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相关标签: 警笛声  

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  • Some of the most popular attractions across America are the many free concerts offered to public throughout the year. These involve not only amateur performers, but professional artists as well. The public parks of many cities across the country usually have bandstands and large lawns. As a service to citizens, they rent out space to performers free of charge. Amateur groups, with nothing more than a desire to perform. offer their talents freely to public. Semi-professional artists are pleased to get the chance to perform. before the public to perfect their craft and nurture the hope of being discovered before beginning a professional career. Famous professionals also give free concerts to make contact with their admiring fans. Often such concerts are sponsored by a large corporate organization and offered to the public free of charge as a cultural service and support for the arts.
    The free concerts feature all kinds of music from rock and roll, jazz, country, western to the classics. In addition, free performances may include the plays of Shakespeare or experimental theatre of modern dramatists. In New York's Central Park there has long been a summer Shakespeare festival which draws huge crowds to the free performances.
    Of these concerts the ones held on a summer evening in the park are the most popular. They take on a festive air. Friends and groups gather together after work and spread out a blanket on the lawn facing the performers' stage. The early comers get the best locations and enjoy a picnic supper while it is still daylight. The free seating is on a first come basis. Therefore, by the time the concert begins, as many as five thousand or more people may be in attendance. The concerts usually begin at 8 p. m and are performed under the stars. The sound is made sufficiently loud so that no matter where one chooses to sit, he can hear very well. The only disturbance may be the sound of an overhead airplane on its final approach to an airport or the far-off siren(警笛声) of an ambulance on its way to the hospital. This matters little! What counts is to soak up the atmosphere created by the music and to be with friends in the fresh open air. The best part of it all is that it's free!
    Many American parks give free concerts on their lawns because they______.
    A.have the necessary facilities
    B.call attract more visitors
    C.want to serve the public
    D.are in a position to invite musicians

  • 一警车以的速度在静止的空气中追赶一辆速度的汽车,若警车警笛声的频率为800Hz,空气中声速u=330m/s,则客车上人听到的警笛声波的频率是()Hz。





  • 符号现象是指表意上没有相关性的甲乙两事物,当我们用甲事物代表乙事物时,甲事物就可以视为乙物事的符号。根据上述定义,下列不属于符号现象的是:
  • 汪某与金某共谋星期天上午进入某单位行窃,约定汪某进入室内寻找财物,金某在外放风,但在汪某刚进入该单位,尚未着手盗窃之时,金某因听到巡逻警车的警笛声,感到害怕而逃走,后汪某窃得该单位电脑硬件,案值共计两万五千元。有关本案金某行为的定性,下列说法正确的是( )。





  • 一位语文老师走进二年级一班的教室,准备给同学们上新教材《小山羊》这一课。他刚走上讲台,只听教室的窗外传来消防车的警笛声,同学们被这突如其来的警笛声吸引,呼啦离开各自的座位,趴在临街的窗户上,好奇地观看消防车,边看还不停地边议论。这位老师没有把小学生制止住,让他们回到各自座位上,认真学《小山羊》这一课。而是把“消防车”作为一种绝好的课程资源来加以利用,因势利导,让小同学们围绕着“消防车”上了一堂别开生面的语文听说读写训练课。请分析,该教师的做法是否符合新课程改革的精神?

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