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  • 根据以下材料,回答题If you don′t think a phone is the rightgift for a lover, the smart choice this year is a smart phone.For people who don′t read instructionsThe easiest-to-use phone is the iPhone. It′sthat has pushed it to the No.1 selling position, surpassing the Motorola Razr.The iPhone′s touch screen is easy to operate and it′s also easy to customize (用户化). The iPhone can run allsorts of applications such as those help you to lose weight, identify a song onthe radio, find a restaurant or do many other things.For the futuristThe T-Mobile G1 is very popular as it is thefirst phone to offer a Google browser, meaning that you′re getting the real webon your phone, but it′s the phone′s potential that qualifies it for the futurist.The exciting applications are interesting, but they don′t always work smoothly.Sometimes it is hard to use the applications it comes with. The system shouldimprove as it becomes more popular, so it holds great promise. With fewrestrictions on the design of applications for the phone,the G1 could be the first phone toincorporate (整合) some of the coolest.For the road warriorThe new BlackBerry Storm is something likethe equivalent (等同物) of a mullet--a business up front, party in the back. It stillincorporates the serious mail and organization features that have endeared (使受钟爱) these phones to business people. The 3.25-inch is bright anddetailed and it′s a decent size for watching videos on the go.For the Luddite (反对技术进步的人)For those who can′t handle buttons and newfeatures, there is the Samsung Jitterbug Dial. Some people are Luddites whojust want a few large buttons to make calls. That′s it, just calls. That makesit even easier to use an iPhone. What would be the best title forthe passage (no more than 6 words)________________________________________________________________________
  • We consider it important that everycitizen ______ good manners.
    A.has B.should beC.have D.is
  • 为帮助学生形成“整式的加减”中“同类项”的概念.某教师在给出同类项的定义之前设计了以下的问题序列:问题1:你能说出下列各式的结果吗①3个苹果+5个苹果;②6张书桌-2张书桌;③9亿-4亿。问题2:你能否解决“3个苹果+2张书桌=”这样的问题问题3:你能写出下列式子的结果吗问题4:你能写出下列式子的结果吗①4a+5a;②7ab-2ab;③3a2b-5a2b;④2a+3b;⑤4ab-7a2b;⑥9x2y3-4x3y2。问题5:你能用一两句简明的话,概括下列两组式子所反映的特征吗①4a与5a,7ab-2ab,3a2b与-5a2b;②2a与3b,4ab与-7a2b,9x2y3与-4x3y2。(1)该教师提出问题2和问题3的目的分别是什么(2)试分析该教师设计该问题序列的作用。
  • 在平面直角坐标系中,点(2,2)到直线x+2y-2=0的距离为__________。
  • 根据以下材料,回答题If you don′t think a phone is the rightgift for a lover, the smart choice this year is a smart phone.For people who don′t read instructionsThe easiest-to-use phone is the iPhone. It′sthat has pushed it to the No.1 selling position, surpassing the Motorola Razr.The iPhone′s touch screen is easy to operate and it′s also easy to customize (用户化). The iPhone can run allsorts of applications such as those help you to lose weight, identify a song onthe radio, find a restaurant or do many other things.For the futuristThe T-Mobile G1 is very popular as it is thefirst phone to offer a Google browser, meaning that you′re getting the real webon your phone, but it′s the phone′s potential that qualifies it for the futurist.The exciting applications are interesting, but they don′t always work smoothly.Sometimes it is hard to use the applications it comes with. The system shouldimprove as it becomes more popular, so it holds great promise. With fewrestrictions on the design of applications for the phone,the G1 could be the first phone toincorporate (整合) some of the coolest.For the road warriorThe new BlackBerry Storm is something likethe equivalent (等同物) of a mullet--a business up front, party in the back. It stillincorporates the serious mail and organization features that have endeared (使受钟爱) these phones to business people. The 3.25-inch is bright anddetailed and it′s a decent size for watching videos on the go.For the Luddite (反对技术进步的人)For those who can′t handle buttons and newfeatures, there is the Samsung Jitterbug Dial. Some people are Luddites whojust want a few large buttons to make calls. That′s it, just calls. That makesit even easier to use an iPhone. According to the passage, why is theBlackBerry Storm popular with business people (no more than 10 words)_______________________________________________________________________
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