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  • 要将报纸上的图片输入计算机中,下列合适的设备是()。





  • Sante fe, New Mexico multimillionaire Fortest Fenn has always loved a good adventure.As a small child before eight, he and his brother, Skippy spent summer vacations making exploration in Yellowstone National Park. As a teen, Fenn idolized the decorated World War n fighter pilot, called Robin Olds and latter emulated his hero during The Vietnam War as an Air fighte.pilot to go to New Mexico and settled there as an arts and antiques dealer, hunting down valuable paintings, rugs, war memorabilia, and other antique to sell. In 1998, Fenn was diagnosecl with terminal kidney cancer.As he had always been doing, he conceived a grand adventured that he assumed would be his last one."I wanted to create some excitement, some hope, before I died," says Fenn, 82, adding that he also wanted to"get kids out of the game room and off the couch." With those ideas in his mind, he started to devise a treasurehunt. Little by little, Fenn began stocking a small bronze chest with gold coins, prehistoric bracelets and other valuable things.When his cancer went into remission in 1993, he decided he would carryout his plan anyway. In 2010, Fenn the chest with jewels and valuable stones and hid it somewhere deep in the Rocky Mountains, north of Sante Fe.Later that year, he wrote a poem for his self-published memoir, The Thrill of the Chase.It contained nine clues about the treasure box's whereabouts.One stanza reads like this: Begin it where warm waters halt/And take it in the canyon down/Not far, but too far to walk/Put in below the home of Brown. A few months later, a story about the treasure appeared in a magazine.Since then, Fenn has received thousands of e-mails from treasure hunters.Some request more clues to the box.But mostly "people thanked me for bringing their family together," he says with a self-comforting smile on his face. In April, Fenn told a crowd at an Albuquerque bookstore that two groups of treasure hunters had gotten within 500 feet of the chest."They walked right by it," he said. Fenn is confident that the treasure will be unearthed eventually and says it will take the right combination of cunning and perseverance."It will be discovered by someone who has read the clues carefully and successfully.But nobody is going to happen upon it," he predicts. He hopes that whoever finds the loot will relish the riches and the adventure of finding them.What did Fenn enjoy most from treasure hunters according to the passage?

    A、 Their requests about more clues.

    B、 Their tremendous interest in the game.

    C、 Their news about getting their f'amily closer.

    D、 Their numerous emails about their perseverance.

  • 阅读下面材料,回答问题。  读者薛女士反映,转学还不到一学期的10岁儿子小雷(化名)跟过去比好像换了个人。以往由于喜欢做小动作,小雷没少挨老师的骂,结果看到老师就害怕,不得不转学。到新学校后不久,小雷在上课时又忍不住做起小动作,被老师发现了。新老师什么也没说,只是微笑着轻轻拍了一下他的背,便继续上课了。以后,每次新老师走过小雷身边,如果小雷没做小动作,老师就会对他微笑并点头表示赞许。很快,小雷改掉了坏习惯,还爱上了学习,自信心大增。  问题:根据相关教育知识,谈谈你对小雷转变的原因的认识。

  • 阅读下面的学生作文,回答第17~18题。案例:且以作品论英雄①自孔孟以来,我们的阅读方式、欣赏模式大致便是“知人论世”。我们大多认定“文如其人”,这是有道理的,但并不全面。如是我言,逢文先勿论人品,且以作品论英雄。②我们很容易理解“言为心声”,即作品反映其人品。所谓“郁结乎心而发乎声”,作品本身定然有着作者个人人品的渗透。引美学家蒋勋之言:“杜甫的‘朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨’,之所以成为千古绝句,我认为不是诗歌上的技巧,而是诗人心灵上动人的东西。同样是一堆白骨,很多人走过去了,却没有看见。”试想,若是杜甫没有忧国忧民之心,又何来发自肺腹之言?伟大的心灵,投映在文学上,依然是伟大的作品,是高尚的品性。③然而这并不是说高尚的作品背后一定是脱俗之人。我们从小读莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人》,读犹太人斤斤计较,读安东尼奥人品上的美与善良——但事实上呢?莎士比亚成名后的岁月一直为钱财奔波。他敛钱如命,甚至发放高利代敛资,更因一家人无法如期还清财物而气急败坏、对簿公堂。这时候我们再看元好问的“文章宁复见为人”,便显得格外讽刺而引人深思了:高雅的作品并不能看出写就它的笔杆人品如何。如此,你又怎能像孔夫子一样操琴无数、推演其人为文王;又怎能像孟夫子一样“知其人、论其世”呢?④既然作品的格调趣味与作者人品未必挂钩,那又何必纠结其人品如何?人类的文明本身就是宽容的,它看重作品本身。所谓“文以载道”,作品之“道”,为其根本。我们不妨说,如果一部作品传递了人品的真善美,读之令人动容、发人深省,那它就已经达到了“作品”所应达到的目的,至于作者本人如何——你无法从作品中推知——并不在对作品的考虑范围之内。作者或许依靠作品而不朽,但文学史最终告诉我们,它保存的,不是“不朽的作品”,而是“不朽的文人”。⑤所以我认为,面对作品时,要且以作品论英雄。我们固然尊敬杜工部的情怀并愿意将其内化为修养,但我们也能从《威尼斯商人》中汲取正义忠诚的不竭力量。作者终将逝去,其人品也会销蚀不见;但一旦其作品高雅,便足以光照千古、惠泽古今。作为重,道为重,人品须臾如苍狗,应以作品论英雄!问题:请指出习作的两个优点,并结合文章进行分析。

  • The teacher would use   to help students communicate in teaching speaking.

    A、substitution drills

    B、group discussion

    C、listening and acting

    D、reading aloud

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