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执教《祝福》一课,教师让学生思考:“速读课文,想一想课文中有哪些动词形象地凸显出祥林嫂的坎坷经历和悲惨遭遇?试着找出并简要说说你的看法。”对该教学环节评价不恰当的是(  )。





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  • 制作演示文稿时,若插入的剪贴画遮住了原来的对象,为了显示原对象,()。





  • 阅读一高中教师作文课教学实录(节选),按要求答题。(画线语句的序号与选项的序号是对应的)  [A]师:大家都知道文章应该写得深刻,可是怎样才能写得深刻并不是一件容易的事。深刻首先取决于我们的思想水平,只有有了深刻的思想,才有可能把文章写得深刻。当然不能急于求成,这次课就教给大家“从小见大”“比较鉴别”和“探究因果”三种比较重要的思考方法。先来了解以下这几种方法。  [B]教师借助幻灯片展示开始讲授:(1)“以小见大”就是……,例如……(2)“比较鉴别”就是……,它分为……两类,例如……(3)“探究因果”就是……,面对事物应该……  [C]师:下面我们通过几组写作的单项练习来学习上面的方法,训练大家这种写作思维。希望大家积极参与,在讨论合作中进行思想碰撞从而激发自己的思想火花,让自己的思想走向深刻。  (之后教师布置了一道作文立意的题,学生积极讨论,课堂气氛高涨,确实达到了教师预期的教学效果。)  [D]生:我课件上的方法是会了,刚才立意的题别人想到的思路我还是想不到,想不深入。  对画线部分的分析,不准确的是(  )。





  • 简述青铜器发展阶段的特点。

  • Passage1The Nobels are the originals, of course. Alfred Nobel, the man who invented deadly explosives, decided to try and do something good with all the money he earned, and gave prizes to people who made progress in literature, science, economics and-perhaps most importantly-peace.Not all awards are as noble as the Nobel. Even though most countries have a system for recognizing, honoring and rewarding people who have done something good in their countries, there are now hundreds of awards and awards ceremonies for all kinds of things.The Oscars are probably the most famous,a time for the(mostly) American film industry to tell itself how good it is, an annual opportunity for big stars to give each other awards and make tearful speeches. As well as that there are also the Golden Globes, apparently for the same thing.But it's not only films-now there are also Grammies, Brits, the Mercury Prize and the MTV and Q awards for music. In Britain,a writer who wins the Booker Prize can expect to see their difficulty, literary novel hit the bestseller lists and compete with The Da Vinci Code for popularity.The Turner Prize is an award for a British contemporary artist-each year it causes controversy by apparently giving a lot of money to artists who do things like displaying their beds, putting animals in glass cases or-this year-building a garden shed.Awards don't only exist for the arts. There are now awards for Sports Personality of the Year, for European Footballer of the Year and World Footballer of the Year. This seems very strange sometimes awards can be good to give recognition to people who deserve it, or to help people who don't make much money carry on their work without worrying about finances, but professional soccer players these days certainly aren't short of cash.Many small towns and communities all over the world also have their own awards ceremonies, for local writers or artists, or just for people who have graduated from high school or got a university degree. Even the British Council has its own awards for "Innovation in English Language Teaching".Why have all these awards and ceremonies appeared recently? Shakespeare never won a prize, nor did Leonardo da Vinci or Adam Smith or Charles Dickens.It would be possible to say, however, that in the past, scientists and artists could win "patronage"from rich people-a king or a lord would give the artist or scientist money to have them paint their palaces or help them develop new ways of making money. With the change in social systems across the world, this no longer happens. Scientific research is now either funded by the government or by private companies. Perhaps awards ceremonies are just the most recent phase of this process.However, there is more to it than that. When a film wins an Oscar, many more people will go and see it, or buy the DVD. When a writer wins the Nobel Prize, many more people buy their books. When a group wins the MTV awards, the ceremony is seen by hundreds of thousands of people across the world. The result? The group sells a lot more records.Most awards ceremonies are now sponsored by big organizations or companies. This means that it is not only the person who wins the award who benefits but also the sponsors. The MTV awards, for example, are great for publicizing not only music, but also MTV itself.On the surface, it seems to be a "win-win"situation, with everyone being happy, but let me ask you a question-how far do you think that publicity and marketing are winning here, and how much genuine recognition of achievement is taking place?What is the author's tone when he mentions awards such as the Oscars, the Golden Globes and Grammies(Paragraph 3 and 4)?





  • 达尔文的“进化论”作为一项自然科学的巨大成就.也对人类社会的政治和思想观念产生了很大影响。下列分析正确的是()。





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