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Failure in a required subject may result in the ________ of a diploma.

A) refusal

B) betrayal

C) denial

D) burial

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  • No one should be forced to wear a uniform. under any circumstance. Uniforms are demanding to the human spirit and totally unnecessary in a democratic society. Uniforms tell the world that the person who wears one has no value as an individual but only lives to function as a part of a whole. The individual in a uniform. loses all self-worth

    There are those who my that wearing a uniform. gives a person a sense of identification with a larger, more important concept. But what could be more important than the individual himself? If an organization must rely on the dress style. and its buttons to inspire its members, it tends to show its weakness in market competition and is going to the dogs.

    Some argue that the practice of making persons wear uniforms, say in a school, so as to eliminate all envy and competition in the matter of dress. A poor student who cannot afford good-quality clothing is not to be belittled by a well-dressed student. But these arguments conveniently ignore such critical concepts as freedom of choice, motivation, and individuality. But why should one strive to be better if all others were to wear the same style. of clothing? It acted as if everyone in, society were demanded to buy the same model car, or have the same type of daily food. When this happened, all incentive to improve one's life is removed. Why would parents bother to work much hard, wishing that their children could enjoy a better life than they do when they are certain that their children are going to be forced to have exactly the same life as they do now?

    Uniforms also hurt the economy. Right now, billions of dollars are spent on the fashion industry yearly. Thousands of persons are employed in designing, creating and marketing different types of clothing. If everyone were forced to wear uniforms, artistic personnel would be unnecessary. Sales persons would be superfluous as well; why bother to sell the only items that are available? The wearing of uniforms would destroy the fashion industry, which in turn would have a ripple effect on such industries as advertising and promotion. Without advertising, newspapers, magazines, and television would not be able to remain in business. One entire information and entertainment industry would collapse.

    The author's primary purpose in writing this passage was to______.

    A.plead for the abolishment of uniforms

    B.show that uniforms are not possible in a democratic society

    C.advocate stronger governmental control on the wearing of uniforms

    D.convince the reader that uniforms have more disadvantages than advantages

  • Section A

    Directions:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select out one word for each blank from a lot of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

    Small communities, with their distinctive character—where life is stable and intensely human—are disappearing. Some have __26____ from the face of the earth, others are dying slowly, but all have ___27___ changes as they have come into contact with an ___28___ machine civilization. The merging of diverse peoples into a common mass has produced tension among members of the minorities and the majority alike.

    The Old Order Amish, who arrived on American shores in colonial times, have ___29___ in the modern world in distinctive, small communities. They have resisted the homogenization ___30___ more successfully than others. In planting and harvest times one can see their bearded men working the fields with horses and their women hanging out the laundry in neat rows to dry. Many American people have seen Amish families with the men wearing broad-brimmed black hats and the women in long dresses. In railway or bus ___31___.Although the Amish have lived with ___32___ America for over two and a half centuries. They have moderated its influence on their personal lives, their families, communities, and their values.

    The Amish are often ___33___ by other Americans to be relics of the past who live a simple, inflexible life dedicated to inconvenient out-dated customs. They are seen as abandoning both modem ___34___ and the American dream of success and progress, But most people have no quarrel with the Amish for doing things the old-fashioned way. Their conscientious objection was tolerated in wartime. For after all. They are good farmers who ___35___ the virtues of work and thrift.

    A)accessing I)progress

    B)conveniences J)respective

    C)destined K)survived

    D)expanding L)terminals

    E)industrialized M)undergone

    F)perceived N)universal

    G)practice O)vanished


  • 听力原文: The world' s population continues to grow. There now are about 4 billion of us on earth. The number could roach 6 billion by the end of the century and 11 billion in another 75 years. Experts have long been concerned about such a growth. Where will we find the food, water, jobs, houses, schools and health care for all these people? A major new study shows that the situation may be changing. A large and rapid drop in the World' s birth rate has taken place during the past 10 years. Families generally are smaller now than they were a few years ago. It is happening in both developing and industrial nations. Researchers said they found a number of reasons for this. More men and women are waiting longer to get married and are using, birth control devices and methods to prevent or delay pregnancy. More women are going to school or working at jobs away from home instead of having children. And more governments, especially in developing nations, now support family planning programs to reduce population growth. China is one of the nations that has made great progress in reducing its population growth.

    China has already cut its rate of population growth by about one half since 1970. Each Chinese family is now urged to have no more than one child. The hope is to reach a zero population growth with the total number of births equaling the total number of deaths, by the year 2000.


    A.An economic policy of a country.

    B.An economic policy of a family.

    C.TV programs designed for a family.

    D.A birth control policy of a country.

  • The peasants in India call for a reform. on land ownership because ______.

    A.they do not have enough fields to support their families

    B.their interests are severely infringed by the fast expansion of urban areas

    C.their rights to own a piece of land have been taken by the government

    D.they are losing land without getting any money from the government

  • At first, the______ of color pictures over a long distance seemed impossible, but, with painstaking efforts and at great expense, it became a reality.





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