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Passage 2Last year I lived in Chile for half a year as an exchange student with the American Field Service. Compared to most visitors,I didn't travel much. I lived with a Chilean family and had the responsibilities of any Chilean teenager.I went to school every day, in uniform. I had good days andbad days and days that I didn't understand.Chuquicamata, my host community, is a mining camp in the Atacama Desert. There is no disco, no shopping center, no museum or beach. Driveways must be watered daily to keep the dust down.When I arrived here,I was scared. It was so different from the urban middle-class America I was accustomed to. There were lost dogs on the streets, and a constant cloud of brick-colored dust came from the mine. There was no downtown, few smoothly paved streets, and litle to do for amusement. The people worked extremely hard. Rain was a rare phenomenon; earthquakes and windstorms were frequent.I had studied Spanish for two and a half years and was always one of the best students in my class. But in my first week in Chile I was barely able to communicate and desperate for one person to whom I could explain my shock.I couldn't speak the thoughts in my head-and there were so many.Most exchange students experience this like me. Culture shock presents itself in everything from increased aggression toward the people to lack of appetite or weight gain and depression.I was required to overcome all difficulties. Being an exchange student is not easy.As time passed, everything changed.I began to forget words in English and to dream in Spanish and love Chilean food.I got used to not depending on expensive things for fun. Fun in Chuquicamata was being with people. And I took math, physics, chemistry, biology, Spanish, art, and philosophy.But the sacrifices were nothing compared to the gain.I learned how to accept as well as to succeed in another culture.I now know the world is my community and have a much deeper understanding of both myself and others.During the first week in Chile the author________.

A、could hardly communicate with people

B、found one person to explain his shock

C、couldn't express his thoughts in English

D、couldn't overcome his great depression

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  • 桌面上有一倒立的玻璃圆锥,其顶点恰好与桌面接触,圆锥的轴(图中虚线)与桌面垂直,过轴线的截面为等边三角形,如图6所示。有一半经为r的圆柱形平行光束垂直入射到圆锥的底面上,光束的中心轴与圆锥的轴重合。已知玻璃的折射率为1.5,则光束在桌面上形成的光斑半径为( )。





  • A、卫星发射前,在文昌发射中心随地球自转的线速度较大




  • 苏轼云:“颜公变法出新意,细筋入骨如秋鹰。”下列书法作品中为“颜公”创作的是()。





  • 阅读以下教学实录(片段),按照要求答题。师:今天我们就来学习《陶庵梦忆》中最美的文章《湖心亭看雪》,美文共欣赏,大家用自己喜欢的方式读一下文章,开始。(生自由朗读)师:谁给大家来朗读一下?其他人要注意仔细听他朗诵时的字音。(生举手朗读)师:读得怎么样?生:第一段中读错一个字。师:还有要说的吗?生:我觉得还应该注意每段的情感。师:好,要求更高了!生:还有“独往湖心亭看雪”中间应该停顿,刚才他一句读下来了。师:是的,注意停顿,表意才能更清晰。那么,这个句子应该怎样停顿?生:在“独往”和“湖心亭”后面都应该停顿。师:请你给大家示范一下。(生示范读)师:刚才大家不仅按我的要求读准了字音,还读出了节奏和情感。下面看大屏幕,注意以下字音。哪位同学愿意来读一下?(生读“是日更定/余强饮三大白,崇祯/雾凇”)师:我注意到一个词,他读得有些犹豫,哪个词?一起说。生:“崇祯”。师:大家齐读两遍。对上述教学实录(片段)的分析,错误的一项是()。





  • Why do the schools in Virginia emphasize regular testing?

    A、More rigorous academic standards can be achieved.

    B、Students' performances can be accurately measured.

    C、Schools are ranked according to students' test scores.

    D、Teachers' academic performances can be properly assessed.

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