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  • 听力原文:W: Good morning. I'm here to see Mr. Addison.

    M: Mr. Addison went to Washington last Monday for a conference, and will be back on Thursday night. If you like, may come again on Friday morning.

    Q: When will Mr. Addison return?


    A.Try to help him from rooms in another hotel.

    B.Check to see if there are any vacancies in here hotel.

    C.Let him move to a room with two single beds.

    D.Show him the way Imperial Hotel.

  • 听力原文:M: What kind of father am I? My only son almost died, and I didn't even know he was ill.

    W: Don' t blame yourself. You were too busy to pay attention to him. If his mother was still alive, things would have been much better.

    Q: Why does the man blame himself?.


    A.At the airport.

    B.In a travel agency.

    C.In a hotel.

    D.At the reception desk.

  • 【C18】





  • 听力原文:W: Ok, this will be my treat.

    M: Oh, no, you don' t.

    W: All right then, we'll go Dutch.

    M: Next time. This time, it' s my treat.

    W: My, it's nice to have lunch with such a prosperous gentleman.

    M: Thank you.

    W: Gee, it's crowded.

    M: Look, one empty table by that big picture window over there. Let's go and get it.

    W: Ah, this Is a pretty spot. You can see the people passing by while you eat.

    M: And they can see you eat while they pass by and that' s a pretty picture too.

    W: You not only coin a neat phrase, but turn a girl's head too. ls this the only type of place for lunch?

    M: There are some lunch counters, but they serve only a few specialties.

    W: Why can't you eat lunch in a restaurant?

    M: Well, you can,but the service isn't as fast. Most people only have half an hour to one hour for lunch. The time is too short for them to eat in a restaurant or to run back and forth from home to school or office; because cities are too big.

    W: So they cat quickly at the lunch counters?

    M: Right. Lunch is normally a light meal anyway. Workers must either take lunch with them or get it near the place where they work.

    W: What about the children?

    M: Kids in school take sandwiches, fruit and cookies along with them or eat in school cafeterias.

    W: This is delicious. If all the food tastes as good as this, I won' t miss our own food too much. I like American food!

    M: I' m glad you enjoy it. Arc you done?

    W: Yeah, I'm full.

    M: Are you sure? You can get seconds.

    W: I' m positively full. I have no more room. Wow, this will last me for a week. Thank you very much.

    M: Don't mention it.


    A.The man.

    B.The woman.

    C.They pay for their own dinner respectively,

    D.Someone else,

  • Drug Use and Addiction

    Drug Use and Abuse

    Although drug abuse can have harmful results, people can use it for more than one of the reasons, and may also use several drugs for different reasons. Distinguishing the "how?" and "why?" of a person's drug use is rarely an easy task, but most people use a drug because they enjoy the effects. This may seem like a simplistic or insensitive statement, but it's a fact that's easily forgotten by the people around the drug user, who are concerned and trying to understand why they're using drugs.

    Worried parents often ask for warning sings of drug use, but the simple answer is that it's very hard to spot. Many users who have contact with mental health services manage to conceal their use from the professionals, so it's obviously difficult to identify.

    Parents usually know their children better than anyone else, and maintaining an open atmosphere in which communication is kept up is often the best way to find out what's going on. This is not always easy with teenagers, as they might view the methods parents use to find out if their children are using drugs as intrusive and controlling. And angry confrontations with teenagers might push them further into a cycle of annoyance and refusal to communicate.

    The use of chemicals to alter the way we feel and see things in one of the oldest activities of the human race. But a person's use of a drug such as tobacco, alcohol, cannabis or heroin can become uncontrolled, or start to control them. Even when the use of these drugs leads to serious physical and mental problems, the person may still not want to stop using them. But, if they do decide to give up, they may find it% harder than they thought.

    What Are the Symptoms?

    There are a lot of confusing different words used to describe drug use and addiction problems. Not every expert will agree with the definitions here, but being consistent with the terms used helps to reduce the confusion and anxiety everyone feels when faced with this problem.

    Each drug has different patterns of:





    For each different drug, the "substance abuse" can cover different levels of use, including:

    •experimenting with use;

    •using large amounts without appearing poisoned;

    •using large amounts to get poisoned.

    Psychological Addiction

    The media's picture of a person giving up drugs usually focuses on the immediate effects of withdrawing from heroin. It's important to remember that there's often more to an addiction than the physical withdrawal symptoms. In fact, for some drugs such as cannabis or heroin, there's a debate about whether there are actually any physical symptoms of withdrawal.

    People who use heroin regularly over a long period may find that there are certain situations where they come to rely on the drug. If they stop using the drug, they may feel very disabled. This is a situation that can develop for almost any substance that effects the mind, and this aspect of addiction can be harder to overcome than the physical symptoms.

    Mental symptoms can include:



    •sleep and rest;

    •controlling mood;

    •relearning different coping skills.

    The pattern of these symptoms will depend on the drug used, the psychological make-up of the person and the circumstances under which they are attempting to remain drug-free.

    The term craving is often used when talking about psychological addiction.

    If a person is experiencing any of the symptoms listed above and they know that by using the drug all these problem will go away, it's not s




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