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根据以下材料,回答题In our comparison-soaked culture, it′shard to avoid slipping into "Why can′t I" mode. When one of mycolleagues (51) ________ I think is not better than me published a new book, Icouldn′t help (52) ________ (complain) how (53) ________ (achieve) it seemed tome and what bad luck I had. Negative feelings like this made life dark for us.How to get rid of the harmful effects of comparison needs exploring. Here′swhat I learned:Don′t compare your insides to someone else′soutsides.The first time I heard this excellentadvice, I (54) ________ (suffer) from terrible envy. My professor′s warningshocked me that "You have no idea what it (55) ________ (take) for them toget there". Don′t just owe it to pure luck. Instead, you should fad outwhat′s really going on behind the scenes.She was absolutely right, yet it′s much (56)________ (easy) to envy what they′ve got than it is to ask the seriousquestion: What are they modeling for me What have they done to get (57)________they are today When we reflect (58) ________these questions, we shiftimmediately out of comparison mode and turn inwards.Transform comparison into celebration.Admiration and envy are responses pointingus toward what we value most. And once we become aware of what we value, we aremuch better positioned (59) ________ (create) a richly satisfying life. If younotice yourself admiring people who take creative risks, bring your full attentionto the part of you that wants to be braver.Use the success of others as a mirror.Next time you catch yourself admiring orenvying someone′s success, take a moment to consider: What qualities in theminspire me Where do I presently display these qualities Remember the light wesee in (60) ________ can help us see our own. 答案是___________

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  • 根据以下材料,回答题In our comparison-soaked culture, it′shard to avoid slipping into "Why can′t I" mode. When one of mycolleagues (51) ________ I think is not better than me published a new book, Icouldn′t help (52) ________ (complain) how (53) ________ (achieve) it seemed tome and what bad luck I had. Negative feelings like this made life dark for us.How to get rid of the harmful effects of comparison needs exploring. Here′swhat I learned:Don′t compare your insides to someone else′soutsides.The first time I heard this excellentadvice, I (54) ________ (suffer) from terrible envy. My professor′s warningshocked me that "You have no idea what it (55) ________ (take) for them toget there". Don′t just owe it to pure luck. Instead, you should fad outwhat′s really going on behind the scenes.She was absolutely right, yet it′s much (56)________ (easy) to envy what they′ve got than it is to ask the seriousquestion: What are they modeling for me What have they done to get (57)________they are today When we reflect (58) ________these questions, we shiftimmediately out of comparison mode and turn inwards.Transform comparison into celebration.Admiration and envy are responses pointingus toward what we value most. And once we become aware of what we value, we aremuch better positioned (59) ________ (create) a richly satisfying life. If younotice yourself admiring people who take creative risks, bring your full attentionto the part of you that wants to be braver.Use the success of others as a mirror.Next time you catch yourself admiring orenvying someone′s success, take a moment to consider: What qualities in theminspire me Where do I presently display these qualities Remember the light wesee in (60) ________ can help us see our own.
  • 根据以下材料,回答题In our comparison-soaked culture, it′shard to avoid slipping into "Why can′t I" mode. When one of mycolleagues (51) ________ I think is not better than me published a new book, Icouldn′t help (52) ________ (complain) how (53) ________ (achieve) it seemed tome and what bad luck I had. Negative feelings like this made life dark for us.How to get rid of the harmful effects of comparison needs exploring. Here′swhat I learned:Don′t compare your insides to someone else′soutsides.The first time I heard this excellentadvice, I (54) ________ (suffer) from terrible envy. My professor′s warningshocked me that "You have no idea what it (55) ________ (take) for them toget there". Don′t just owe it to pure luck. Instead, you should fad outwhat′s really going on behind the scenes.She was absolutely right, yet it′s much (56)________ (easy) to envy what they′ve got than it is to ask the seriousquestion: What are they modeling for me What have they done to get (57)________they are today When we reflect (58) ________these questions, we shiftimmediately out of comparison mode and turn inwards.Transform comparison into celebration.Admiration and envy are responses pointingus toward what we value most. And once we become aware of what we value, we aremuch better positioned (59) ________ (create) a richly satisfying life. If younotice yourself admiring people who take creative risks, bring your full attentionto the part of you that wants to be braver.Use the success of others as a mirror.Next time you catch yourself admiring orenvying someone′s success, take a moment to consider: What qualities in theminspire me Where do I presently display these qualities Remember the light wesee in (60) ________ can help us see our own.
  • 根据以下材料,回答题He works ten hours a day, makes more thanUS $ 98000 a year, doesn′t 16 to take holidays, dresses 17 he pleases. He′s 18 been happier and is looking foranother job. This 33-year-old white, university-educated person is the typical Internetworker, according to a study by the Industry Standard, a San Francisco-basednews magazine.There is also a reasonable chance that hisemployer will arrange his dry cleaning,19 him to 20 his dog to work, offer him fleemassages and give him stock options. And he still thinks people in other 21are doing 22.The typical worker, it appears, not onlyenjoys an income about 23 the national average but also enjoys himself.At present 2.5 million people 24 by Internet firms in the US, The 25 ofthe study give plenty of reasons 26 so many people think the grass isgreener in Silicon Valley.27 after tech-stoeks sharply 28 in April,29 many start-ups, there is still mood of enthusiasmand special advantage among those still employed. So what 30 52 percent of them "veryhappy" "Demandingwork" is given as the main reason and "salary" is 31 close 32 .Those questioned in the study also listedworking weekends and 33 holidays as signs of the pleasure of theworkplaces.Only 13 percent were paid for 34hours work while 14 percent put more than 12 hours work on an average day."It wasn′t all about 35." wrote Mary Ann Thompson in theintroduction to the study, "It was fun."
    A.places B.factories C.schools D.firms
  • 根据以下材料,回答题In our comparison-soaked culture, it′shard to avoid slipping into "Why can′t I" mode. When one of mycolleagues (51) ________ I think is not better than me published a new book, Icouldn′t help (52) ________ (complain) how (53) ________ (achieve) it seemed tome and what bad luck I had. Negative feelings like this made life dark for us.How to get rid of the harmful effects of comparison needs exploring. Here′swhat I learned:Don′t compare your insides to someone else′soutsides.The first time I heard this excellentadvice, I (54) ________ (suffer) from terrible envy. My professor′s warningshocked me that "You have no idea what it (55) ________ (take) for them toget there". Don′t just owe it to pure luck. Instead, you should fad outwhat′s really going on behind the scenes.She was absolutely right, yet it′s much (56)________ (easy) to envy what they′ve got than it is to ask the seriousquestion: What are they modeling for me What have they done to get (57)________they are today When we reflect (58) ________these questions, we shiftimmediately out of comparison mode and turn inwards.Transform comparison into celebration.Admiration and envy are responses pointingus toward what we value most. And once we become aware of what we value, we aremuch better positioned (59) ________ (create) a richly satisfying life. If younotice yourself admiring people who take creative risks, bring your full attentionto the part of you that wants to be braver.Use the success of others as a mirror.Next time you catch yourself admiring orenvying someone′s success, take a moment to consider: What qualities in theminspire me Where do I presently display these qualities Remember the light wesee in (60) ________ can help us see our own.
  • 根据以下材料,回答题In our comparison-soaked culture, it′shard to avoid slipping into "Why can′t I" mode. When one of mycolleagues (51) ________ I think is not better than me published a new book, Icouldn′t help (52) ________ (complain) how (53) ________ (achieve) it seemed tome and what bad luck I had. Negative feelings like this made life dark for us.How to get rid of the harmful effects of comparison needs exploring. Here′swhat I learned:Don′t compare your insides to someone else′soutsides.The first time I heard this excellentadvice, I (54) ________ (suffer) from terrible envy. My professor′s warningshocked me that "You have no idea what it (55) ________ (take) for them toget there". Don′t just owe it to pure luck. Instead, you should fad outwhat′s really going on behind the scenes.She was absolutely right, yet it′s much (56)________ (easy) to envy what they′ve got than it is to ask the seriousquestion: What are they modeling for me What have they done to get (57)________they are today When we reflect (58) ________these questions, we shiftimmediately out of comparison mode and turn inwards.Transform comparison into celebration.Admiration and envy are responses pointingus toward what we value most. And once we become aware of what we value, we aremuch better positioned (59) ________ (create) a richly satisfying life. If younotice yourself admiring people who take creative risks, bring your full attentionto the part of you that wants to be braver.Use the success of others as a mirror.Next time you catch yourself admiring orenvying someone′s success, take a moment to consider: What qualities in theminspire me Where do I presently display these qualities Remember the light wesee in (60) ________ can help us see our own.
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