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  • 共用题干第一篇
    A Sunshade(遮阳伞)for the Planet
    Even with the best will in the world,reducing our carbon emissions is not going to prevent global warming. It has become clear that even if we take the most strong measures to control emissions, the uncertainties in our climate models still leave open the possibility of extreme warming and rises in sea level. At the same time,resistance by governments and special interest groups makes it quite possible that the actions suggested by climate scientists might not be implemented soon enough.
    Fortunately,if the worst comes to the worst,scientists still have a few tricks up their sleeves. For the most part they have strongly resisted discussing these options for fear of inviting a sense of complacency that might thwart efforts to tackle the root of the problem. Until now,that is a growing number of researchers are taking a fresh look at large-scale"geoengineering"projects that might be used to counteract global warming."I use the analogy of methadone,"says Stephen Schneider,a climate researcher at Stanford University in California who was among the first to draw attention to global warming."If you have a heroin addict,the correct treatment is hospitalization,and a long rehab. But if they absolutely refuse,methadone is better than heroin."
    Basically the idea is to apply"sunscreen"to the whole planet. One astronomer has come up with a radical plan to cool Earth:launch trillions of feather-light discs into space,where they would form a vast cloud that would block the sun's rays.It's controversial,but recent studies suggest there are ways to deflect just enough of the sunlight reaching the Earth's surface to counteract the warming produced by the greenhouse effect. Global climate models show that blocking just 1.8 percent of the incident energy in the sun's rays would cancel out the warming effects produced by a doubling of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.That could be crucial,because even the most severe emissions control measures being proposed would leave us with a doubling of carbon dioxide by the end of this century,and that would last for at least a century more. Scientists resist talking about their options because they don't want people to______.A:know what they are doingB:feel their efforts are uselessC:think the problem has been solvedD:see the real problem
  • 南昌的夏天,烈日炎炎,酷热难耐.小明的妈妈为了遮挡热辣辣的阳光,在自行车的前把上安装了遮阳伞.可自从安装了这把伞后,骑车时总感觉自行车的前把好象被人向上提起,这是为什么呢?请你列举出一个生产生活中和这个现象相同原理的事例.

  • 夏天,小明的妈妈为了躲避热辣的阳光,自行车的前把上安装了遮阳伞,可自从安装了这把伞后,妈妈骑车时总感觉车把象被人向上提起,这是为什么呢?为探究这个问题,小明制作了一个模型,并把它穿在一根铁丝上,在铁丝的上下各挂一只弹簧测力计,如图所示,然后用电吹风对着模型吹气,结果发现:上面的测力计示数变小,下面的测力计示数变大。(1)经过发现,小明认为模型上方的空气流速___\_下方的空气流速;模型上方的大气压强_________下方的大气压强。(2)小明根据自己的实验给妈妈解释了为什么骑车时感觉车把被向上提起,小明的解释是:____________。

  • 夏天,小明的妈妈为了躲避毒热的太阳光,在自行车的前把上安装了遮阳伞,可自从安装了这把伞后,妈妈总感觉车把象被人向上提起,这是为什么呢?为探究这个问题,小明制作了一个模型,并把它穿插在一根铁丝上,在铁丝的上、下端各挂一只弹簧测力计,如图所示果发现:上面的测力计示数变小,下面的测力计示数变大




  • 宋女士,20岁,腕、踝关节疼痛及脱发1年,今晨在海边游泳时发现面部出现紫红斑,遂就医。查体:头发稀疏,面颊及颈部均有不规则的圆形红斑,口腔有溃疡。化验:血中查出狼疮细胞。若面部红斑加重,护士对其进行健康教育时以下内容不妥的是()






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