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共用题干Unpopular Subjects?
Is there a place in today's society for the study of useless subjects in our universities?
Just over 100 years ago Fitzgerald argued in a well-written letter_______(1)Nature
that"Universities must be allowed to study useless subjects一_______(2)they don't,
who will?" He went on to use the_______(3) of Maxwell's electrodynamics(电动力
学)as one case where a"useless subject"has been transformed to a useful subject.
Nowadays this argument is again very much_______(4)in many universities.
Indeed one suspects that it is one of those arguments that must be_______(5)anew
(重新)by each generation. But now there is an added twist(歪曲)一subjects must not
only be useful,they must also be_______(6)enough that students will flock(蜂拥)
to do them,and even flock to pay to do them.
As universities become commercial operations,the pressure to_______(7)
subjects or departments that are less popular will become stronger and stronger. Perhaps
this is most strongly_______(8)at the moment by physics.There has been much
_______(9)in the press of universities that are closing down physics departments
and incorporate them with mathematics or engineering departments.
Many scientists think otherwise.They see physics as a_______(10)science,
which must be kept alive if only to_______(11)a base for other sciences and
engineering.It is of their great personal concern that physics teaching and research is under
_________(12)in many universities.How can it be preserved in the rush towards
commercial competition? A major turnaround(转变)in student popularity may have to
________(13)until the industrial world discovers that it needs physicists and starts
paying them well.
Physics is now not only unpopular;it is also"hard".We can do more about the latter
by_______(14) teaching in our schools and universities. We can also_______
(15)cooperative arrangements to ensure that physicists keep their research and teaching
up to date. _________(15)A:fix B:modify C:review D:develop

相关标签: 电动力学  

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  • 自然界中微观客体一般指空间尺寸小于10-6厘米,质量小于10-18克的粒子,包括分子、原子、原子核、基本粒子等物质层次。微观粒子和场在极其微小的空间范围内的各种现象,一般称为微观现象。微观粒子和微观现象总称微观世界。微观世界的运动服从量子力学和量子电动力学所反映的规律。





  • 共用题干Unpopular Subjects?
    Is there a place in today's society for the study of useless subjects in our universities?
    Just over 100 years ago Fitzgerald argued in a well-written letter_______(1)Nature
    that"Universities must be allowed to study useless subjects一_______(2)they don't,
    who will?" He went on to use the_______(3) of Maxwell's electrodynamics(电动力
    学)as one case where a"useless subject"has been transformed to a useful subject.
    Nowadays this argument is again very much_______(4)in many universities.
    Indeed one suspects that it is one of those arguments that must be_______(5)anew
    (重新)by each generation. But now there is an added twist(歪曲)一subjects must not
    only be useful,they must also be_______(6)enough that students will flock(蜂拥)
    to do them,and even flock to pay to do them.
    As universities become commercial operations,the pressure to_______(7)
    subjects or departments that are less popular will become stronger and stronger. Perhaps
    this is most strongly_______(8)at the moment by physics.There has been much
    _______(9)in the press of universities that are closing down physics departments
    and incorporate them with mathematics or engineering departments.
    Many scientists think otherwise.They see physics as a_______(10)science,
    which must be kept alive if only to_______(11)a base for other sciences and
    engineering.It is of their great personal concern that physics teaching and research is under
    _________(12)in many universities.How can it be preserved in the rush towards
    commercial competition? A major turnaround(转变)in student popularity may have to
    ________(13)until the industrial world discovers that it needs physicists and starts
    paying them well.
    Physics is now not only unpopular;it is also"hard".We can do more about the latter
    by_______(14) teaching in our schools and universities. We can also_______
    (15)cooperative arrangements to ensure that physicists keep their research and teaching
    up to date. _________(15)A:fix B:modify C:review D:develop
  • 在大学课程结构体系中,根据我国高校当前的教育实践,下列课程中属于公共基础课的有()。





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