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根据以下材料,回答题To learn an instrument such as the violinor accordion (手风琴) takes years. The job opportunities for musicians are scarce andcompetition is fierce. Then why are more people than ever before paying a lotof good cash to get their children the best music teaching they can afford The secret lies in the influence of music onthe whole person. It has been found that learning a musical instrument actuallyincreases a person′s IQ over time. Different instruments and different types ofmusic have varying effect, with classical music and the string family comingout on top, potentially increasing your IQ by up to 12 points!When is a good time to start learning music Experts have found that even the fetus (胎儿) can benefit from listening to classicalmusic. Surround yourself and your family with good music from the first. TheSuzuki Piano Method teaches children from the age of 3 years piano, with twolessons per week. From preschool, children can learn to read music and playfrom sheet music. Progress in learning your instrument is directly proportional(成比例的) to the amount of practicing.Is there such a thing as an unmusical child Shinichi Suzuki proposes that music is the native home language of all humanbeings and therefore nobody can be "unmusical". Of course there are exceptionaltalents, compared to which others may seem to be slower learners.Is there any benefit for adults in startingan instrument Apart from the purely relaxing aspect, yes. Learning aninstrument can earn even adults additional IQ points, and as an added benefitin improves your health by reducing your stress levels. Your social life maybenefit too, if you are prepared to come out of your box and join occasionssuch as Ceilidhs (musical get-togethers) or arrange house concerts. It has beenestablished that people who play instruments tend to be more emotionallybalanced and more patient with themselves, others and life in general.So go ahead, sign up for that amateur orchestra,dust off your old trombone (长号) or take your first real six-string down from the attic (阁楼); get out there and play! There are many benefits for the adult tolearn instruments, which of the following is NOT RIGHT 查看材料
A.Feeling relaxed.B.Earn additional IQ points.C.Improve your health.D.Show your talents.

相关标签: 手风琴  

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