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Which is the most advantageous relationship mode between teachers and students for the development of students?
A.Managerial mode.B.Permissive mode.C.Arbitrary mode.D.Democratic mode.

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  • 根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。简述形成性评价的概念及目的,并列举其中的一种评价方式。
  • 根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。以下是某教师的课堂教学片段:(教师拿出若干不同颜色的礼物盒摆在桌上,然后将一个玩具汽车快速藏人其中一个盒子里,请学生猜玩具在哪个盒子里)T:Where is the car?S:Is it in the red box?T:Maybe.T:Now let’S see where the cat is…Look!It’s in the yellow box.(教师用PPT呈现课文人物John的照片)T:Look at this photo.He’s John.He’s an American boy.He lives in our city.He studies in our school.But today he’s not in the classroom.Where is John?Guess,please!S:Is he at home?T:Maybe.S:Is he in the supermarket?T:Perhaps.S:Is he in the park?T:We don’t know.Now,let’s listen to the conversation and find out the answer.(教师用PPT呈现问题Where is John?并播放课文录音)T:Where is John?S:He’s at home.T:It’s school time.Whv is he at home?S:He is ill.T:John is ill.I’ll go and see him.Would you like to come with me?S:Yes.T:Let’s go.(教师用PPT呈现John躺在卧室床上的画面)T:Yes!He is in the bedroom.What’S the matter with him?S:He is ill.(教师组织学生做游戏操练对话的重点和难点Where is…?及其回答)在以上材料中,教师在复习导人环节、课文教学环节、语言操练环节分别创设了不同情境,阅读后请分别对其所使用的创设方法及其在教学中的作用进行分析。
  • To achieve fluency, when should correction be conducted?
    A.After class.B.The moment error occurs.C.At the summary stage of the activity.D.During the course of the communication.
  • Which of the following has the proper word stress?
  • What is the teacher doing in terms on error correction?" Make a sentence with "have"!S: He have a car.T: He HA VE a car?S: He HAS a car." Very good. He HA S a car.
    A.Direct correctionB.Indirect correctionC.Self-correctionD.Peer correction
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