.
    A. market     B. area       C. region      D. locality19.
    A. here      B. there      C. China      D. world20.
    A. even      B. ever       C. most       D. more

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