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根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。以下是某堂课老师的教学材料:?Betty: Hi Mum, can you hear me??Mum: Yes, I can. Where are you??Betty : I' m standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you.?Mum: Really??Betty: We're on a school trip and we've having lunch. And we're lying in the sun and we' re taking lots of photos.?Mum: That's great, Betty. What are the others doing?Betty: Well, Tony is eating an ice cream, and Lucy is buying some presents and postcards.And Tom is eating lunch and lying in the sun.Mum: Can you send me a post card?Betty: Yes. Lucy and I are writing postcards. We're enjoying the school trip a lot. Anyway,we're going home now. Bye!Mum: Bye bye, Betty!任务要求:根据材料内容回答以下三个问题。(1)这份材料属于哪种语篇类型?(7分)?(2)这份材料适合于哪种课堂教学?说明理由(至少写出两个要点)。(8分)(3)分析教师选用文本材料时需要考虑的基本要素(至少写出三个要点)。(15分)

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  • However important wealth is, it should not become our __________in life.
  • In English teaching, teachers should NOT pay attention to__________.
    A.providing independent learning and communicating opportunities for studentsB.correcting students' mistakes and errors in the process of learning immediatelyC.encouraging students to discuss, cooperate, experience, practice, and explore the way to master EnglishD.cultivating students' interest
  • Lucy is great to work with. I really couldn't find a __________ partner.
  • In order not to be cheated, Internet users should bear it in mind to surf a __________website.
  • In which of the following situations is the teacher playing the role of observer?
    A.Giving feedback and dealing with errors.B.Organizing students to do activities by giving instructions.C.Walking around to see how each student performs in group work.D.Offering help to those who need it both in ideas and language.
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