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风是空气相对于地面的运动,此种景只能感受而不能观赏,大多用以衬托其他景观。“经台秋风”是(  )。





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  • The Ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras is best known today for his mathematical theorem,which haunts the dreams of many geometry students, but for centuries he was also celebrated as the father of vegetarianism.A meatless diet was referred to as a"Pythagorean diet" for years, up until the modern vegetarian movement began in the mid-1800s. While Pythagoras was an early proponent of a meatless diet, humans have been vegetarians since well before recorded history.Most anthropologists agree that early humans would have eaten a predominantly plant-based diet; after all, plants can't run away.Additionally, our digestive systems resemble those of herbivores closer than carnivorous animals.Prehistoric man ate meat, of course,but plants formed the basis of his diet. Pythagoras and his many followers practiced vegetarianism for several reasons, mainly due to religious and ethical objections.Pythagoras believed all living beings had souls.Animals were no exception, so meat and fish were banished from his table.Strangely enough, he also banished a vegetable that has a place of honor on most vegetarian menus today, thebean.His followers were forbidden to eat or even touch beans, because he thought beans and humans were created from the same material.Fava beans were especially bad, as they have hollow steams that could allow the souls of the dead to travel up from the soil into the growing beans. While the edict against beans was lifted not long after Pythagoras' death, his followers continued to eat a meatless diet.His principles influenced generations of academics and religious thinkers, and it was a group of these like-minded individuals who founded the Vegetarian Society in English in the mid-1800s.The virtues of temperance, abstinence and self-control were all tied to vegetarian Ideals, while lust, drunkenness and general hooliganism all resulted from a diet too rich in meat products.Notable early vegetarians included Leo Tolstoy, George Bernard Shaw, Mahatma Gandhi and American Bronson Alcott, a Transcendentalist teacher, reformer and the father of"Little Women" author Louisa May Alcott. It wasn't until the 1960s that vegetarianism moved into mainstream American life and the movement's growth picked up speed in the 1970s when a young graduate student -named Francis Moore Lappe wrote a book called Diet for a Small Planet.In it, she advocated a meatless diet not for ethical or moral reasons, but because plant-based foods have much less impact on the environment than meat does.Today, many vegetarians refuse meat because of animal rights issues,or concerns over animal treatment, a principle first espoused in Peter Singer's 1975 work Animal Liberation.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

    A、 The History of Vegetarianism

    B、 The Father of Vegetarianism

    C、 The Advocates of Vegetarianism

    D、 The Benefits of Vegetarianism

  • 音乐教学设计的核心是确定()。





  • 经济民族主义指通过政府政策的形式对进口商品建立贸易壁垒,并施加各种各样的保护主义政策以保护其国内产业,它深切关注民族国家整体在世界政治经济体系中的地位,特别是由民族经济竞争力决定的民族的长期发展趋势,而不是世界的共存共荣。在罗斯福新政的下列措施中,明显带有经济民族主义色彩的是()。





  • 阅读材料,根据要求完成教学设计。材料一 《义务教育物理课程标准(2011年版)》关于“物体的浮沉条件”的内容标准为:“知道阿基米德原理,运用物体的浮沉条件说明生产、生活中的一些现象。”材料二 初中物理某教科书“物体的浮沉条件及应用”一节中的部分内容如下:材料三 教学对象为初中二年级学生,学生已经学习了浮力的概念和阿基米德原理。任务:(1)举例说明物体的浮沉条件在生产或生活中的应用。(4分)(2)根据上述材料,完成“物体的沉浮条件”的完整教学设计,教学设计要求包括:教学目标、教学重点、教学过程(要求含有教学环节、教学活动、设计意图等)。(24分)

  • Which of the following shows the proper pronunciation of the segment "ten bikes" in

    A、/tem baiks/

    B、/ten baiks/

    C、/təm baiks/

    D、/tən baiks/

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