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Passage 2  Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an 1should be made even before choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually,  2  , most people make several job choices during their working lives, 3   because of economic and industrial changes and partly to improve their position. The “one perfect job” does not 4  . Young people should 5   enters into a broad flexible training program that will 6   them for a field of work rather than for a single 7 .  Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans 8  benefit of help from an 9   vocational counselor or psychologist. Knowing 10   about the occupational world, or themselves for that matter, they choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss basis. Some 11   from job to job. Others 12   to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not fitted.  One common mistake is choosing an occupation for 13   real or imagined prestige. Too many high-school students-or their parents for them-choose the professional field, 14   both the relatively small proportion of workers in the professions and the extremely high educational and personal 15  . The imagined or real prestige of a profession or a white-collar job is no good 16   for choosing it as life’s work. 17  , these occupations are not always well-paid, since a large 18   of jobs are in mechanical and manual work. The 19   of young people should give serious 20   to these fields.1.
A. identification  B. entertainment  C. accommodation  D. occupation2.
A. however     B. thus       C. though      D. thereby3.
A. entirely     B. mainly      C. partly      D. possibly4.
A. fade       B. vanish      C. survive     D. exist5.
A. since      B. therefore    C. furthermore   D. for6.
A. make       B. fit       C. take       D. leave7.
A. job       B. way       C. means      D. company8.
A. with       B. for       C. without     D. to9.
A. competent    B. competitive   C. aggressive    D. effective10.
A. little     B. few       C. much       D. more11.
A. turn      B. drift      C. leave      D. float12.
A. apply      B. appeal      C. stick      D. turn13.
A. our       B. its       C. your       D. their14.
A. concerning   B. following    C. considering   D. disregarding15.
A. preferences   B. requirements   C. tendencies    D. ambitions16.
A. resource    B. background    C. reason      D. basis17.
A. So       B. Nevertheless   C. But       D. Moreover18.
A. rate      B. thickness    C. proportion    D. density19.
A. majority    B. minimum     C. minority     D. multitude20.
A. proposal    B. suggestion    C. consideration  D. appraisal

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  • According to the passage, residents in the state of Mississippi saved last year from tax breaks about.

    A、$10 million

    B、$47. 4 million

    C、no statistics available

    D、nearly a 3 percent increase

  • What does the author claim about the study discussed in the passage?

    A、It contains many inconsistencies.

    B、It specializes in children.

    C、It contradicts the results of earlier studies in the field.

    D、Its results apparently are relevant for the population as a whole.

  • Why does the author say that “these species of fungi seem rather strange”?

    A、They are larger than typical fungi.

    B、Unlike other fungi, they can produce their own food.

    C、They exist only as partners of algae.

    D、They do not fit into any known class of fungi.

  • Passage 1  There is a general expectation that teachers can spot talented children and do something for them. But studies have __1__ that teachers do not always __2__ gifted children, even those __3__ academic talent. In fact, they __4__ to identify from 10 to 50 percent of their gifted students.  The first __5__ in identifying gifted students is determining the __6__ for finding them. If we want to __7__ a group of students for a(n) __8__ mathematics class, our approach would be different than __9__, we are looking for students with high talent __10__ a creative-writing program.  Specific program needs requirements, then, __11__ the identification process. Subjective evaluation-teacher __12__, parent referral-should be __13__ by standardized tests and other __14__ measures of ability. Any __15__ for identifying gifted children in a school system should __16__ both subjective and objective methods of __17__. Classroom behavior, for example, can point __18__ children’s ability to organize and use materials and reveal their potential for processing information better than __19__ a test situation. Many aspects of creativity and verbal fluency are also best__20__ in a classroom or informal setting.1.
    A. expressed    B. shown     C. approved    D. confirmed2.
    A. prefer     B. admit     C. recognize    D. encounter3.
    A. for       B. of       C. without     D. with4.
    A. fail      B. tend      C. try       D. promise5.
    A. method     B. step      C. phase      D. aim6.
    A. approach    B. process    C. reason     D. procedure7.
    A. signify     B. choose     C. specify     D. organize8.
    A. enforced    B. innovated   C. extended    D. advanced9.
    A. if       B. when      C. that      D. whom10.
    A. to       B. for      C. in       D. on11.
    A. shape     B. complete    C. modify     D. regulate12.
    A. grading    B. decision    C. judgement    D. motivation13.
    A. classified   B. determined   C. improved    D. checked14.
    A. subjective   B. objective   C. persuasive   D. effective15.
    A. program    B. class     C. plan      D. project16.
    A. constitute   B. sustain    C. include     D. embody17.
    A. revelation   B. examination  C. evaluation   D. recognition18.
    A. to       B. up       C. at       D. out19.
    A. can      B. does      C. take      D. give20.
    A. qualified   B. trained    C. highlighted   D. observed

  • How was the public motivated to help the health workers?

    A、By educating them.

    B、By rewarding them for reporting cases.

    C、By isolating them from others.

    D、By giving them vaccinations.

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