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After teaching sounds, a teacher makes a test that aims to find out which sounds students are not able to pronounce. This test belongs to_________.
A.aptitude testB.proficiency testC.achievement testD.diagnostic test

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  • --Did you forget about Father's Day?--__________I've already booked a table at King's Restaurant.
    A.What for?B.I'm afraid so.C.How could I?D.So what?
  • When students learn "apple, orange", the teacher gives students another word "fruit".Which principle doe, s the teacher follow in his/her vocabulary teaching?
    A.Word-choice principle.B.Presentation principle.C.Culture principle.D.Systematic principle.
  • Decide on the correct stress pattern of the answer to the question: Where did you see him?
    A.We saw him playing by the river.B.We saw him playing by the river.C.We saw him playing by the river.D.We saw him playing by the river.
  • How many liaisons of sound are there in the sentence "1 called you half an hour ago"?
  • English course objectives at the stage of basic education include five aspects, that is, students' language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, cultural awareness and_________.
    A.learning levelB.practical activitiesC.learning strategiesD.habits of thinking
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