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教师在教育工作中要做到循序渐进,这是因为(  )。





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  • 罗森塔尔效应强调哪种因素对学生的发展具有重要影响(  )





  • 李老师利用业余时间给班上的学生补习数学,并收取一定的费用。李老师的行为()。





  • 案例二:  阅读下面的词,写一篇赏析性短文(可作全面赏析,也可有所侧重)。300字左右,题目自拟。定风波①苏轼  序:三月七日,沙湖道中遇雨。雨具先去,同行皆狼狈,余独不觉。已而遂晴,故作此词。  莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。竹杖芒鞋②轻胜马,谁怕?一蓑烟雨任平生。  料峭春风吹酒醒,微冷。山头斜照却相迎。回首向来萧瑟处③,归去,也无风雨也无晴。  【注】①写于元丰五年(1082)作者贬居黄州期间。词中所记叙的是一次途中遇雨的经历。②芒鞋:草鞋。③萧瑟处:指遇雨之处。萧瑟,形容风雨声。

  • The difference between /ʃ/and /ʒ/ lies in________.

    A、the place of articulation

    B、the manner of articulation

    C、sound duration


  • 请阅读 Passage l,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1 "THE SERVANT"(1963) is one of thosefilms that it is impossible to forget. The servant exploits his master'sweaknesses until he turns the tables: the story ends with the a cringing masterministering to a lordly servant. It is hard to watch it today without thinkingof another awkward  rela-tionship-the onebetween business folk and their smartphones.Smart devices are sometimes empowering.They put a world of information at our fingertips. But for most people theservant has become the master. Not long ago only doctors were on call all thetime. Now everybody is. Bosses think nothing of invading their employees '  free time. Work invades the home far morethan domestic chores invade the office.Hyperconnectivity exaggerates the declineof certainty and the general cult of flexibility. Smartphones make it easierfor managers to change their minds at the last moment. Employees find it ever harderto distinguish between "on-time" and "off-time"—and indeed between realwork and makework. None of this is good for businesspeople ' s marriages ormental health. It may be bad for business, too. When bosses change their mindsat the last minute, it is hard to plan for the future.How can we reap the benefits ofconnectivity without becoming its slaves? One solution is digital dieting.Banning browsing before breakfast can reintroduce a small amount ofcivilization. Banning texting at weekends or, say, on Thursdays, can reallyshow the iPhone who is boss.The problem with this approach is that itworks only if you live on a desert island or at the bottom of a lake. LesliePerlow of Harvard Business School argues that for most people the only way to breakthe 24/7 habit is to act collectively rather than individually. One of theworld's most hardworking organisations, the Boston Consulting Group, introducedrules about when people were expected to be offline, and encouraged them towork together to make this possible. Eventually it forced people to work moreproductively while reducing burnout.MsPerlow' s advice should be taken seriously. The problem of hyperconnectivitywill only get worse, as smartphones become smarter and young digital natives takeover the workforce. But ultimately it is up to companies to outsmart thesmartphones by insisting that everyone turn them off from time to time.Digital dieting refers to all of the following EXCEPT_____.

    A、banning browsing before breakfast

    B、banning browsing after dinner

    C、banning texting at weekends

    D、banning texting at weekdays

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